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The DirectoryFetcher class is a utility class that retrieves a list of files from a specified directory based on certain criteria. It inherits from the ProactiveImageSourceAdapter class.


Namespace: Dynamsoft.Utility

Assembly: Dynamsoft.Utility.dll

Inheritance: ProactiveImageSourceAdapter -> DirectoryFetcher

public class DirectoryFetcher : ProactiveImageSourceAdapter


Method Description
DirectoryFetcher Default constructor and destructor of a DirectoryFetcher object.
SetDirectory Sets the directory path and filter for the file search.
SetPDFReadingParameter Sets the parameters for reading PDF files.
SetPages Sets the 0-based page indexes of a file (.tiff or .pdf) for barcode searching.
HasNextImageToFetch Determines whether there are more images left to fetch.
Dispose Releases all resources used by current object.


Default constructor and destructor of a DirectoryFetcher object.



Sets the directory path and filter for the file search.

int SetDirectory(string path, string filter = "*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.tif;*.png;*.tiff;*.gif;*.pdf", bool recursive = false)


[in] path The path of the directory to search.

[in] filter A string that specifies file extensions. For example: “*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF”, or “*.*”, etc.

[in] recursive Specifies whether to load files recursively.

Return Value

Returns an integer value that represents the success or failure of the operation.

Error Code Value Description
EC_READ_DIRECTORY_FAILED -10064 Failed to read the directory.


Sets the parameters for reading PDF files.

int SetPDFReadingParameter(PDFReadingParameter para)


[in] para The parameter object for reading PDF files.

Return Value

Returns an integer value that represents the success or failure of the operation.

Error Code Value Description
EC_PARAMETER_VALUE_INVALID -10038 There exists invalid parameter value in your JSON data.

See Also



Sets the 0-based page indexes of a file (.tiff or .pdf) for barcode searching. By default, there is no restriction on the number of pages that can be decoded in a single file.

int SetPages(int[] pages)


[in] pages An integer array containing the page information to be set.

Return Value

Returns an integer value that represents the success or failure of the operation.


Determines whether there are more images left to fetch.

override bool HasNextImageToFetch()

Return Value

Returns true if there are more images left to fetch, false otherwise.


Releases all resources used by current object.

override void Dispose()

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