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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Setting Methods - CaptureVisionRouter Class

Method Description
InitSettings Loads and initializes a template from a string.
InitSettingsFromFile Loads and initializes a template from a file.
OutputSettings Exports a specific CaptureVisionTemplate to a string.
OutputSettingsToFile Exports a specific CaptureVisionTemplate to a file.
GetSimplifiedSettings Retrieves a SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object for a specific CaptureVisionTemplate.
UpdateSettings Updates a CaptureVisionTemplate with SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object.
ResetSettings Resets all templates to factory settings.


Loads and initializes a template from a string.

int InitSettings(string content, out string errMsg)


[in] content The string containing the template.

[out] errMsg Stores any error messages generated during the process.

Return Value

Returns an error code. Zero indicates success.

Error Code Value Description
EC_JSON_PARSE_FAILED -10030 Failed to parse the JSON data.
EC_JSON_TYPE_INVALID -10031 One or more parameters are allocated with wrong data type.
EC_JSON_KEY_INVALID -10032 There exists invalid key in your JSON data.
EC_JSON_VALUE_INVALID -10033 There exists invalid parameter value in your JSON data.
EC_JSON_NAME_KEY_MISSING -10034 One or more name parameters are missing in your JSON data. Each section of the JSON data requires a unique name parameter.
EC_JSON_NAME_VALUE_DUPLICATED -10035 There exists duplicated name parameters in your JSON data. The name parameter should be unique.
EC_JSON_NAME_REFERENCE_INVALID -10037 You have referenced an invalid name value in your JSON data.
EC_PARAMETER_VALUE_INVALID -10038 There exists invalid parameter value in your JSON data.
EC_CALL_REJECTED_WHEN_CAPTURING -10062 Function call is rejected when capturing in progress.


Loads and initializes a template from a file.

int InitSettingsFromFile(string filePath, out string errMsg)


[in] filePath The path to the file containing the template.

[out] errMsg Stores any error messages generated during the process.

Return Value

Returns an error code. Zero indicates success.

Error Code Value Description
EC_FILE_NOT_FOUND -10005 The file is not found.
EC_JSON_PARSE_FAILED -10030 Failed to parse the JSON data.
EC_JSON_TYPE_INVALID -10031 One or more parameters are allocated with wrong data type.
EC_JSON_KEY_INVALID -10032 There exists invalid key in your JSON data.
EC_JSON_VALUE_INVALID -10033 There exists invalid parameter value in your JSON data.
EC_JSON_NAME_KEY_MISSING -10034 One or more name parameters are missing in your JSON data. Each section of the JSON data requires a unique name parameter.
EC_JSON_NAME_VALUE_DUPLICATED -10035 There exists duplicated name parameters in your JSON data. The name parameter should be unique.
EC_JSON_NAME_REFERENCE_INVALID -10037 You have referenced an invalid name value in your JSON data.
EC_PARAMETER_VALUE_INVALID -10038 There exists invalid parameter value in your JSON data.
EC_CALL_REJECTED_WHEN_CAPTURING -10062 Function call is rejected when capturing in progress.


Exports a specific template to a string.

string OutputSettings(string templateName, out int errorCode)


[in] templateName The name of the template to export.

[out] errorCode An error code generated during the process.

Return Value

Returns a string containing the exported template.

Error Code Value Description
EC_TEMPLATE_NAME_INVALID -10036 The target template name is invalid.
EC_CALL_REJECTED_WHEN_CAPTURING -10062 Function call is rejected when capturing in progress.


It is supported to export all loaded templates by specifying the templateName as ‘*’.


Exports a specific template to a file.

int OutputSettingsToFile(string templateName, string filePath)


[in] templateName The name of the template to export.

[in] filePath The path to the output file.

Return Value

Returns an error code. Zero indicates success.

Error Code Value Description
EC_FILE_SAVE_FAILED -10058 The file path is unavailable or the file can’t be created for any other reasons.
EC_CALL_REJECTED_WHEN_CAPTURING -10062 Function call is rejected when capturing in progress.


It is supported to export all loaded templates by specifying the templateName as ‘*’.


Retrieves a simplified version of the capture settings for a specific template.

int GetSimplifiedSettings(string templateName, out SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings settings)


[in] templateName The name of the template.

[out] settings A SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object.

Return Value

Returns an error code. Zero indicates success.

Error Code Value Description
EC_TEMPLATE_NAME_INVALID -10036 The target template name is invalid.
EC_CONVERT_COMPLEX_TEMPLATE_ERROR -10061 The template you specified is a complex template which can not be output as a SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object.
EC_CALL_REJECTED_WHEN_CAPTURING -10062 Function call is rejected when capturing in progress.

See Also



Updates a template with simplified capture settings.

int UpdateSettings(string templateName, SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings settings, out string errorMsg)


[in] templateName The name of the template to update.

[in] settings A SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object.

[out] errorMsg Stores any error messages generated during the process.

Return Value

Returns an error code. Zero indicates success.

Error Code Value Description
EC_TEMPLATE_NAME_INVALID -10036 The target template name is invalid.
EC_PARAMETER_VALUE_INVALID -10038 There exists invalid parameter value in your SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings.
EC_CALL_REJECTED_WHEN_CAPTURING -10062 Function call is rejected when capturing in progress.

See Also



Resets all templates to factory settings.

int ResetSettings()

Return Value

Returns an error code. Zero indicates success.

Error Code Value Description
EC_CALL_REJECTED_WHEN_CAPTURING -10062 Function call is rejected when capturing in progress.

Version 2.2.32

    • version 2.2.32
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.2.30
      • Version 2.2.20
      • Version 2.2.10
      • Version 2.2.0
      • Version 2.0.30
      • Version 2.0.20
      • Version 2.0.10
      • Version 2.0.0
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