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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.


The CaptureVisionRouter class is what a user uses to interact with image-processing and semantic-processing products in their applications. It accepts an image source and returns processing results which may contain Final results.


Namespace: Dynamsoft.CVR

Assembly: Dynamsoft.CaptureVisionRouter.dll

public class CaptureVisionRouter

Constructor and Destructor Methods

Method Description
CaptureVisionRouter Default constructor of CaptureVisionRouter object.
~CaptureVisionRouter Destructor of CaptureVisionRouter object.
Dispose Releases all resources used by current object.

Single-File Processing Methods

Method Description
Capture Processes an image or file to derive important information.

Multiple-File Processing Methods

Method Description
SetInput Sets an image source to provide images for consecutive process.
GetInput Gets the attached image source adapter object of the capture vision router.
AddCaptureStateListener Adds an object that listens to the state changes of the capture process.
RemoveCaptureStateListener Removes an object which listens to the state changes of the capture process.
AddImageSourceStateListener Adds an object that listens to state changes of the image source.
RemoveImageSourceStateListener Removes an object which listens to state changes of the image source.
AddResultReceiver Adds an object as the receiver of captured results.
RemoveResultReceiver Removes an object which was added as a receiver of captured results.
AddResultFilter Adds an object as the filter of captured results.
RemoveResultFilter Removes an object which was added as a filter of captured results.
StartCapturing Starts to process images consecutively.
StopCapturing Stops the consecutive process.
PauseCapturing Pauses the capture process. The current thread will be blocked until the capture process is resumed.
ResumeCapturing Resumes the capture process. The current thread will be unblocked after the capture process is resumed.

Setting Methods

Method Description
InitSettings Loads and initializes a template from a string.
InitSettingsFromFile Loads and initializes a template from a file.
OutputSettings Exports a specific CaptureVisionTemplate to a string.
OutputSettingsToFile Exports a specific CaptureVisionTemplate to a file.
GetSimplifiedSettings Retrieves a SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object for a specific CaptureVisionTemplate.
UpdateSettings Updates a CaptureVisionTemplate with SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object.
ResetSettings Resets all templates to factory settings.

Version 2.2.32

    • version 2.2.32
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.2.30
      • Version 2.2.20
      • Version 2.2.10
      • Version 2.2.0
      • Version 2.0.30
      • Version 2.0.20
      • Version 2.0.10
      • Version 2.0.0
    Change +