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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

ParsedResult Class

The ParsedResult class represents the results of a code parser process.


Namespace: Dynamsoft.DCP

Assembly: Dynamsoft.CodeParser.dll

public class ParsedResult


Method Description
GetOriginalImageHashId Gets the hash ID of the source image.
GetOriginalImageTag Gets the tag of the source image.
GetItems Gets all the parsed result items.
GetErrorCode Gets the error code of the parsed result, if an error occurred.
GetErrorString Gets the error message of the parsed result, if an error occurred.


Gets the hash ID of the source image.

string GetOriginalImageHashId()

Return Value

Returns a string containing the hash ID of the source image.


Gets the tag of the source image.

ImageTag GetOriginalImageTag()

Return Value

Returns an ImageTag object representing the tag of the source image.

See Also



Gets all the parsed result items.

ParsedResultItem GetItems()

Return Value

Returns a ParsedResultItem array.

See Also



Gets the error code of the parsed result, if an error occurred.

int GetErrorCode()

Return Value

Returns the error code of the parsed result, or 0 if no error occurred.

See Also



Gets the error message of the parsed result, if an error occurred.

string GetErrorString()

Return Value

Returns a string containing the error message of the parsed result, or an empty string if no error occurred.

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