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The Point class represents a point in 2D space. It contains an array of two integers, which represent the coordinates of the point.


Namespace: Dynamsoft.Core

Assembly: Dynamsoft.Core.dll

public class Point


Method Description
Point Constructor of a Point object.
This Gets or sets the coordinate value at the specified index.
Set Sets the coordinates of a point.
DistanceTo Calculates the distance between the current point and the specified target point.
TransformCoordinates Transforms the coordinates of a point using a given transformation matrix.


Initializes a new instance of the Point class with default coordinates (0, 0).


Initializes a new instance of the Point class by copying coordinates from another point.

Point(Point other)

Initializes a new instance of the Point class with the specified coordinates.

Point(int x, int y)


[in] other The point from which to copy coordinates.

[in] x The x-coordinate of the point.

[in] y The y-coordinate of the point.


Gets or sets the coordinate value at the specified index.

int this[int index]


[in] index The index of the coordinate value to get or set. Index 0 corresponds to the x-coordinate, and index 1 corresponds to the y-coordinate.

Return Value

Returns the value of the coordinate at the specified index.


Sets the coordinates of a point.

void Set(int x, int y)


[in] x The new x-coordinate of a point.

[in] y The new y-coordinate of a point.


Calculates the distance between the current point and the specified target point.

double DistanceTo(Point pt)


[in] pt The target point to which the distance is calculated.

Return Value

A value representing the distance between the current point and the specified target point.


Transforms the coordinates of a point using a given transformation matrix.

static Point TransformCoordinates(Point originalPoint, double transformationMatrix[9])


[in] originalPoint The original point to transform.

[in] transformationMatrix The transformation matrix to apply to the coordinates.

Return Value

Returns a new Point object with the transformed coordinates.

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