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The DSLocalizedTextLineElement class represents a localized text line element. It inherits from the DSRegionObjectElement class.


Assembly: DynamsoftLabelRecognizer.xcframework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface DSLocalizedTextLineElement: DSRegionObjectElement
  2. class LocalizedTextLineElement: RegionObjectElement

Inheritance: DSRegionObjectElement -> DSLocalizedTextLineElement


Property Type Description
characterQuads NSArray<DSQuadrilateral *> * The quadrilaterals of all characters in the text line.
rowNumber NSInteger The row number of the text line.


The quadrilaterals of all characters in the text line.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSArray<DSQuadrilateral *>* characterQuads;
  2. var characterQuads: [Quadrilateral]? { get }


The row number of the text line.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger rowNumber;
  2. var rowNumber: Int { get }

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