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The DSNormalizedImageElement class represents an intermediate result whose type is normalized image. It is inherited from DSRegionObjectElement and contains image data of normalized result as an additional parameter.


Assembly: DynamsoftDocumentNormalizer.xcframework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface DSNormalizedImageElement : DSRegionObjectElement
  2. class NormalizedImageElement : RegionObjectElement


Methods Description
getImageData Returns a DSImageData object as the image data of a normalized image.

The following methods are inherited from class DSRegionObjectElement.

Method Description
getLocation Returns the location info of the element.
setLocation Sets the location info of the element.
getReferencedElement Returns the referenced element that supports the capturing of this element.
getRegionObjectElementType Returns the type of the element.


Returns DSImageData object as the image data of a normalized image.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. - (nullable DSImageData *)getImageData;
  2. func getImageData() -> DSImageData?

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