Table of contents


The DSCandidateQuadEdgesUnit class represents an intermediate result unit whose type is candidate quad edges.


Assembly: DynamsoftDocumentNormalizer.xcframework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface DSCandidateQuadEdgesUnit: DSIntermediateResultUnit
  2. class CandidateQuadEdgesUnit: IntermediateResultUnit


Methods Description
getCandidateQuadEdges Get an array of edges. It includes all edges that candidate quadrilaterals assembling.
getCount Get the number of edges.
getCandidateQuadEdge Get an edge.
removeAllCandidateQuadEdges Remove all edges.
removeCandidateQuadEdge Remove an edge.
addCandidateQuadEdge Add an edge.
setCandidateQuadEdge Set an edge.

The following methods are inherited from class DSIntermediateResultUnit.

Method Description
getHashId Returns the hash ID of the unit.
getOriginalImageHashId Returns the hash ID of the original image.
getOriginalImageTag Returns the image tag of the original image.
getType Returns the type of the intermediate result unit.
getTransformMatrix Returns the transformation matrix via DSTransformMatrixType.
clone Creates a copy of the intermediate result unit.
replace Replaces the content of the intermediate result unit.


Get an array of edges. It includes all edges that candidate quadrilaterals assembling.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(nullable NSArray<DSEdge *> *)getCandidateQuadEdges;
  2. func getCandidateQuadEdges() -> [DSEdge]?

Return Value

Returns an array of edges.


Get the number of edges.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(NSInteger)getCount;
  2. func getCount() -> NSInteger

Return Value

Returns the number of edges.


Get the DSEdge object at the specified index.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(nullable DSEdge *)getCandidateQuadEdge:(NSInteger)index;
  2. func getCandidateQuadEdge(_ index: Int) -> DSEdge?


[in] index: The index of the edge.

Return Value

Returns the DSEdge object as the specified edge.


Remove all edges.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(void)removeAllCandidateQuadEdges;
  2. func removeAllCandidateQuadEdges()


Remove the DSEdge object at the specified index.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(NSInteger)removeCandidateQuadEdge:(NSInteger)index;
  2. func removeCandidateQuadEdge(_ index: Int) -> NSInteger


[in] index: The index of the edge.

Return Value

Returns the ErrorCode if failed. Otherwise, returns 0.


Add an edge.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(NSInteger)addCandidateQuadEdge:(DSEdge *)edge
  2. func addCandidateQuadEdge(_ edge: DSEdge, matrixToOriginalImage: CGAffineTransform) -> NSInteger


[in] edge: The edge to be added.

[in] matrixToOriginalImage: The matrix to the original image.

Return Value

Returns the ErrorCode if failed. Otherwise, returns 0.


Set the DSEdge object at the specified index.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. -(NSInteger)setCandidateQuadEdge:(NSInteger)index 
                            edge:(DSEdge *)edge
  2. func setCandidateQuadEdge(_ index: Int, edge: DSEdge, matrixToOriginalImage: CGAffineTransform) -> NSInteger


[in] index: The index of the edge.

[in] edge: The edge to be set.

[in] matrixToOriginalImage: The matrix to the original image.

Return Value

Returns the ErrorCode if failed. Otherwise, returns 0.