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The RawTextLine class represents a text line in an image. It can be in one of the following states:

  • TLS_LOCALIZED: Localized but recognition not performed.
  • TLS_RECOGNITION_FAILED: Recognition failed.
  • TLS_RECOGNIZED_SUCCESSFULLY: Successfully recognized.


Namespace: com.dynamsoft.dlr

Assembly: DynamsoftLabelRecognizer.aar

class RawTextLine


Methods Description
getText Returns the recognized text.
setText Sets the recognized text.
getConfidence Returns the confidence level of the recognized text.
getCharacterResults Returns all the characters contained by the textline.
getRowNumber Returns the row number of the text line within the image.
setRowNumber Sets the row number of the text line within the image.
getSpecificationName Get the name of the TextLineSpecification object that generated this TextLineResultItem.
setSpecificationName Sets the name of the TextLineSpecification object that generated this TextLineResultItem.
getLocation Returns the location of the text line.
setLocation Sets the location of the text line.


Returns the recognized text.

String getText();

Return value

Returns the text of the text line.


Returns the recognized text.

void setText(string text);


text: The text.

Return value

Returns the ErrorCode if failed. Otherwise, returns 0.


Returns the confidence level of the recognized text.

int getConfidence();

Return value

Returns the confidence level of the text line.


Returns all the characters contained by the textline in an array of CharacterResult.

CharacterResult[] getCharacterResults();

Return value

Returns all the characters contained by the textline in an array of CharacterResult.


Returns the row number of the text line within the image.

int getRowNumber();

Return value

Returns the row number of the text line within the image.


Sets the row number of the text line within the image.

int setRowNumber(int rowNumber);


rowNumber: The row number of the text line within the image.

Return value

Returns 0 if success, otherwise an error code.


Returns the name of the TextLineSpecification object that generated this TextLineResultItem.

String getSpecificationName();

Return value

The name of the TextLineSpecification object that generated this TextLineResultItem.


Sets the name of the TextLineSpecification object that generated this TextLineResultItem.

int setSpecificationName(String specificationName);


specificationName: The name of the TextLineSpecification object that generated this TextLineResultItem.

Return value

Returns 0 if success, otherwise an error code.


Returns a Quadrilateral object which represents the location of the text line.

Quadrilateral getLocation();

Return value

A Quadrilateral object which represents the location of the text line.


Set the location of the text line.

int setLocation(Quadrilateral location);


location: The location of the text line.

Return value

Returns 0 if success, otherwise an error code.


Returns the status of the text line.

RawTextLineStatus getStatus();

Return value

The status of the text line.

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