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Release Notes - DynamsoftCaptureVisionBundle

2.6.1003 (01/23/2025)


  • Fixed a security issue by rebuilding the affected libraries with enhanced protection mechanisms.

2.6.1002 (01/14/2025)


  • Fixed a bug where the coordinate of DrawingItems might be offset on the ImageEditorView.

2.6.1001 (12/16/2024)


  • Fixed a bug where the app might be blocked by the method initLicense.

2.6.1000 (12/03/2024)


  • Enhanced document detection delivers more reliable results, particularly for single-document scenarios. Key improvements include:
    • Strengthened detection algorithms for greater accuracy and robustness.
    • Optimized parameter configurations for better adaptability across diverse scenarios.
    • Refined cross-verification rules to ensure more consistent detection outcomes.



  • Added a new mode, CICM_EDGE_ENHANCEMENT, to the ColourConversionModes parameter, designed to enhance edge details when converting a color image to grayscale.
  • Introduced the concept of LogicLines to enhance the processing and analysis of document structures.
    • Added a new value, IRUT_LOGIC_LINES, to the IntermediateResultUnitType enumeration.
    • Added a new function onLogicLinesReceived to the class IntermediateResultReceiver which will be called when logic lines have been received.
    • Added a new class, LogicLinesUnit, to represent an intermediate result unit containing logic lines.
  • Added the getCrossVerificationStatus function to both the DetectedQuadResultItem and NormalizedImageResultItem classes, along with a new EnumCrossVerificationStatus enumeration, to retrieve the cross-verification status of the result.
  • Added the getParameterTemplateCount and getParameterTemplateName functions to the CaptureVisionRouter class to improve accessibility and usability of templates.
  • Added the getFieldRawValue method to the ParsedResultItem class to retrieve the raw value of the field.


  • Fixed a bug in TextZone caused by the absence of a custom copy constructor, which led to improper memory management with the default copy constructor.
  • Fixed a bug where the Default preset template was not used when the default value was passed for the templateName parameter.
  • Fixed a potential crash bug during template reading.
  • Fixed a bug in DPM mode where the isMirrored value in the BarcodeResultItem was not correctly assigned.
  • Fixed a bug where DotCode could not be decoded in certain scenarios.
  • Small fixes and tweaks.


  • Updated the parameter configurations for the DetectDocumentBoundaries_Default and DetectAndNormalizeDocument_Default preset templates to default to single-document mode.
  • Changed default value of ExpectedDocumentsCount paramter from 0 to 1 to better support single-document mode.
  • Changed default value of CornerAngleRange paramter from [70, 110] to [60, 120] to support a wider range of document capture angles.
  • Modified the return logic for DetectedQuadResultItem and NormalizedImageResultItem when ResultCrossVerification is enabled. Previously, only verified results were returned; now, results are returned regardless of verification status, and the results include a CrossVerificationStatus to indicate the verification state.
  • Removed the LineExtractMode parameter and replaced it with ShortlineDetectionMode and LineAssemblyMode for more flexible and precise configuration.

2.4.2000 (10/11/2024)


  • Improved the read rate and the speed of the following barcode formats:
    • EAN13
    • DotCode
  • Added support for decoding add-on codes (also known as Extension Codes) for UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8 and EAN-13 codes.
  • Added “Recognize Raw TextLines” stage for recognizing raw text lines.
  • Introduced a feature to track and accumulate recognized barcodes across multiple frames in real-time video, enabling seamless multi-barcode recognition.



  • Updated the error handling logic of capturing & startCapturing methods. The methods will be able to clearly report where the error occurred if the capturing fails due to a licensing issue.


  • Added internal logics for usage count.
  • Added a new callback method onRawTextLinesReceived to the class IntermediateResultReceiver.



  • Added new error codes
    • -10076: The license is initialized successfully but detected invalid content in your key.
    • -30063: [Barcode Reader] No license found.
    • -40103: [Label Recognizer] No license found.
    • -50058: [Document Normalizer] No license found.
    • -90012: [Code Parser] No license found.
  • Added a new enumeration member IRUT_RAW_TEXT_LINES to the enumeration IntermediateResultUnitType.


  • Fixed a bug where the CharacterModel is not correctly loaded under macOS operation system.
  • Small fixes and tweaks.



  • Updated the error message of initLicense method. The method will return more detailed messages when failed to initialize the license. Warnings will be available if license initialization is successful but a part of the license key is invalid.


  • Add a new charge way, TimeSliceCount.


  • Changed the maximum length of the deviceFriendlyName to 255.



  • Fixed a crash bug caused by the usage of RegEx.
  • Small fixes and tweaks.


  • Changed the template loading mode. The library will read all template files under the Templates folder where the DLL file is located.




  • Fixed a bug where CaptureVisionRouter.startCapturing would erroneously halt the fetching process when its status was running, leading to an unnecessary stop and restart of the fetching operation.
  • Fixed a bug where DirectoryFetcher would prematurely read an image before verifying if the buffer was full, resulting in potential loss of the image that did not make it into the buffer upon calling stopFetching.



  • Improved the read rate and the speed of the following barcode formats:
    • EAN13
    • DotCode


  • Added internal logics for usage count.
  • Added support for decoding add-on barcodes.
  • Added new properties to the QRCodeDetails class
    • getDataMaskPattern
    • getCodewords


  • Updated the Enumeration number of EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_ALL to 0xFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFF.
  • Updated the internal logic of licensing error message reporting.


  • Fixed a bug that might cause GS1_DATABAR_EXPANDED_STACKED barcode unread.



  • Added internal logics for usage count.
  • Added a new parameter CharSet to the CharacterModel object to include or exclude characters for recognition.
  • Added a new algorithm stage IRUT_RAW_TEXT_LINES. Corresponding APIs are added to obtain the intermediate result of this stage.
  • Changed the intermediate result altering methods of the class RecognizedTextLinesUnit.
    • Added method removeRecognizedTextLine
    • Added method addRecognizedTextLine
    • Added method setRecognizedTextLine(index,element,matrixToOriginalImage)
    • Deprecated method setRecognizedTextLine(element,matrixToOriginalImage)
  • Added a new method getRawText to the class RecognizedTextLineELement.
  • Added a new method getRawText to the class TextLineResultItem.


  • Fixed a bug where the CharacterModel is not correctly loaded under macOS operation system.
  • Fixed a crash bug caused by the usage of RegEx.



  • Added a new parameter MinDocumentAreaRatio to define the minimum targeting document area. The parameter is available via both the parameter template and the SimplifiedDocumentNormalizerSettings.
  • Added a new parameter ExpectedDocumentsCount to define the expected document count for detection. The parameter is available via both the parameter template and the SimplifiedDocumentNormalizerSettings.


  • Updated internal logics to to use the latest version of DynamsoftCore module.


  • Small fixes and tweaks.



  • Updated the internal logic of licensing error message reporting.



  • Fixed a bug where the South African Driver’s license might be parsed incorrectly.

2.2.3000 (08/21/2024)


  • Added confusable character distinguishing: this feature enhances the library’s ability to distinguish between common confusable character sets including {0, o, O}, {1, I, l}, and {5, s, S}, across popular fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, and Verdana, etc.
  • Supported confusable character set customization: leveraging the new caching mechanism in the CaptureVisionRouter (CVR) module, the library now enables users to customize confusable character sets to meet the needs of specific scenarios.
  • Introduced the capability for users to influence the image processing process by altering intermediate results. Users can now clone, edit, and substitute intermediate result units within the callback method of each type. Subsequent operations will then proceed based on the updated unit.
  • Introduced a feature for multi-condition filtering across products. Users can now specify filtering criteria for the task results of a TargetROIDef by implementing an OutputTaskSetting based on the task results of varying products from descendant TargetROIDef objects.
  • Enhanced the Offset parameter in TargetROIDef. Users now have the capability to meticulously customize components of the coordinate system, including the origin, X-axis, and Y-axis, for precise offset calculation.
  • Introduced a feature for grouping text lines. A text line group consists of spatially adjacent lines of text. Through the TextLineSpecification parameters, users can now do two things:
    • Put text lines in groups and also define the spatial relationship between different groups;
    • Specify whether to concatenate text line results within a group, how to do the concatenation and whether to output the concatenated result.




  • Fixed a bug where the DynamsoftNeuralNetwork module failed to load due to a path error.


  • Small fixes and tweaks.


  • Added new methods toJson & fromJson to SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings class.




  • Security update for DynamsoftCodeParser library.


  • Small fixes and tweaks.



  • Security update for DynamsoftCodeParserDedicator library.


  • Small fixes and tweaks.


  • Fixed a bug where users would not receive proper error messages when attempting to configure SimplifiedLabelRecognizerSettings with an incorrect CharacterModel.



  • Improved the speed of TextLineGroup detection by optimizing internal logic.
  • Security update for DynamsoftLabelRecognizer library and other corresponding libraries.
  • Supported the filter configuration of the characters that are not recognized by the Deep Neural Network via the Filter.txt file.
  • Improved the CharacterModel loading mechanism. If a model file is available under the assets folder, the CharacterModel will be loaded autometically. Otherwise, it will be downloaded from the server.


  • Added a new class BufferedCharacterItemSet to represent a collection of buffered character items and cluster information.
  • Added a new class BufferedCharacterItem to represent a basic item of the buffered characters with its image and features information.
  • Added a new class CharacterCluster to represent a character cluster generated from the collected buffered character items.
  • Added a new method getSpecificationName to the TextLineResultItem class to get the name of the TextLineSpecificationObject that generated this TextLineResultItem.
  • Added a new method getSpecificationName to the RecognizedTextLineElement class to get the name of the TextLineSpecificationObject that generated this RecognizedTextLineElement.
  • Added new methods to the LocalizedTextLinesUnit class to add, set or remove the localized text line elements.
  • Added new methods to the RecognizedTextLinesUnit class to add, set or remove the recognized text line elements.
  • Added a new method setText to the RecognizedTextLineElement class.
  • Added the following methods to the RecognizedTextLinesResult class.
    • retain
    • release
  • Added new constructors to the following classes.
  • Updated the template system
    • Added new LabelRecognizerTaskSettings parameters.
      • Added ConfusableCharactersPath to define the path of the resource files that store the confusable characters’ information.
      • Added ClusterSamplesCountThreshold to specify the lowest required sample count for clustering.
    • Added new TextLineSpecification parameters.
      • Added ConfusableCharactersCorrection to define which confusable characters you are going to distinguish. You can also specify the font type of the characters.
      • Added ExpectedGroupCount to define the count of TextLineGroups that might exist on the image.


  • Separated from the DynamsoftImageProcessing module.



  • Improved the usage count logic of the concurrent license mode.
  • Improved the experience of local cache usage when failing to connect the license server. The renewal of the local cache is optimized as well.



  • Small fixes and tweaks.

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