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Advanced Features

On this page, you will read about how to use advanced features of Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer and how they help you on obtaining higher quality video streaming. A valid license is required when using the advanced features.

Advanced Features Summary

All the advanced feaatures are defined in enumeration EnumEnhancerFeatures. Currently, they are available as follow:

Feature Enumeration Member Value
Frame Filter EF_FRAME_FILTER 0x01
Sensor Control EF_SENSOR_CONTROL 0x02
Enhanced Focus EF_ENHANCED_FOCUS 0x04
Auto Zoom EF_AUTO_ZOOM 0x10
Smart Torch EF_SMART_TORCH 0x20

How to Use

  • Enable: Trigger method enableEnhancedFeatures with the enumeration members of the features that you want to enable.
  • Disable: Trigger method disableEnhancedFeatures with the enumeration members of the features that you want to disable.

Sample code:

// To enable features
mCameraEnhancer.enableEnhancedFeatures(EnumEnhancedFeatures.EF_FRAME_FILTER | EnumEnhancerFeatures.EF_AUTO_ZOOM);
// To disable features
mCameraEnhancer.disableEnhancedFeatures(EnumEnhancedFeatures.EF_FRAME_FILTER | EnumEnhancerFeatures.EF_AUTO_ZOOM);
  • You can enable or disable multiple features at one time.
  • When an enabled feature is enabled again, it remains enabled.
  • When a feature is disabled more than once, it remains disabled.

Advanced Features Details

Frame Filter

All the frames in the video streaming are quickly evaluated and the majority of the blurry frames will be filtered out. You can enable this feature when your mobile device is always moving. The average time consumption on evaluating each video frame is less than 10ms.

Sensor Control

The mobile sensor can help on filtering out all the frames that are produced when the device is shaking. It will get better effects when enabled together with Frame Filter.

Enhanced Focus

This feature can assist the camera in its focus. It is recommended to be enabled on low-end devices.

Auto Zoom

Auto Zoom feature is specially designed for decoding barcodes from long distances. The camera will zoom in automatically to enlarge the region of interest when a barcode is detected far away. The Auto Zoom feature might not work ideally when processing the documents or the text areas. Please disable this feature if the targets are not barcodes.

Smart Torch

Smart Torch feature controls the visibility of the torch button created by setTorchButton method. The torch button will be displayed automatically when the environment light level is low. Otherwise, the torch button is hidden. The feature doesn’t control the status of the mobile torch. Users have to click on the torch button to turn on the torch.

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