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TextLineSpecification Parameters

Parameter Name Description
ApplicableTextLineNumbers Defines the line numers of the targeting lines which are specified by the TextLineSpecification object.
BaseTextLineSpecificationName Defines the name of another BaseTextLineSpecificationName object.
CharHeightRange Defines the range of the character height.
CharacterModelName Defines the name of the character model.
CharacterNormalizationModes Defines an array of character normalization mode to implement.
FirstPoint The top-left vertex coordinate of the the text line.
SecondPoint The top-right vertex coordinate of the the text line.
ThirdPoint The bottom-right vertex coordinate of the the text line.
FourthPoint The bottom-left vertex coordinate of the the text line.
Name Defines the name of a TextLineSpecification object, which serves as its unique identifier.
BinarizationModes Helps control the process of binarization, i.e., converting a grayscale image to a binary image.
GrayscaleEnhancementModes Provides some image processing methods to enhance the grayscale quality of the text line area.
StringLengthRange Sets the range of string length for each recognized line.
StringRegExPattern Specifies the regular expression pattern of the string within a line. It is used to correct the recognized line text.
ConcatStringLengthRange Sets the range of string length for the concated recognized text lines.
ConcatStringRegExPattern Specifies the regular expression pattern of the concated text lines. It is used to correct the recognized line text.
ConcatSeparator Defines the concat separator used to join multiple lines of text.
ConcatResults Defines whether to concatenate multiple lines of text.
OutputResults Defines whether to enable the output of the TextLineSpecification object.
SubGroups Defines the layout of subgroups of the TextLineSpecification object.
ReferenceGroupName Defines the reference group for space layout configuration.
TextLinesCount Defines the expected number of text lines for the TextLineSpecification object.
ConfusableCharactersCorrection Defines the confusing character set and an array of reference font names for error correction.
ExpectedGroupsCount Defines the expected number of TextLineGroups to be found.

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