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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Parameter Reference

Capture Vision Template

Parameter Name Description
ImageROIProcessingNameArray Defines the collection of image ROI processing object names, used to refer to the TargetROIDef objects.
ImageSourceName Indicates the input source name, used to refer to the ImageSource object.
MaxParallelTasks Defines the maximum number of parallel tasks for the DCV runtime.
MinImageCaptureInterval Specifies the minimum time interval (in milliseconds) allowed between consecutive image captures.
Name Defines the name of a CaptureVisionTemplate object, which serves as its unique identifier.
OutputOriginalImage Indicates whether DCV finally outputs the original input image.
SemanticProcessingNameArray Represents the collection of semantic-processing object names, used to refer to the SematicProcessing objects.
Timeout Defines the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that should be spent processing each image or frame.

Target ROI Def

Parameter Name Description
BaseTargetROIDefName Represents the name of another TargetROIDef object to inherit from.
Location Defines the location of the TargetROI with reference objects filter conditions and offset parameters.
Name Defines the name of a TargetROIDef object, which serves as its unique identifier.
PauseFlag Indicates that the region results generated by this TargetROIDef will not be used by other TargetROIDef objects that depend on it to calculate the target regions, unless the user explicitly performs an update operation.
TaskSettingNameArray Parameter TaskSettingNameArray represents the collection of task setting object names, used to refer to the BarcodeReaderTaskSetting, LabelRecognizerTaskSetting, DocumentNormalizerTaskSetting objects.

Semantic Processing

Parameter Name Description
Name Defines the name of a SemanticProcessing object, which serves as its unique identifier.
ReferenceObjectFilter Sets a ReferenceObjectFilter object to define the filter conditions.
TaskSettingNameArray Represents the collection of task setting object names, used to refer to the CodeParserTaskSetting objects.

Barcode Reader Task Setting

Parameter Name Description
BarcodeColourModes Defines the barcode colour modes.
BarcodeComplementModes Defines how to complement the missing parts of a barcode.
BarcodeFormatIds Defines the formats of the barcode to process.
BaseBarcodeReaderTaskSettingName Represents the name of another BarcodeReaderTaskSetting object to inherit from.
DeblurModes Defines the mode and priority for deblurring.
DeformationResistingModes Defines how to handle distorted and deformed barcodes.
DPMCodeReadingModes Defines how to read direct part mark (DPM) barcodes.
ExpectedBarcodesCount Defines the number of barcodes expected to be detected.
LocalizationModes Defines how to localize barcodes.
MaxThreadsInOneTask Defines the maximum threads that can be consumed in one task.
Name Defines the name of a BarcodeReaderTaskSetting object, which serves as its unique identifier.
ReturnBarcodeZoneClarity Defines whether to return the clarity of the barcode zone.
SectionImageParameterArray Defines ImageParameter in section unit.
StartSection Defines the start section of the BarcodeReaderTask.
TerminateSetting Defines the terminate stages of each section in the task. For each sections, you can define only one terminate stage.
TextResultOrderModes Defines the order of the returned text results.

Label Recognizer Task Setting

Parameter Name Description
BaseLabelRecognizerTaskSettingName Represents the name of another LabelRecognizerTaskSetting object to inherit from.
DictionaryCorrectionThresholds Sets the threshold of dictionary error correction.
DictionaryPath Sets the path of the dictionary file.
MaxThreadsInOneTask Defines the maximum threads that can be consumed in one task.
Name Defines the name of a LabelRecognizerTaskSetting object, which serves as its unique identifier.
SectionImageParameterArray Defines ImageParameter in section unit.
StartSection Defines the start section of the LabelRecognizerTask.
StringLengthRange Sets the range of string lengths for concatenated strings of recognized text lines.
StringRegExPattern Specifies the regular expression pattern for concatenated strings of recognized text lines.
TerminateSetting Defines the terminate stages of each section in the task. For each sections, you can define only one terminate stage.
TextLineSpecificationNameArray Defines the collection of text line specification object names
ConfusableCharactersPath Defines the path to the .data file of the confusable characters.
ClusterSamplesCountThreshold Defines the threshold for successful character clustering.

Document Normalizer Task Setting

Parameter Name Description
BaseDocumentNormalizerTaskSettingName Represents the name of another DocumentNormalizerTaskSetting object to inherit from.
Brightness Defines the brightness of the normalized image.
ColourMode Defines the output colour mode of the normalized image.
ContentType Defines which contents are the targeting objects.
Contrast Defines the contrast of the normalized image.
CornerAngleRange Defines the range of angles (in degrees) of the extracted corners.
DeskewMode Defines the method in which the deskew process way used to apply the deskew process on the target normalized image.
ExpectedDocumentsCount Defines the number of documents expected to be detected.
LineExtractionModes Defines the algorithm used to extract lines.
MaxThreadsInOneTask Defines the maximum threads that can be consumed in one task.
Name Defines the name of a DocumentNormalizerTaskSetting object, which serves as its unique identifier.
PageSize Defines the page size (width by height in pixels) of the normalized image.
QuadrilateralDetectionModes Defines the quadrilateral detection process on an image.
SectionImageParameterArray Defines ImageParameter in section unit.
StartSection Defines the start section of the DocumentNormalizerTask.
TerminateSetting Defines the terminate stages of each section in the task. For each sections, you can define only one terminate stage.

Image Parameter

Parameter Name Description
BaseImageParameterName Represents the name of another ImageParameter object to inherit from.
BinarizationModes Defines the process of binarization
ColourConversionModes Defines how to convert a colour image to a grayscale image.
GrayscaleEnhancementModes Defines the image processing methods to enhance the quality of the grayscale image.
GrayscaleTransformationModes Defines whether or not to invert the color of the grayscale image.
IfEraseTextZone Defines whether to erase the detected text zone.
Name Defines the name of a ImageParameter object, which serves as its unique identifier.
RegionPredetectionModes Defines how to find a region of interest (ROI) within the image or frame.
ScaleDownThreshold Defines the threshold for image shrinking.
ScaleUpModes Defines the scale-up process when targets in the image are too small.
TextDetectionMode Defines how to detect the text area.
TextureDetectionModes Defines how to detect texture on an image.

TextLine Specification

Parameter Name Description
ApplicableTextLineNumbers Defines the line numers of the targeting lines which are specified by the TextLineSpecification object.
BaseTextLineSpecificationName Defines the name of another BaseTextLineSpecificationName object.
CharHeightRange Defines the range of the character height.
CharacterModelName Defines the name of the character model.
CharacterNormalizationModes Defines an array of character normalization mode to implement.
FirstPoint The top-left vertex coordinate of the the text line.
SecondPoint The top-right vertex coordinate of the the text line.
ThirdPoint The bottom-right vertex coordinate of the the text line.
FourthPoint The bottom-left vertex coordinate of the the text line.
Name Defines the name of a TextLineSpecification object, which serves as its unique identifier.
BinarizationModes Helps control the process of binarization, i.e., converting a grayscale image to a binary image.
GrayscaleEnhancementModes Provides some image processing methods to enhance the grayscale quality of the text line area.
StringLengthRange Sets the range of string length for each recognized line.
StringRegExPattern Specifies the regular expression pattern of the string within a line. It is used to correct the recognized line text.
ConcatStringLengthRange Sets the range of string length for the concated recognized text lines.
ConcatStringRegExPattern Specifies the regular expression pattern of the concated text lines. It is used to correct the recognized line text.
ConcatSeparator Defines the concat separator used to join multiple lines of text.
ConcatResults Defines whether to concatenate multiple lines of text.
OutputResults Defines whether to enable the output of the TextLineSpecification object.
SubGroups Defines the layout of subgroups of the TextLineSpecification object.
ReferenceGroupName Defines the reference group for space layout configuration.
TextLinesCount Defines the expected number of text lines for the TextLineSpecification object.
ConfusableCharactersCorrection Defines the confusing character set and an array of reference font names for error correction.

Character Model

Parameter Name Description
DirectoryPath Defines the path of character models.
FilterFilePath Defines the full path of the filter file which specifies the characters to be recognized.
Name Defines the name of a CharacterModel object, which serves as its unique identifier.

Barcode Format Specification

Parameter Name Description
AllModuleDeviation Defines the width deviation value (in moduleSize) of a non-standard 1D barcode type relative to the standard barcode width.
AustralianPostEncodingTable Defines the encoding table used to code the Customer Information Field of Australian Post Customer Barcode.
BarcodeAngleRangeArray Defines the range of angles (in degrees) for barcodes searching and result filtering.
BarcodeBytesLengthRangeArray Defines the range of barcode bytes length for barcodes searching and result filtering.
BarcodeHeightRangeArray Defines the range of heights (in pixels) for barcodes searching and result filtering.
BarcodeTextLengthRangeArray Defines the range of barcode text length for barcodes searching and result filtering.
BarcodeTextRegExPattern Defines the regular expression pattern of barcode text characters for barcodes searching and result filtering.
BarcodeWidthRangeArray Defines the range of widths (in pixels) for barcodes searching and result filtering.
BarcodeZoneBarCountRangeArray Defines the range of bar count of the barcode zone for barcodes searching.
BarcodeZoneMinDistanceToImageBorders Defines the minimum distance (in pixels) between the barcode zone and image borders.
Code128Subset Defines the subset of Code 128.
EnableAddOnCode Defines whether to identify addon code.
EnableDataMatrixECC000-140 Defines whether to read Data Matrix ECC000-140 barcode.
EnableQRCodeModel1 Defines whether to read QR code model 1.
FindUnevenModuleBarcode Defines whether to find barcodes with uneven barcode modules.
HeadModuleRatio Defines the module count and module size ratio of the barcode head section.
MinQuietZoneWidth Defines the minimum width (in moduleSize) of the barcode quiet zone.
MinRatioOfBarcodeZoneWidthToHeight Defines the minimum ratio (width/height as a percentage) of the barcode zone.
MinResultConfidence Defines the minimum confidence of the result.
MirrorMode Defines whether to decode mirrored barcodes.
ModuleSizeRangeArray Defines the range of module size (in pixels) while barcode searching and result filtering.
MSICodeCheckDigitCalculation Defines the scheme used for calculating a check digit of an MSI barcode.
Name Defines the name of a BarcodeFormatSpecification object, which serves as its unique identifier.
PartitionModes Defines the mode to apply partition process when decoding QRCode and DataMatrix.
PatchCodeSearchingMargin Defines the patch code searching margins.
RequireStartStopChars Defines whether the start and stop characters are required when searching for common 1D barcodes.
ReturnPartialBarcodeValue Defines whether to return partial barcode value(s).
StandardFormat Defines the standard barcode format.
TailModuleRatio Defines the module count and module size ratio of the barcode tail section.
VerifyCheckDigit Defines whether to verify the check digit in barcodes where this check digit is optional.

Code Parser Task Setting Options

Parameter Name Description
CodeSpecifications Defines the names of CodeSpecification used for code parsing.
Name Defines the name of a CodeParserTaskSetting object, which serves as its unique identifier.
ResourcesPath Defines the directory path that contains the resources needed for code parsing.

Image Source Options

Parameter Name Description
DirectoryPath Defines the path of the image source.
FileFilter Defines a file name filter string, which determines which files are fetched.
Name Defines the name of a ImageSource object, which serves as its unique identifier.
Pages Sets the 0-based page indexes of a file (.tiff or .pdf) for barcode searching.
PDFReadingMode Defines how to handle PDF files.
Recursive Defines whether to fetch files recursively.
Type Defines the type of the ImageSource object, which helps CVR create the correct type of image source.

Global Parameter

Parameter Name Description
MaxTotalImageDimension Defines the maximum total dimension of the images that read in the memory.

OutputTaskSetting Parameters

Parameter Name Description
Name Defines the name of a OutputTaskSetting object, which serves as its unique identifier.
OutputCondidtion Defines how the OutputTaskSetting object outputs results that satisfy multiple filter conditions across products.

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