Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.
License Activation
Get a License
Trial License
To test Dynamsoft SDKs, request a 30-day trial license through the Request a Trial License link.
Note that the trial you get will support all the following products with the option “Capture Vision Suite”:
- Dynamsoft Barcode Reader
- Dynamsoft Document Normalizer
- Dynamsoft Label Recognizer
- Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer
- Dynamsoft Code Parser
Full License
For using Dynamsoft SDKs in production, Contact us to purchase a full license.
Activate the License
The following code snippets demonstrate how to activate a license.
- JavaScript
- C++
- Java-Android
- Objective-C
- Swift
Dynamsoft.License.LicenseManager.initLicense("--Enter Your License Key Here--");
int errorCode = 0; char szErrorMsg[256]; errorCode = CLicenseManager::InitLicense("--Enter Your License Key Here--", szErrorMsg, 256); if (errorCode != DM_OK) cout << szErrorMsg << endl;
LicenseManager.initLicense("--Enter Your License Key Here--", MainActivity.this, new LicenseVerificationListener() { @Override public void licenseVerificationCallback(boolean isSuccess, CoreException error) { if(!isSuccess){ error.printStackTrace(); } } });
[DynamsoftLicenseManager initLicense:@"--Enter Your License Key Here--" verificationDelegate: self]; - (void)licenseVerificationCallback:(BOOL)isSuccess error:(NSError *)error{ // Add your code to execute when license verification call back is handled. }
DynamsoftLicenseManager.initLicense("--Enter Your License Key Here--", verificationDelegate: self) func licenseVerificationCallback(_ isSuccess: Bool, error: Error?) { // Add your code to execute when license verification call back is handled. }