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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Go to DCV Architecture

The following diagram shows how sections connect to each other to form tasks:

In this article, we’ll discuss the section Document Detection which is the product-specific part of the 2nd section of a “Normalize-a-Document” task.

The 2nd section of a “Normalize-a-Document” task consists of Shared Detection and Document Detection.

Section 2.2 - Document Detection

The purpose of this section is to find the exact locations of “documents” on the image.

A document is an object that exhibit clear boundaries.

Constituting Stages

This section consists of multiple stages which forms a fixed and relatively complete set of workflow:

  1. Contour-locating: to find contours that may be part of the document boundaries.
  2. Line-locating: to find lines that may be part of the document boundaries.
  3. Long-line-merging: to merge line segments into long lines.
  4. Corner-locating: to find corners at intersections of long lines.
  5. Candidate-quad-edge-locating: to find candidate edges that may be part of the quads.
  6. Quad-locating: to find exact locations of documents.

Main Work Flow

The algorithm first finds the contour of the target item and extracts line segments from the contour. After a series of processing, the library calculates the corners, edges, and finally determines the position of the boundaries. Each boundary is output as a quadrilateral and the coordinates of its four vertices.


Output and Parameters

Each of these stages has its own output (known as an intermediate result) and usually a specific parameter that can regulate the operation:

Stage Intermediate Result Type Related Parameter
Contour-locating IRUT_CONTOURS N/A
Line-locating IRUT_LINE_SEGMENTS LineExtractionModes
Long-line-merging IRUT_LONG_LINES N/A
Corner-locating IRUT_CORNERS CornerAngleRange
Candidate-quad-edge-locating IRUT_CANDIDATE_QUAD_EDGES N/A

The following parameter may affect the whole process:

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In this article:

Version 2.4.10

    • version 2.4.10
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.2.30
      • Version 2.2.20
      • Version 2.2.10
      • Version 2.2.0
      • Version 2.0.30
      • Version 2.0.20
      • Version 2.0.10
      • Version 2.0.0
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