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DocumentNormalizerTaskSetting Parameters

Parameter Name Description
BaseDocumentNormalizerTaskSettingName Represents the name of another DocumentNormalizerTaskSetting object to inherit from.
Brightness Defines the brightness of the normalized image.
ColourMode Defines the output colour mode of the normalized image.
ContentType Defines which contents are the targeting objects.
Contrast Defines the contrast of the normalized image.
CornerAngleRange Defines the range of angles (in degrees) of the extracted corners.
DeskewMode Defines the method in which the deskew process way used to apply the deskew process on the target normalized image.
ExpectedDocumentsCount Defines the the number of documents expected to be detected.
LineExtractionModes Defines the algorithm used to extract lines.
MaxThreadsInOneTask Defines the maximum threads that can be consumed in one task.
Name Defines the name of a DocumentNormalizerTaskSetting object, which serves as its unique identifier.
PageSize Defines the page size (width by height in pixels) of the normalized image.
QuadrilateralDetectionModes Defines the quadrilateral detection process on an image.
SectionImageParameterArray Defines ImageParameter in section unit.
StartSection Defines the start section of the DocumentNormalizerTask.
TerminateSetting Defines the terminate stages of each section in the task. For each sections, you can define only one terminate stage.

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