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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

CaptureVisionTemplate Parameters

Parameter Name Description
ImageSourceName Indicates the input source name, used to refer to the ImageSource object.
ImageROIProcessingNameArray Defines the collection of image ROI processing object names, used to refer to the TargetROIDef objects.
MaxParallelTasks Defines the maximum number of parallel tasks for the DCV runtime.
MinImageCaptureInterval Specifies the minimum time interval (in milliseconds) allowed between consecutive image captures.
Name Defines the name of a CaptureVisionTemplate object, which serves as its unique identifier.
OutputOriginalImage 0, don’t output the original image. 1, output the original image.
SemanticProcessingNameArray Represents the collection of semantic-processing object names, used to refer to the SematicProcessing objects.
Timeout Defines the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that should be spent processing each image or frame.

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