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BarcodeReaderTaskSetting Parameters

Parameter Name Description
BarcodeColourModes Defines the barcode colour modes.
BarcodeComplementModes Defines how to complement the missing parts of a barcode.
BarcodeFormatIds Defines the formats of the barcode to process.
BaseBarcodeReaderTaskSettingName Represents the name of another BarcodeReaderTaskSetting object to inherit from.
DeblurModes Defines the mode and priority for deblurring.
DeformationResistingModes Defines how to handle distorted and deformed barcodes.
DPMCodeReadingModes Defines how to read direct part mark (DPM) barcodes.
ExpectedBarcodesCount Defines the number of barcodes expected to be detected.
LocalizationModes Defines how to localize barcodes.
MaxThreadsInOneTask Defines the maximum threads that can be consumed in one task.
Name Defines the name of a BarcodeReaderTaskSetting object, which serves as its unique identifier.
ReturnBarcodeZoneClarity Defines whether to return the clarity of the barcode zone.
SectionImageParameterArray Defines ImageParameter in section unit.
StartSection Defines the start section of the BarcodeReaderTask.
TerminateSetting Defines the terminate stages of each section in the task. For each sections, you can define only one terminate stage.
TextResultOrderModes Defines the order of the returned text results.

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