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BarcodeFormatSpecification Parameters

Parameter Name Description
AllModuleDeviation Defines the width deviation value (in moduleSize) of a non-standard 1D barcode type relative to the standard barcode width.
AustralianPostEncodingTable Defines the encoding table used to code the Customer Information Field of Australian Post Customer Barcode.
BarcodeAngleRangeArray Defines the range of angles (in degrees) for barcodes searching and result filtering.
BarcodeBytesLengthRangeArray Defines the range of barcode bytes length for barcodes searching and result filtering.
BarcodeHeightRangeArray Defines the range of heights (in pixels) for barcodes searching and result filtering.
BarcodeTextLengthRangeArray Defines the range of barcode text length for barcodes searching and result filtering.
BarcodeTextRegExPattern Defines the regular expression pattern of barcode text characters for barcodes searching and result filtering.
BarcodeWidthRangeArray Defines the range of widths (in pixels) for barcodes searching and result filtering.
BarcodeZoneBarCountRangeArray Defines the range of bar count of the barcode zone for barcodes searching.
BarcodeZoneMinDistanceToImageBorders Defines the minimum distance (in pixels) between the barcode zone and image borders.
Code128Subset Defines the subset of Code 128.
EnableAddOnCode Defines whether to identify addon code.
EnableDataMatrixECC000-140 Defines whether to read Data Matrix ECC000-140 barcode.
EnableQRCodeModel1 Defines whether to read QR code model 1.
FindUnevenModuleBarcode Defines whether to find barcodes with uneven barcode modules.
HeadModuleRatio Defines the module count and module size ratio of the barcode head section.
MinQuietZoneWidth Defines the minimum width (in moduleSize) of the barcode quiet zone.
MinRatioOfBarcodeZoneWidthToHeight Defines the minimum ratio (width/height as a percentage) of the barcode zone.
MinResultConfidence Defines the minimum confidence of the result.
MirrorMode Defines whether to decode mirrored barcodes.
ModuleSizeRangeArray Defines the range of module size (in pixels) while barcode searching and result filtering.
MSICodeCheckDigitCalculation Defines the scheme used for calculating a check digit of an MSI barcode.
Name Defines the name of a BarcodeFormatSpecification object, which serves as its unique identifier.
PartitionModes Defines the mode to apply partition process when decoding QRCode and DataMatrix.
PatchCodeSearchingMargin Defines the patch code searching margins.
RequireStartStopChars Defines whether the start and stop characters are required when searching for common 1D barcodes.
ReturnPartialBarcodeValue Defines whether to return partial barcode value(s).
StandardFormat Defines the standard barcode format.
TailModuleRatio Defines the module count and module size ratio of the barcode tail section.
VerifyCheckDigit Defines whether to verify the check digit in barcodes where this check digit is optional.

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