Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.
BarcodeFormatSpecification Parameters
Parameter Name | Description |
AllModuleDeviation |
Defines the width deviation value (in moduleSize) of a non-standard 1D barcode type relative to the standard barcode width. |
AustralianPostEncodingTable |
Defines the encoding table used to code the Customer Information Field of Australian Post Customer Barcode. |
BarcodeAngleRangeArray |
Defines the range of angles (in degrees) for barcodes searching and result filtering. |
BarcodeBytesLengthRangeArray |
Defines the range of barcode bytes length for barcodes searching and result filtering. |
BarcodeHeightRangeArray |
Defines the range of heights (in pixels) for barcodes searching and result filtering. |
BarcodeTextLengthRangeArray |
Defines the range of barcode text length for barcodes searching and result filtering. |
BarcodeTextRegExPattern |
Defines the regular expression pattern of barcode text characters for barcodes searching and result filtering. |
BarcodeWidthRangeArray |
Defines the range of widths (in pixels) for barcodes searching and result filtering. |
BarcodeZoneBarCountRangeArray |
Defines the range of bar count of the barcode zone for barcodes searching. |
BarcodeZoneMinDistanceToImageBorders |
Defines the minimum distance (in pixels) between the barcode zone and image borders. |
Code128Subset |
Defines the subset of Code 128. |
EnableAddOnCode |
Defines whether to identify addon code. |
EnableDataMatrixECC000-140 |
Defines whether to read Data Matrix ECC000-140 barcode. |
EnableQRCodeModel1 |
Defines whether to read QR code model 1. |
FindUnevenModuleBarcode |
Defines whether to find barcodes with uneven barcode modules. |
HeadModuleRatio |
Defines the module count and module size ratio of the barcode head section. |
MinQuietZoneWidth |
Defines the minimum width (in moduleSize) of the barcode quiet zone. |
MinRatioOfBarcodeZoneWidthToHeight |
Defines the minimum ratio (width/height as a percentage) of the barcode zone. |
MinResultConfidence |
Defines the minimum confidence of the result. |
MirrorMode |
Defines whether to decode mirrored barcodes. |
ModuleSizeRangeArray |
Defines the range of module size (in pixels) while barcode searching and result filtering. |
MSICodeCheckDigitCalculation |
Defines the scheme used for calculating a check digit of an MSI barcode. |
Name |
Defines the name of a BarcodeFormatSpecification object, which serves as its unique identifier. |
PartitionModes |
Defines the mode to apply partition process when decoding QRCode and DataMatrix. |
PatchCodeSearchingMargin |
Defines the patch code searching margins. |
RequireStartStopChars |
Defines whether the start and stop characters are required when searching for common 1D barcodes. |
ReturnPartialBarcodeValue |
Defines whether to return partial barcode value(s). |
StandardFormat |
Defines the standard barcode format. |
TailModuleRatio |
Defines the module count and module size ratio of the barcode tail section. |
VerifyCheckDigit |
Defines whether to verify the check digit in barcodes where this check digit is optional. |