Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.
Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer JavaScript API Reference
Class CameraEnhancer
Create and Destroy Instances
Name | Description |
static createInstance() |
Initializes a new instance of the CameraEnhancer class. |
dispose() | Releases all resources used by the CameraEnhancer instance. |
disposed | Returns whether the CameraEnhancer instance has been disposed of. |
static onWarning |
Event triggered when the running environment is not ideal. |
Basic Camera Control
Name | Description |
cameraOpenTimeout | Specifies the timeout in milliseconds for opening the camera. |
close | Closes the currently active camera and stops the video stream. |
getAllCameras | Retrieves a list of all available video input devices (cameras) on the current device. |
getAvailableResolutions | Retrieves a list of available resolutions supported by the currently selected camera. |
getCameraState | Retrieves the current state of the camera. |
getResolution | Gets the current resolution of the video stream. |
getSelectedCamera | Returns the currently selected camera device. |
getVideoSettings | Retrieves the current video settings applied to the camera stream. |
ifSaveLastUsedCamera | Determines whether the last used camera settings should be saved and reused the next time the CameraEnhancer is initialized. |
ifSkipCameraInspection | Determines whether to skip the initial camera inspection process. |
isOpen | Checks if the camera is currently open and streaming video. |
isPaused | Checks if the video stream is currently paused. |
open | Opens the currently selected camera and starts the video stream. |
pause | Pauses the video stream without closing the camera. |
resume | Resumes the video stream from a paused state. |
selectCamera | Selects a specific camera for use by the CameraEnhancer . |
setResolution | Sets the resolution of the video stream to a specified value. |
testCameraAccess | Tests whether the application has access to the camera. |
updateVideoSettings | Updates the video settings for the camera stream with new constraints. |
videoSrc | Sets or returns the source URL for the video stream to be used by the CameraEnhancer . |
Advanced Camera Control
Name | Description |
disableEnhancedFeatures | Disables one or more previously enabled enhanced features. |
enableEnhancedFeatures | Enables one or more enhanced features that require a license. |
getAutoZoomRange | Retrieves the current auto zoom range settings for the camera. |
getCameraSettings | Retrieves the current settings of the camera. |
getCapabilities | Gets the capabilities of the current camera. |
getColorTemperature | Retrieves the current color temperature setting of the camera’s video feed. |
getExposureCompensation | Retrieves the current exposure compensation setting of the camera’s video feed. |
getFocusSettings | Retrieves the current focus settings of the camera. |
getFrameRate | Retrieves the current frame rate of the camera’s video stream. |
getZoomSettings | Retrieves the current zoom settings of the camera. |
resetZoom | Resets the zoom level of the camera to its default value. |
setAutoZoomRange | Sets the auto zoom range for the camera. |
setColorTemperature | Sets the color temperature of the camera’s video feed. |
setExposureCompensation | Sets the exposure compensation of the camera’s video feed. |
setFocus | Sets the focus mode of the camera. |
setFrameRate | Sets the frame rate of the camera’s video stream. |
setZoom | Sets the zoom level of the camera. |
turnOffTorch | Turns off the camera’s torch (flashlight) mode. |
turnOnTorch | Turns on the camera’s torch (flashlight) mode, if supported. |
Frame Acquisition
Name | Description |
addImageToBuffer | Adds an image to the internal buffer. |
clearBuffer | Clears all images from the buffer, resetting the state for new image fetching. |
fetchImage | Fetches the current frame from the camera’s video feed. |
getBufferOverflowProtectionMode | Retrieves the current mode for handling buffer overflow. |
getColourChannelUsageType | Retrieves the current usage type for color channels in images. |
getImage | Retrieves a buffered image, of type DSImageData . |
getImageCount | Retrieves the current number of images in the buffer. |
getImageFetchInterval | Retrieves the current interval at which images are continuously fetched from the camera’s video feed. |
getMaxImageCount | Retrieves the maximum number of images that can be buffered. |
getPixelFormat | Retrieves the current pixel format used for images fetched from the camera. |
getScanRegion | Retrieves the current scan region set within the camera’s view. |
hasImage | Checks if an image with the specified ID is present in the buffer. |
hasNextImageToFetch | Determines whether there are more images available to fetch. |
isBufferEmpty | Determines whether the buffer is currently empty. |
setBufferOverflowProtectionMode | Sets the behavior for handling new incoming images when the buffer is full. |
setColourChannelUsageType | Sets the usage type for color channels in images. |
setErrorListener | Sets an error listener to receive notifications about errors that occur during image source operations. |
setImageFetchInterval | Sets the interval at which images are continuously fetched from the camera’s video feed. |
setMaxImageCount | Sets the maximum number of images that can be buffered at any time. |
setNextImageToReturn | Sets the processing priority of a specific image so that it is returned the next time getImage() is called. |
setPixelFormat | Sets the pixel format for the images fetched from the camera. |
setScanRegion | Sets the scan region within the camera’s view which limits the frame acquisition to a specific area of the video feed. |
singleFrameMode | Controls the single-frame mode of the CameraEnhancer . |
startFetching | Starts the process of fetching images. |
stopFetching | Stops the process of fetching images. |
takePhoto | Initiates a sequence to capture a single frame/image, halting the video stream temporarily. |
Name | Description |
convertToPageCoordinates | Converts coordinates from the video’s coordinate system to coordinates relative to the whole page. |
convertToClientCoordinates | Converts coordinates from the video’s coordinate system to coordinates relative to the viewport. |
setCameraView | Sets the CameraView instance to be used with the CameraEnhancer . |
getCameraView | Retrieves the current CameraView instance associated with the CameraEnhancer . |
getVideoEl | Retrieves the HTMLVideoElement used by the CameraEnhancer for displaying the camera feed. |
Name | Description |
on() | Registers an event listener for specific camera-related events. |
off() | Removes an event listener previously registered with the on method. |
View Classes
Class CameraView
Name | Description |
static createInstance |
Initializes a new instance of the CameraView class with optional UI customization. |
dispose | Releases all resources used by the CameraView instance. |
disposed | Returns whether the CameraView instance has been disposed of. |
static defaultUIElementURL |
Specifies the URL to a default UI definition file. |
getUIElement | Retrieves the current UI element associated with the CameraView instance. |
setUIElement | Sets a specific HTMLDivElement as the UI element for the CameraView instance. |
createDrawingLayer | Creates a new DrawingLayer object. |
getDrawingLayer | Retrieves a DrawingLayer object by its unique identifier (ID). |
getAllDrawingLayers | Returns an array of all DrawingLayer objects managed by this instance. |
clearUserDefinedDrawingLayers | Clears all user-defined DrawingLayer objects. |
deleteUserDefinedDrawingLayer | Deletes a user-defined DrawingLayer object by ID. |
clearAllInnerDrawingItems | Clears all system-defined DrawingItem objects while keeping user-defined ones. |
getVideoElement | Retrieves the HTMLVideoElement used for displaying video. |
setVideoFit | Sets the object-fit CSS property of the HTMLVideoElement . |
getVideoFit | Retrieves the current value of the object-fit CSS property. |
getVisibleRegionOfVideo | Returns the region of the video that is currently visible to the user. |
setScanRegionMaskStyle | Sets the style of the scan region mask, including line width, stroke color, and fill color. |
getScanRegionMaskStyle | Retrieves the current style of the scan region mask. |
setScanRegionMaskVisible | Sets the visibility of the scan region mask. |
isScanRegionMaskVisible | Checks if the scan region mask is currently visible. |
setScanLaserVisible | Sets the visibility of the scan laser effect. |
isScanLaserVisible | Checks if the scan laser effect is currently visible. |
getTipConfig | Retrieves the current configuration of the tip message box. |
setTipConfig | Applies configuration settings to the tip message box. |
setTipVisible | Controls the visibility of the tip message box on the screen. |
isTipVisible | Checks whether the tip message box is currently visible. |
updateTipMessage | Updates the message displayed in the tip message box. |
Class ImageEditorView
Name | Description |
static createInstance |
Initializes a new instance of the ImageEditorView class. |
dispose | Releases all resources used by the ImageEditorView instance. |
disposed | Returns whether the ImageEditorView instance has been disposed of. |
getUIElement | Returns the HTMLDivElement , where the ImageEditorView UI is loaded. |
setUIElement | Sets a specific HTMLDivElement , where the UI element for the ImageEditorView will be loaded. |
setOriginalImage | Sets the image to be drawn on the ImageEditorView . |
getOriginalImage | Returns the current image drawn on the ImageEditorView . |
createDrawingLayer | Creates a new DrawingLayer object and returns it. |
getDrawingLayer | Retrieves a DrawingLayer object by its unique identifier (ID). |
getAllDrawingLayers | Returns an array of all DrawingLayer objects managed by this DrawingLayerManager . |
clearUserDefinedDrawingLayers | Clears all user-defined DrawingLayer objects. |
deleteUserDefinedDrawingLayer | Deletes a user-defined DrawingLayer object specified by its unique identifier (ID). |
getSelectedDrawingItems | Asynchronously returns an array of all selected DrawingItem instances across different layers. |
Auxiliary Classes
Name | Description |
static getVersion() |
Returns the version of the CameraEnhancer Module. |
Name | Description |
coordinateBase | Returns or sets the coordinate system base. |
drawingLayerId | Returns the numeric ID for the DrawingLayer this DrawingItem belongs to. |
drawingStyleId | Returns or sets the numeric ID for the DrawingStyle that applies to this DrawingItem . |
mediaType | Returns an enumeration value which indicates the type of this DrawingItem (e.g., image, line, text). |
getState() | Returns the current state of the DrawingItem |
on() | Binds a listener for a specific event. eventName . |
off() | Unbinds a listener for a specific event. |
addNote() | Adds a Note object to this DrawingItem . |
getNote() | Returns a Note object specified by its name, if it exists. |
getNotes() | Returns a collection of all existing Note objects on this DrawingItem . |
hasNote() | Checks if a Note object with the specified name exists. |
updateNote() | Updates the content of a specified Note object. |
deleteNote() | Deletes a Note object specified by its name. |
clearNotes() | Deletes all Note objects on this DrawingItem . |
Child classes based on DrawingItem
Name | Description |
constructor ImageDrawingItem() |
Constructor for the class. |
maintainAspectRatio | Determines whether the image’s aspect ratio should be maintained when it is drawn. |
getImage() | Retrieves the current image being used for drawing. |
setImage() | Sets the image to be used for drawing. |
getImageRect() | Returns the rectangle area within which the image is drawn. |
setImageRect() | Sets the rectangle area within which the image should be drawn. |
Name | Description |
constructor LineDrawingItem() |
Constructor for the class. |
getLine() | Retrieves the current line being used for drawing. |
setLine() | Sets the line to be used for drawing. |
Name | Description |
constructor QuadDrawingItem() |
Constructor for the class. |
getQuad() | Retrieves the current quadrilateral being used for drawing. |
setQuad() | Sets the quadrilateral to be used for drawing. |
Name | Description |
constructor RectDrawingItem() |
Constructor for the class. |
getRect() | Retrieves the current rectangle being used for drawing. |
setRect() | Sets the rectangle to be used for drawing. |
Name | Description |
constructor TextDrawingItem() |
Constructor for the class. |
getText() | Retrieves the current text being used for drawing. |
setText() | Sets the text to be used for drawing. |
getTextRect() | Returns the rectangle area within which the text is drawn. |
setTextRect() | Sets the rectangle area within which the text should be drawn. |
Name | Description |
getId() | Retrieves the unique identifier of the layer. |
isVisible() | Retrieves the visibility status of the layer. |
setVisible() | Sets the visibility of the layer. |
setDefaultStyle() | Establishes the baseline styling preferences for DrawingItem objects on the layer. |
addDrawingItems() | Adds an array of DrawingItem objects to the layer. |
removeDrawingItems() | Removes specified DrawingItem objects from the layer. |
setDrawingItems() | Sets the layer’s DrawingItem objects, replacing any existing items. |
getDrawingItems() | Retrieves DrawingItem objects from the layer, optionally filtered by a custom function. |
hasDrawingItem() | Checks if a specific DrawingItem exists within the layer. |
clearDrawingItems() | Clears all DrawingItem objects from the layer. |
renderAll() | Forces a re-render of all DrawingItem objects on the layer. |
Name | Description |
static createDrawingStyle() |
Generates a new DrawingStyle object, providing its unique ID. |
static getDrawingStyle() |
Retrieves a specific DrawingStyle object using its ID. |
static getDrawingStyles() |
Fetches a collection of all available DrawingStyle objects. |
static updateDrawingStyle() |
Modifies an identified DrawingStyle object by its ID. |
Name | Description |
static beep() |
Initiates a beep sound upon invocation. |
static beepSoundSource |
Returns or sets the beep’s sound source. |
static vibrate() |
Activates device vibration upon invocation. |
static vibrateDuration |
Determines the vibration’s duration in milliseconds. |
- CameraTestResponse
- DCEFrame
- DrawingItemEvent
- DrawingStyle
- Note
- PlayCallbackInfo
- Resolution
- TipConfig
- VideoDevice
- VideoFrameTag