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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Class DrawingLayer

Name Description
getId() Retrieves the unique identifier of the layer.
isVisible() Retrieves the visibility status of the layer.
setVisible() Sets the visibility of the layer.
setDefaultStyle() Establishes the baseline styling preferences for DrawingItem objects on the layer.
addDrawingItems() Adds an array of DrawingItem objects to the layer.
removeDrawingItems() Removes specified DrawingItem objects from the layer.
setDrawingItems() Sets the layer’s DrawingItem objects, replacing any existing items.
getDrawingItems() Retrieves DrawingItem objects from the layer, optionally filtered by a custom function.
hasDrawingItem() Checks if a specific DrawingItem exists within the layer.
clearDrawingItems() Clears all DrawingItem objects from the layer.
onSelectionChanged() Event triggered whenever there is a change in which DrawingItem objects are selected or deselected.
renderAll() Forces a re-render of all DrawingItem objects on the layer.

Special Notice

If you are using Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader, Dynamsoft Label Recognizer or Dynamsoft Document Normalizer, note that there is a dedicated DrawingLayer for each of them:

SDK Name DrawingLayer ID
Dynamsoft Document Normalizer 1
Dynamsoft Barcode Reader 2
Dynamsoft Label Recognizer 3

You can manipulate these DrawingLayer objects directly, for example, the following code applies a different DrawingStyle to the DrawingLayer used by Dynamsoft Label Recognizer:

Alternatively, you can directly change the style already in use instead of replacing it with a new one. Learn more at updateDrawingStyle.

// Gets the `DrawingLayer` used by Dynamsoft Label Recognizer.
let cameraView = cameraEnhancer.getCameraView();
let dlrDrawingLayer = cameraView.getDrawingLayer(3);
// Creates a new style to be used.
let newStyleId = Dynamsoft.DCE.DrawingStyleManager.createDrawingStyle({
    fillStyle: "rgba(100, 75, 245, 0.3)",
    lineWidth: 5,
    paintMode: "strokeAndFill",
    strokeStyle: "rgba(73, 173, 245, 1)"
// Replaces the old style with the new one.


Retrieves the unique identifier of the layer.

getId(): number;



Return Value

The unique identifier of the layer.

Code Snippet

let cameraView = cameraEnhancer.getCameraView();
let drawingLayer = cameraView.createDrawingLayer();
let drawingLayerId = drawingLayer.getId();


Retrieves the visibility status of the layer.

isVisible(): boolean;



Return Value

Boolean indicating whether the layer is visible.

Code Snippet

let cameraView = cameraEnhancer.getCameraView();
let drawingLayer = cameraView.getDrawingLayer(1);
let isVisible = drawingLayer.isVisible();


Sets the visibility of the layer.

setVisible(visibility: boolean): void;


visibility: whether to show or hide the layer.

Return Value


Code Snippet

let cameraView = cameraEnhancer.getCameraView();
let drawingLayer = cameraView.getDrawingLayer(1);


Establishes the baseline styling preferences for DrawingItem objects on the layer. This method offers flexible styling options tailored to the diverse requirements of DrawingItem objects based on their state and type:

  • Universal Application: By default, without specifying state or mediaType, the designated style is universally applied to all DrawingItem objects on the layer, ensuring a cohesive look and feel.
  • State-Specific Styling: Specifying only the state parameter allows the method to target DrawingItem objects matching that particular state, enabling differentiated styling that reflects their current status or condition.
  • Refined Targeting with State and MediaType: Providing both state and mediaType parameters focuses the style application even further, affecting only those DrawingItem objects that align with the specified type while in the given state. This precision is particularly useful for creating visually distinct interactions or highlighting specific elements based on their content and interaction state.
setDefaultStyle(drawingStyleId: number, state?: EnumDrawingItemState, mediaType?: EnumDrawingItemMediaType): void;


drawingStyleId: the unique ID of the DrawingStyle to be applied.

state: [Optional] allows the styling to be conditional based on the DrawingItem’s current state.

mediaType: [Optional] further refines the application of the style based on the the DrawingItem’s type.

Return Value


Code Snippet

//Sets style 1 for all the DrawingItems on the `DrawingLayer`
//Sets style 1 for all selected DrawingItems on the `DrawingLayer`
drawingLayer.setDefaultStyle(1, Dynamsoft.DCE.EnumDrawingItemState.DIS_SELECTED);
//Sets style 1 for all selected RectDrawingItems on the `DrawingLayer`
drawingLayer.setDefaultStyle(1, Dynamsoft.DCE.EnumDrawingItemState.DIS_SELECTED, Dynamsoft.DCE.EnumDrawingItemMediaType.DIMT_RECTANGLE);

See also





Adds an array of DrawingItem objects to the layer.

addDrawingItems(drawingItems: Array<DrawingItem>): void;


drawingItems: an array of DrawingItem objects.

Return Value


Code Snippet

let drawingItems = new Array(
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.RectDrawingItem({
        x: 200,
        y: 200,
        width: 100,
        height: 100,
        isMeasuredInPercentage: true
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.TextDrawingItem("label 1", {
        x: 300,
        y: 300,
        width: 300,
        height: 20,
        isMeasuredInPercentage: true
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.LineDrawingItem({
            x: 400,
            y: 50
        endPoint: {
            x: 900,
            y: 500
let cameraView = cameraEnhancer.getCameraView();
let drawingLayer = cameraView.createDrawingLayer();

See also



Removes specified DrawingItem objects from the layer.

removeDrawingItems(drawingItems: Array<DrawingItem>): void;


drawingItems: an array of DrawingItem objects.

Return Value


Code Snippet

let drawingItems = new Array(
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.RectDrawingItem({
        x: 200,
        y: 200,
        width: 100,
        height: 100,
        isMeasuredInPercentage: true
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.TextDrawingItem("label 1", {
        x: 300,
        y: 300,
        width: 300,
        height: 20,
        isMeasuredInPercentage: true
let cameraView = cameraEnhancer.getCameraView();
let drawingLayer = cameraView.createDrawingLayer();
}, 2000);

See also



Sets the layer’s DrawingItem objects, replacing any existing items.

setDrawingItems(drawingItems: Array<DrawingItem>): void;


drawingItems: an array of DrawingItem objects.

Return Value


Code Snippet

let drawingItems = new Array(
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.RectDrawingItem({
        x: 200,
        y: 200,
        width: 100,
        height: 100,
        isMeasuredInPercentage: true
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.TextDrawingItem("label 1", {
        x: 300,
        y: 300,
        width: 300,
        height: 20,
        isMeasuredInPercentage: true
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.LineDrawingItem({
            x: 400,
            y: 50
        endPoint: {
            x: 900,
            y: 500
let cameraView = cameraEnhancer.getCameraView();
let drawingLayer = cameraView.createDrawingLayer();

See also



Retrieves DrawingItem objects from the layer, optionally filtered by a custom function.

getDrawingItems(filter?: (drawingItem: DrawingItem) => boolean): Array<DrawingItem>;


filter: [Optional] a predicate function used to select a subset of DrawingItem objects based on specific criteria. Only items for which this function returns true are included in the result.

Return Value

An array of DrawingItem objects.

Code Snippet

let drawingItems = new Array(
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.RectDrawingItem({
        x: 200,
        y: 200,
        width: 100,
        height: 100,
        isMeasuredInPercentage: true
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.TextDrawingItem("label 1", {
        x: 300,
        y: 300,
        width: 300,
        height: 20,
        isMeasuredInPercentage: true
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.LineDrawingItem({
            x: 400,
            y: 50
        endPoint: {
            x: 900,
            y: 500
let cameraView = cameraEnhancer.getCameraView();
let drawingLayer = cameraView.createDrawingLayer();
// Return only DrawingItem objects of type DIMT_RECTANGLE.
let rectDrawingItems = drawingLayer.getDrawingItems(drawingItem => drawingItem.mediaType === Dynamsoft.DCE.EnumDrawingItemMediaType.DIMT_RECTANGLE);

See also



Checks if a specific DrawingItem exists within the layer.

hasDrawingItem(drawingItem: DrawingItem): boolean;


drawingItem: specifies the DrawingItem.

Return Value

Boolean indicating whether the specific DrawingItem exists.

Code Snippet

let drawingItem = new Dynamsoft.DCE.RectDrawingItem({
    x: 200,
    y: 200,
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    isMeasuredInPercentage: true
let cameraView = cameraEnhancer.getCameraView();
let drawingLayer = cameraView.createDrawingLayer();
let hasDrawingItem = drawingLayer.hasDrawingItem(drawingItem); //false
drawingLayer.hasDrawingItem(drawingItem); //true

See also



Clears all DrawingItem objects from the layer.

clearDrawingItems(): void;



Return Value


Code Snippet

let drawingItems = new Array(
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.RectDrawingItem({
        x: 200,
        y: 200,
        width: 100,
        height: 100,
        isMeasuredInPercentage: true
    new Dynamsoft.DCE.TextDrawingItem("label 1", {
        x: 300,
        y: 300,
        width: 300,
        height: 20,
        isMeasuredInPercentage: true
let cameraView = cameraEnhancer.getCameraView();
let drawingLayer = cameraView.createDrawingLayer();
}, 2000);


Forces a re-render of all DrawingItem objects on the layer.

Invoke this method to ensure any modifications made to existing DrawingItem objects are visually reflected on the layer.

renderAll(): void;



Return Value


Code Snippet

let drawingItem = new Dynamsoft.DCE.RectDrawingItem({
    x: 200,
    y: 200,
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    isMeasuredInPercentage: true
let cameraView = cameraEnhancer.getCameraView();
let drawingLayer = cameraView.createDrawingLayer();
    drawingItem.drawingStyleId = 3;
        x: 200,
        y: 300,
        width: 100,
        height: 200,
        isMeasuredInPercentage: true
}, 2000);


Event triggered whenever there is a change in which DrawingItem objects are selected or deselected.

NOTE: This event is only functional when the DrawingLayer in which it is defined belongs to an ImageEditorView instance.

onSelectionChanged(selectedDrawingItems: Array<DrawingItem>, deselectedDrawingItems: Array<DrawingItem>): void;


selectedDrawingItems: specifies the selected DrawingItem objects.

deselectedDrawingItems: specifies the deselected DrawingItem objects.

Code Snippet

let imageEditorView = await Dynamsoft.DCE.ImageEditorView.createInstance();
let drawingLayer = imageEditorView.createDrawingLayer();
drawingLayer.onSelectionChanged = (selected, deselected) => {
    //Do something based on the selection change.

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