Resource Base
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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.


Name Description
getId() Returns the ID of the DrawingLayer.
addDrawingItems() Adds DrawingItem(s) to the DrawingLayer.
getDrawingItems() Returns all DrawingItem(s) of the DrawingLayer.
setDrawingItems() Replaces all DrawingItem(s) of the DrawingLayer with new ones.
hasDrawingItem() Checks out if a DrawingItem belongs to the layer.
removeDrawingItems() Removes DrawingItem(s) from the DrawingLayer.
clearDrawingItems() Removes all DrawingItem(s) from the DrawingLayer.
setDrawingStyle() Sets the style for the DrawingLayer or for a particular mediaType or for a particular mediaType in a particular state.
setVisible() Shows or hides the DrawingLayer.
isVisible() Returns whether the DrawingLayer is visible.
renderAll() Renders all DrawingItems, usually required when the style for one or more items is changed.
onSelectionChange() An event handler that is triggered when different DrawingItem(s) gets selected/deselected on the DrawingLayer.
setMode() Changes the mode of the layer.
getMode() Returns the current mode.

Special Notice

If you are using Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader, Dynamsoft Label Recognizer or Dynamsoft Document Normalizer, note that there are dedicated DrawingLayers for them as shown below:

SDK Name DrawingLayer ID
Dynamsoft Document Normalizer 1
Dynamsoft Label Recognizer 2
Dynamsoft Barcode Reader 3

You can manipulate these DrawingLayers directly, for example, the following code applies a different DrawingStyle to the DrawingLayer used by Dynamsoft Label Recognizer:

Alternatively, you can directly change the style already in use instead of replacing it with a new one. Learn more at updateDrawingStyle.

// Gets the DrawingLayer used by the Dynamsoft Label Recognizer instance to which enhancer is bound.
let dlrDrawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(2);
// Creates a new style to be used.
let newStyleId = enhancer.createDrawingStyle({
    fillStyle: "rgba(100, 75, 245, 0.3)",
    lineWidth: 5,
    paintMode: "strokeAndFill",
    strokeStyle: "rgba(73, 173, 245, 1)"
// Replaces the old style with the new one.


Returns the Id of the DrawingLayer .

getId(): number;

Code Snippet

let enhancer = await Dynamsoft.DCE.CameraEnhancer.createInstance();
let drawingLayer = enhancer.createDrawingLayer();
let drawingLayerId = drawingLayer.getId();


Adds DrawingItem (s) to the DrawingLayer .

addDrawingItems(drawingItems: Array<DrawingItem>): void;

Code Snippet

let drawingItems = new Array(
    new DT_Rect(10, 10, 100, 100, 1),
    new DT_Text("label 1", 40, 40, 2),
    new DT_Line({
        x: 10,
        y: 50
    }, {
        x: 90,
        y: 50
    }, 3)
let drawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(100);

See also



Returns all DrawingItem (s) of the DrawingLayer .

getDrawingItems() :Array<DrawingItem>);

Code Snippet

let drawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(100);
let drawingItems = drawingLayer.getDrawingItems();

See also



Replaces all DrawingItem (s) of the DrawingLayer with new ones.

setDrawingItems(drawingItems: Array<DrawingItem>): void;

Code Snippet

let newDrawingItems = new Array(
    new DT_Rect(10, 10, 100, 100, 1),
    new DT_Text("label 1", 40, 40, 2),
    new DT_Line({
        x: 10,
        y: 50
    }, {
        x: 90,
        y: 50
    }, 3)
let drawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(100);

See also



Checks out if a DrawingItem belongs to the layer.

hasDrawingItem(drawingItem: DrawingItem): Boolean;

Code Snippet

let drawingItem = new DT_Rect(10, 10, 100, 100, 1);
let drawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(100);
let hasDrawingItem = drawingLayer.hasDrawingItem(drawingItem);

See also



Removes specific DrawingItem (s) from the DrawingLayer .

removeDrawingItems(drawingItems: Array<DrawingItem>): void;

Code Snippet

let drawingItems = new Array(
    new DT_Rect(10, 10, 100, 100, 1),
    new DT_Text("label 1", 40, 40, 2)
let drawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(100);

See also



Removes all DrawingItem (s) from the DrawingLayer .

clearDrawingItems(): void;

Code Snippet

let drawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(100);


Sets the style for DrawingItems on the DrawingLayer

  • If both “mediaType” and “styleSelector” are ignored, the style will apply to all DrawingItems;
  • If “mediaType” is specified, the style will only apply to DrawingItems of that “mediaType”;
  • If “mediaType” is “all” and “styleSelector” is specified, the style will apply to all types of DrawingItems which have the specified “styleSelector”;
  • If both “mediaType” and “styleSelector” are specified, the style only applies to DrawingItems of the specified “mediaType” which have the specified “styleSelector”.
setDrawingStyle(styleId: number, mediaType?: string, styleSelector?: string): void;


styleId: specifies a style by its ID.

mediaType: specifies a mediaType, allowed values are “rect”, “arc”, “line”, “polygon”, “text”, “image” and “all”.

styleSelector: specifies a selector, allowed values are “default”, “selected” and “all”.

Code Snippet

//set style 1 for all the DrawingItems on the `DrawingLayer`
//set style 1 for all Rect-shape DrawingItems on the `DrawingLayer`
drawingLayer.setDrawingStyle(1, "rect");
//set style 1 for all selected DrawingItems on the `DrawingLayer`
drawingLayer.setDrawingStyle(1, "all", "selected");
//set style 1 for all Rect-shape and selected DrawingItems on the `DrawingLayer`
drawingLayer.setDrawingStyle(1, "rect", "selected");

See also



Shows or hides the DrawingLayer .

setVisible(visibility: boolean): void;


visibility: Specifies true to show and false to hide the DrawingLayer .

Code Snippet

let drawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(100);


Returns whether the DrawingLayer is visible.

isVisible(): boolean;

Code Snippet

let drawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(100);
let isVisible = drawingLayer.isVisible();


Renders all DrawingItems , usually required when

  • One or multiple DrawingItems have altered their DrawingStyle IDs;
  • One or multiple DrawingItems have changed their properties such as the coordinates for the top-left corner of a DT_Rect item.
renderAll(): boolean;

Code Snippet

let drawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(100);
drawingLayer.getDrawingItems()[0].styleId = customId;
drawingLayer.getDrawingItems()[0].set("x", 100);
let isRenderedAll = drawingLayer.renderAll();


An event handler that is triggered when different DrawingItem (s) gets selected/deselected on the DrawingLayer .

onSelectionChange: (selectedDrawingItems: Array<DrawingItem>, deselectedDrawingItems: Array<DrawingItem>) => void;


selectedDrawingItems: specifies the selected DrawingItem objects.

deselectedDrawingItems: specifies the deselected DrawingItem objects.

Code Snippet

let drawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(100);
drawingLayer.onSelectionChange = (selected, deselected) => {
    //do ...


Changes the mode of the layer.

setMode(newMode: string): void;


newMode: specifies the new mode. At present, the allowed values are “editor” and “viewer” and the default is “viewer”.

Compared with the “viewer” mode, the “editor” mode shows the “corners” and a “rotate control point” for a selected DrawingItem, which, when dragged, modify the original shape in different ways.

Code Snippet

let drawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(100);


Returns the current mode.

getMode(): "editor" | "viewer"; 

Return value

The mode of current DrawingLayer .

Code Snippet

let drawingLayer = enhancer.getDrawingLayer(100);
let mode = drawingLayer.getMode();

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