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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer JavaScript API Reference

Class CameraEnhancer

Create and Destroy Instances

Name Description
static createInstance() Creates a CameraEnhancer instance.
dispose() Releases all resources used by the CameraEnhancer instance.
disposed A readonly boolean value indicating whether the CameraEnhancer instance has been disposed.

Basic Camera Control

Name Description
static testCameraAccess() Tests whether there is an available camera.
getAllCameras() Returns information of all available cameras on the device.
selectCamera() Chooses a camera as the video source.
getSelectedCamera() Returns information about the selected / current camera.
getCameraState() Returns the state of the selected camera which could be “opening”, “open” or “closed”
open() Turn on the camera to start streaming live video.
close() Stops video streaming and releases the camera.
isOpen() Returns whether the selected camera is turned on / occupied.
pause() Pauses video streaming without releasing the camera.
isPaused() Returns whether the video streaming is paused.
resume() Resumes video streaming.
getVideoSettings() Returns the current video settings.
updateVideoSettings() Changes the video input.
setResolution() Sets the resolution of the selected camera.
getResolution() Returns the resolution of the selected camera.
getAvailableResolutions() Returns the resolutions supported by the selected camera.
ifSaveLastUsedCamera Returns or sets whether to save the last used camera and resolution.
videoSrc Sets or returns the source of the video.
ifSkipCameraInspection Whether to opt for an optimal rear camera at the first open().

Advanced Camera Control

Name Description
setFrameRate() Adjusts the frame rate.
getFrameRate() Returns the real-time frame rate.
turnOnTorch() Turns on the torch/flashlight if the current camera supports it.
turnOffTorch() Turns off the torch/flashlight.
getZoomSettings() Returns the zoom settings.
setZoom() Zooms the video stream.
resetZoom() Resets the zoom level of the video.
getFocusSettings() Returns the focus settings.
setFocus() Sets how the camera focuses.
getCapabilities() Inspects and returns the capabilities of the selected camera.
getCameraSettings() Returns the current values for each constrainable property of the selected camera.
getColorTemperature() Returns the color temperature of the selected camera.
setColorTemperature() Adjusts the color temperature of the selected camera.
getExposureCompensation() Returns the exposure compensation index of the selected camera.
setExposureCompensation() Sets the exposure compensation index of the selected camera.
setAutoZoomRange() Sets the range (minimum to maximum) for zoom when it is done automatically.
getAutoZoomRange() Returns the auto zoom range.
enableEnhancedFeatures() Enables the specified enhanced features.
disableEnhancedFeatures() Disables the specified enhanced features.

Frame Acquisition

Name Description
setScanRegion() Specifies which part of the original video is considered when processing frames.
getScanRegion() Returns the scan region.
fetchImage() Returns a DCEFrame object which contains the image data of the latest frame from the video input.
addImageToBuffer() Adds an DSImageData object to the buffer.
setImageFetchInterval() Sets the interval at which fetchImage() is called when continued fetching has started.
getImageFetchInterval() Returns the fetch interval.
startFetching() Starts to continuously fetch images and put them into the buffer.
stopFetching() Stops fetching any more images.
setMaxImageCount() Sets the size of the buffer as in how many images can be buffered.
getMaxImageCount() Returns the size of the buffer.
getImageCount() Returns how many images are in buffer.
hasImage() Checks whether an image exists. The image is specified by its id.
getImage() Returns a DCEFrame object from the buffer.
setNextImageToReturn() Specifies an image by its id to be returned when getImage() is called the next time.
setBufferOverflowProtectionMode() Sets a protection mode that determines what happens when the buffer overflows.
getBufferOverflowProtectionMode() Returns the buffer protection mode.
isBufferEmpty() Returns whether the buffer is empty.
hasNextImageToFetch() Checks whether another image can be fetched. In other words, whether the video is still streaming.
setPixelFormat() Sets the pixel format of the images returned by getImage().
singleFrameMode Returns or sets whether to enable the singe-frame mode.
takePhoto() Invokes the system camera to take a frame with better image quality.


Name Description
getCameraView Returns the CameraView instance used by the CameraEnhancer instance.
setCameraView Sets a CameraView instance to be used by the CameraEnhancer instance.
getVideoEl Returns the video element used by the CameraView instance.
convertToPageCoordinates() Converts coordinates of a point to the coordinates relative to the top left point of the entire document.
convertToClientCoordinates() Converts coordinates of a point to the coordinates within the application’s viewport at which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinate within the page).


Name Description
on() Attaches an event handler function for a built-in event.
off() Removes an event handler.
offAll() Removes all event handlers from the specified event. If no event is specified, remove all event handlers.
detectEnvironment() Returns a report on the current running environments.

Class CameraView

Create and Destroy Instances

Name Description
static createInstance() Creates a CameraView instance.
dispose() Releases all resources used by the CameraView instance.
disposed A readonly boolean value indicating whether the CameraView instance has been disposed.
getUIElement() Returns the HTML element that is used by the CameraView instance.
setUIElement() Specifies an HTML element for the CameraView instance to use as its UI element.

Drawing and UI

Name Description
createDrawingLayer() Creates a DrawingLayer object and put it in an array of DrawingLayers.
getDrawingLayer() Gets the DrawingLayer specified by its ID.
getAllDrawingLayers() Returns an array of all DrawingLayer objects.
deleteUserDefinedDrawingLayer() Deletes a DrawingLayer object specified by its ID.
clearUserDefinedDrawingLayers() Removes all user-defined DrawingLayers.
clearAllInnerDrawingItems() Removes all automatically added DrawingItems.
setTipConfig() Configures the tip feature.
getTipConfig() Returns the configuration of the tip.
setTipVisible() Sets whether to show the tip.
isTipVisible() Returns whether the tip is visible.
setVideoFit() Sets the object-fit CSS property of the video element.
getVideoFit() Returns the value of the object-fit CSS property of the video element.
updateTipMessage() Updates the message shown in the tip.
getVisibleRegionOfVideo() Returns a Region object which specifies which part of the original video is shown in the video element.
getVideoElement() Returns the video element used by the CameraView instance.
setScanRegionMaskStyle() Sets the drawing style for the scan-region mask.
getScanRegionMaskStyle() Returns the drawing style for the scan-region mask.
setScanRegionMaskVisible() Sets whether to show the scan-region mask.
isScanRegionMaskVisible() Returns whether the scan-region mask is visible.
setScanLaserVisible() Sets whether to show the laser that indicates the scanning is going on.
isScanLaserVisible() Returns whether the laser is visible.

Class ImageEditorView

Create and Destroy Instances

Name Description
static createInstance() Creates an ImageEditorView instance.
dispose() Releases all resources used by the ImageEditorView instance.
disposed A readonly boolean value indicating whether the ImageEditorView instance has been disposed.
getUIElement() Returns the HTML element that is used by the ImageEditorView instance.
setUIElement() Specifies an HTML element for the ImageEditorView instance to use as its UI element.

Drawing and UI

Name Description
createDrawingLayer() Creates a DrawingLayer object and put it in an array of DrawingLayers.
getDrawingLayer() Gets the DrawingLayer specified by its ID.
getAllDrawingLayers() Returns an array of all DrawingLayer objects.
deleteUserDefinedDrawingLayer() Deletes a DrawingLayer object specified by its ID.
clearUserDefinedDrawingLayers() Removes all user-defined DrawingLayers.
getSelectedDrawingItems() Returns the selected DrawingItem object(s).
setOriginalImage() Sets the image to be drawn on the image editor view.
getOriginalImage() Returns the image drawn on the image editor.

Class CameraEnhancerModule

Name Description
getVersion() Returns the version of the CameraEnhancer Module.

Subordinate Classes


Name Description
beep() Trigger a beep when the method is called.
vibrate() Trigger a vibrate when the method is called.


Name Description
getId() Returns the ID of the DrawingLayer.
addDrawingItems() Adds DrawingItems to the DrawingLayer.
getDrawingItems() Returns all DrawingItems or just some of them based on a filter function.
setDrawingItems() Replaces all DrawingItems of the DrawingLayer with new ones.
hasDrawingItem() Checks out if a DrawingItem belongs to the layer.
removeDrawingItems() Removes DrawingItems from the DrawingLayer.
clearDrawingItems() Removes all DrawingItems from the DrawingLayer.
renderAll() Renders all DrawingItems, usually required when the style for one or more items is changed.
setDefaultStyle() Sets the style for DrawingItems on the layer.
setVisible() Shows or hides the DrawingLayer.
isVisible() Returns whether the DrawingLayer is visible.
onSelectionChanged() An event handler that is triggered when different DrawingItems gets selected/deselected on the DrawingLayer.


Name Description
static createDrawingStyle() Creates a new DrawingStyle object and returns its ID.
static getDrawingStyle() Returns the DrawingStyle object specified by its Id.
static getDrawingStyles() Returns all DrawingStyle objects.
static updateDrawingStyle() Updates an existing DrawingStyle specified by its ID.


Name Description
drawingLayerId Returns the id of a DrawingLayer where the DrawingItem is drawn.
mediaType Returns the mediaType of the DrawingItem.
coordinateBase Sets or returns the coordinateBase which determines the meaning of the coordinates of the DrawingItem.
drawingStyleId Sets or returns the id of the DrawingStyle that applies to the DrawingItem.
getState() Returns the state of the DrawingItem.
on Adds an event listener to the DrawingItem for the event specified by eventName.
off Removes an event listener to the DrawingItem for the event specified by eventName.
addNote() Adds a Note to this DrawingItem.
getNote() Returns a Note specified by its name.
hasNote() Returns whether a Note with the specified name exists on this DrawingItem.
updateNote() Updates the content of a Note specified by its name.
deleteNote() Deletes a Note specified by its name.
getAllNotes() Returns all Notes on the DrawingItem.
clearNotes() Deletes all Notes on the DrawingItem.

Child classes based on DrawingItem


Name Description
LineDrawingItem() Constructor of a LineDrawingItem.
getLine Returns the LineSegment object the item is based on.
setLine Specifies a LineSegment object to be used for drawing the line.


Name Description
RectDrawingItem() Constructor of a RectDrawingItem.
getRect Returns the Rect object the item is based on.
setRect Specifies a Rect object to be used for drawing the item.


Name Description
QuadDrawingItem() Constructor of a QuadDrawingItem.
getQuad Returns the Quadrilateral object the item is based on.
setQuad Specifies a Quadrilateral object to be used for drawing the item.


Name Description
TextDrawingItem() Constructor of a TextDrawingItem.
getText Returns the text drawn.
setText Specifies the text to draw.
getTextRect Returns the Rect object which determines where the text is drawn.
setTextRect Specifies a Rect object in which the text is drawn.


Name Description
ImageDrawingItem() Constructor of an ImageDrawingItem.
getImage Returns the image drawn.
setImage Specifies the image to draw.
getImageRect Returns the Rect object which determines where the image is drawn.
setImageRect Specifies a Rect object in which the image is drawn.



version 4.0.0

  • version 4.0.2
  • Version 4.x
    • Version 4.0.2
    • Version 4.0.1
    • Version 4.0.0
  • Version 3.x
    • Version 3.3.10
    • Version 3.3.9
    • Version 3.3.8
    • Version 3.3.7
    • Version 3.3.6
    • Version 3.3.5
    • Version 3.3.4
    • Version 3.3.3
    • Version 3.3.2
    • Version 3.3.1
    • Version 3.3.0
    • Version 3.2.0
    • Version 3.1.0
    • Version 3.0.1
    • Version 3.0.0
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.3.5
    • Version 2.3.2
    • Version 2.3.1
    • Version 2.3.0
    • Version 2.1.4
    • Version 2.1.3
    • Version 2.1.0
    • Version 2.0.0
Change +