Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.
JavaScript API Reference
Name | Description |
createInstance() | Creates a CameraEnhancer instance. |
defaultUIElementURL | Returns or sets the URL of the .html file that defines the default UI Element. |
getUIElement() | Returns the HTML element that is used by the CameraEnhancer instance. |
setUIElement() | Specifies an HTML element for the CameraEnhancer instance to use as its UI element. |
onWarning | A callback which is triggered when the running environment is not ideal. |
Camera Control
Name | Description |
ifSkipCameraInspection | Returns or sets whether to skip camera inspection at initialization to save time. |
ifSaveLastUsedCamera | Returns or sets whether to save the last used camera and resolution. |
getAllCameras() | Returns infomation of all available cameras on the device. |
selectCamera() | Chooses a camera as the video source. |
getSelectedCamera() | Returns information about the selected / current camera. |
open() | Turn on the camera to start streaming live video. |
close() | Stops video streaming and releases the camera. |
isOpen() | Returns whether the selected camera is turned on / occupied. |
pause() | Pauses video streaming without releasing the camera. |
resume() | Resumes video streaming. |
setResolution() | Sets the resolution of the current video input. |
getResolution() | Returns the resolution of the current video input. |
getResolutions() | Returns the resolutions supported by the current video input. |
videoSrc | Sets or returns the source of the video. |
Advanced Camera Control
Name | Description |
setFrameRate() | Adjusts the frame rate. |
getFrameRate() | Returns the real-time frame rate. |
turnOnTorch() | Turns on the torch/flashlight if the current camera supports it. |
turnOffTorch() | Turns off the torch/flashlight. |
setZoom() | Sets the zoom level of the video. |
setFocus() | Sets the focus mode and focus distance of the camera. |
getFocus() | Gets the focus mode and focus distance of the camera. |
getCapabilities() | Inspects and returns the capabilities of the selected camera. |
getCameraSettings() | Returns the current values for each constrainable property of the selected camera. |
setColorTemperature() | Adjusts the color temperature of the selected camera. |
setExposureCompensation() | Sets the exposure compensation index of the selected camera. |
Frame Acquisition
Name | Description |
setScanRegion() | Specifies which part of the original video is considered when processing frames. |
getScanRegion() | Returns the scan region. |
getFrame() | Returns a DCEFrame object which contains the image data of the latest frame from the video input. |
getFrameFromBuffer() | Returns a DCEFrame object which contains the image data of the specified buffered frame. |
startFetchingLoop() | Starts a fetching loop that continuously put frames in a buffer. |
stopFetchingLoop() | Stops the fetching loop. |
isFetchingLoopStarted() | Returns the state of the fetching loop. |
frameColorMode | Sets or returns the color mode of the images generated by getFrame(). |
maxNumberOfFramesInBuffer | Sets or returns how many frames can be buffered. |
numberOfFramesInBuffer | Returns how many frames there are in the buffer. |
loopInterval | Returns or sets the start time of the next fetch operation. |
singleFrameMode | Returns or sets whether to enable the singe-frame mode. |
Name | Description |
getVisibleRegion() | Returns a Region object which specifies which part of the original video is shown in the video element. |
addScanRegionOverlayCanvas() | Adds a canvas of the same size as the scan area directly above the scan area. |
removeScanRegionOverlayCanvas() | Removes the specified Canvas element. |
ifShowScanRegionMask | Returns or sets whether the scan region mask is shown. |
ifShowScanRegionLaser | Returns or sets whether the laser indicator is shown in the scan region. |
setScanRegionMaskStyle() | Sets the styles for the scan region mask. |
setVideoFit() | Sets the object-fit CSS property of the video element. |
getVideoFit() | Returns the value of the object-fit CSS property of the video element. |
setViewDecorator() | Sets and shows the view decorator. |
getViewDecorator() | Gets what view decorator is shown. |
setViewDecoratorLineWidth() | Sets the line width for drawing the view decorator. |
setViewDecoratorStrokeStyle() | Sets the stroke style for drawing the view decorator. |
setViewDecoratorFillStyle() | Sets the fill style for drawing the view decorator. |
setViewDecoratorMaskFillStyle() | Sets the fill style for drawing the ask for the view decorator. |
createDrawingLayer() | Creates a DrawingLayer object and put it in an array of DrawingLayers. |
getDrawingLayer() | Gets the DrawingLayer specified by its ID. |
getDrawingLayers() | Returns an array of all DrawingLayer objects. |
clearDrawingLayers() | Removes all DrawingLayers. |
createDrawingStyle() | Creates a new DrawingStyle object and returns its ID. |
getDrawingStyle() | Returns the DrawingStyle object specified by its Id. |
getDrawingStyles() | Returns all DrawingStyle objects. |
updateDrawingStyle() | Updates an existing DrawingStyle specified by its ID. |
setOriginalImage() | Sets the original image to be drawn on the editor canvas. |
getOriginalImage() | Returns the original image shown on the editor. |
showOriginalImage() | Shows the original image. |
hideOriginalImage() | Hides the original image. |
deleteOriginalImage() | Deletes the original image and remove the canvas that shows it. |
getSelectedDrawingItems() | Returns the selected DrawingItem object(s). |
Auxiliary APIs
Name | Description |
on() | Attaches an event handler function for a built-in event. |
off() | Removes an event handler. |
offAll() | Removes all event handlers from the specified event. If no event is specified, remove all event handlers. |
dispose() | Releases all resources used by the CameraEnhancer instance. |
isDisposed | A readonly boolean value indicating whether the CameraEnhancer instance has been disposed. |
getVersion() | Returns the version of the library. |
detectEnvironment() | Returns a report on the current running environments. |
Name | Description |
getId() | Returns the ID of the DrawingLayer. |
addDrawingItems() | Adds DrawingItem(s) to the DrawingLayer. |
getDrawingItems() | Returns all DrawingItem(s) of the DrawingLayer. |
setDrawingItems() | Replaces all DrawingItem(s) of the DrawingLayer with new ones. |
hasDrawingItem() | Checks out if a DrawingItem belongs to the layer. |
removeDrawingItems() | Removes DrawingItem(s) from the DrawingLayer. |
clearDrawingItems() | Removes all DrawingItem(s) from the DrawingLayer. |
setDrawingStyle() | Sets the style for the DrawingLayer or for a particular mediaType or for a particular mediaType in a particular state. |
setVisible() | Shows or hides the DrawingLayer. |
isVisible() | Returns whether the DrawingLayer is visible. |
renderAll() | Renders all DrawingItems, usually required when the style for one or more items is changed. |
onSelectionChange() | An event handler that is triggered when different DrawingItem(s) gets selected/deselected on the DrawingLayer. |
setMode() | Changes the mode of the layer. |
getMode() | Returns the current mode. |
Type Name | Description |
DT_Rect | Defines a DrawingItem the shape of a rectangle. |
DT_Arc | Defines a DrawingItem the shape of a arc. |
DT_Line | Defines a DrawingItem the shape of a line. |
DT_Polygon | Defines a DrawingItem the shape of a polygon. |
DT_Text | Defines a DrawingItem that draws text. |
DT_Image | Defines a DrawingItem that draws an image. |
DT_Group | Defines a DrawingItem which is a combination of more than one DrawingItem of the other six types. |