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The CapturedResult class represents the result of a capture operation on an image. Internally, CapturedResult stores an array that contains multiple items, each of which may be a barcode, text line, detected quad, normalized image, original image, parsed item, etc.

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Namespace: Dynamsoft.CaptureVisionRouter.Maui

Assembly: Dynamsoft.CaptureVisionRouterLite.Maui

class CapturedResult


Property Description
OriginalImageHashId The hash id of the original image. You can use this ID to get the original image via the IntermediateResultManager class.
RotationTransformMatrix The rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.
ErrorCode The error code associated with the capture result.
ErrorMessage The error message associated with the capture result.
DecodedBarcodesResult An array of BarcodeResultItem objects, each representing a decoded barcode within the original image.


The hash id of the original image. You can use this ID to get the original image via the IntermediateResultManager class.

string OriginalImageHashId { get;}


The rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.

Matrix RotationTransformMatrix { get; }


Error code associated with the capture result.

int ErrorCode { get; }


Error string providing details about the error.

string ErrorMessage { get; }


A DecodedBarcodesResult object that represents all decoded barcode within the original image.

DecodedBarcodesResult DecodedBarcodesResult { get; }