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Enumeration GrayscaleTransformationMode

GrayscaleTransformationMode specifies the method employed to transform images in grayscale.


Namespace: Dynamsoft.Core.Maui

Assembly: Dynamsoft.Core.Maui

public enum EnumGrayscaleTransformationMode
    /** Skips grayscale transformation. */
    GTM_SKIP = 0,
    /** Transforms to the inverted grayscale for further reference. This value is recommended for light on dark images. */
    GTM_INVERTED = 1 << 0,
    /** Keeps the original grayscale for further reference. This value is recommended for dark on light images. */
    GTM_ORIGINAL = 1 << 1,
    /**Lets the library choose an algorithm automatically for grayscale transformation. */
    GTM_AUTO = 1 << 2

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