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Enumeration ImagePixelFormat

ImagePixelFormat defines the range of pixel formats that an image can have, specifying how color and transparency data are represented in each pixel of the image.


Namespace: Dynamsoft.Core.Maui

Assembly: Dynamsoft.Core.Maui

public enum EnumImagePixelFormat
    /** 0:Black, 1:White. */
    IPF_BINARY = 0,
    /** 0:White, 1:Black. */
    /** 8bit gray. */
    /** NV21. */
    IPF_NV21 = 3,
    /** 16bit with RGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address. */
    IPF_RGB_565 = 4,
    /** 16bit with RGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address. */
    IPF_RGB_555 = 5,
    /** 24bit with RGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address. */
    IPF_RGB_888 = 6,
    /** 32bit with ARGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address. */
    IPF_ARGB_8888 = 7,
    /** 48bit with RGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address. */
    IPF_RGB_161616 = 8,
    /** 64bit with ARGB channel order stored in memory from high to low address. */
    IPF_ARGB_16161616 = 9,
    /** 32bit with ABGR channel order stored in memory from high to low address. */
    IPF_ABGR_8888 = 10,
    /** 64bit with ABGR channel order stored in memory from high to low address. */
    IPF_ABGR_16161616 = 11,
    /** 24bit with BGR channel order stored in memory from high to low address. */
    IPF_BGR_888 = 12,
    /** 0:Black, 255:White. */
    IPF_BINARY_8 = 13,
    /**NV12 */
    IPF_NV12 = 14

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