User Guide - C++
In this guide, you will learn step by step on how to build a label recognizer application with Dynamsoft Label Recognizer SDK using C++ language.
Read more on Dynamsoft Label Recognizer Features
Table of Contents
- Windows
- Windows 7, 8, 10, 11, 2003, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012.
- Visual Studio 2012 or above
- Linux
- Linux x64: Ubuntu 14.04.4+ LTS, Debian 8+, etc.
- GCC 5.4+
If you don’t have SDK yet, please go to Dynamsoft website to get it. After the folder is decompressed, the root directory of the DLR installation package is called [INSTALLATION FOLDER]
in this guide.
Build Your First Application
Let’s start by creating a console application which demonstrates the minimum code needed to recognize text from an image file.
You can download the complete source code from here.
Create A New Project
For Windows
Open Visual Studio. Go to File > New > Project, select Empty App and enter
in thename
text box. -
Add a new source file named
into the project.
For Linux
Create a new source file named
and place it into the folder[INSTALLATION FOLDER]\Dynamsoft\Resources\LabelRecognizer\Samples\HelloWorld\RecognizeAnImage
. -
Create a file named
and put it in the same directory as the fileRecognizeAnImage.cpp
. The content ofMakefile
is as follows:CC=gcc CCFLAGS=-c -std=c++11 DLRMODEL_PATH=../../../Distributables/CharacterModel DS_LIB_PATH=../../../Distributables/Lib/Linux/x64 DS_JSON_PATH=../../../Distributables/DLR-PresetTemplates.json LDFLAGS=-L $(DS_LIB_PATH) -Wl,-rpath=$(DS_LIB_PATH) -Wl,-rpath=./ DS_LIB=-lDynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter -lDynamsoftCore -lDynamsoftLicense STDLIB=-lstdc++ TARGET=RecognizeAnImage OBJECT=RecognizeAnImage.o SOURCE=RecognizeAnImage.cpp # build rule for target. $(TARGET): $(OBJECT) $(CC) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJECT) $(STDLIB) $(DS_LIB) $(LDFLAGS) cp -r $(DLRMODEL_PATH) $(DS_LIB_PATH) cp $(DS_JSON_PATH) $(DS_LIB_PATH) # target to build an object file $(OBJECT): $(SOURCE) $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SOURCE) # the clean target .PHONY : clean clean: rm -f $(OBJECT) $(TARGET) -r $(DS_LIB_PATH)/CharacterModel
Note: The
variable should be set to the correct directory where the DLR library files are located. The files and character models directory can be found in[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Dynamsoft/Distributables/Lib/Linux/x64
Include the Library
Add headers and libs in
.#include <iostream> #include <string> #include "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Dynamsoft/Include/DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter.h" using namespace std; using namespace dynamsoft::cvr; using namespace dynamsoft::dlr; using namespace dynamsoft::license; // The following code only applies to Windows. #if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32) #ifdef _WIN64 #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Dynamsoft/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x64/DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouterx64.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Dynamsoft/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x64/DynamsoftCorex64.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Dynamsoft/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x64/DynamsoftLicensex64.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Dynamsoft/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x86/DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouterx86.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Dynamsoft/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x86/DynamsoftCorex86.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Dynamsoft/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x86/DynamsoftLicensex86.lib") #endif #endif
Initialize a Capture Vision Router Instance
Initialize the license key
char error[512]; CLicenseManager::InitLicense("DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9", error, 512); cout << "License initialization: " << error << endl;
- An internet connection is required for the license to work.
- “DLS2***” is a default free public trial license used in the sample.
- You can request a 30-day trial license via the Request a Trial License link.
Create an instance of Dynamsoft Capture Vision Router
CCaptureVisionRouter* router = new CCaptureVisionRouter();
Recognize and Output Recognition Results
Recognize an image file
string imageFile = "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Dynamsoft/Resources/LabelRecognizer/Images/dlr-sample-vin.png"; CCapturedResult* result = router->Capture(imageFile.c_str(), CPresetTemplate::PT_RECOGNIZE_TEXT_LINES);
Please change all
in above code snippet to your unpacking path. -
Output the recognition results
cout << "File: " << imageFile << endl; if (result->GetErrorCode() != 0) { cout << "Error: " << result->GetErrorCode() << "," << result->GetErrorString() << endl; } int count = result->GetItemsCount(); cout << "Recognized " << count << " text lines" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const CCapturedResultItem* item = result->GetItem(i); CapturedResultItemType type = item->GetType(); if (type == CapturedResultItemType::CRIT_TEXT_LINE) { const CTextLineResultItem* textLine = dynamic_cast<const CTextLineResultItem*>(item); cout << ">>Line result " << i << ": " << textLine->GetText() << endl; } }
Release the Allocated Memory
delete router, router = NULL;
delete result, result = NULL;
Build and Run the Project
On windows
Build the application through Visual Studio.
- Copy the related DLL files to the same folder as the EXE file. The DLL files can be found in
[INSTALLATION FOLDER]\Dynamsoft\Distributables\Lib\Windows\[platforms]
Note: Select the corresponding folder (x86 or x64) based on your project’s platform setting.
Copy the
[INSTALLATION FOLDER]\Dynamsoft\Distributables\CharacterModel
directory to the same folder as the EXE file. -
Copy the
[INSTALLATION FOLDER]\Dynamsoft\Distributables\DLR-PresetTemplates.json
file to the same folder as the EXE file. - Run the program
On Linux
Open a terminal and change to the target directory where
located in. Build the sample:>make
Run the program
Process Multiple Images
If you need to process multiple images at once instead of one image, you can follow these steps:
Preparation Steps
- Create a new project named
. - Initialize a Capture Vision Router Instance.
- Include the Library.
You can download the complete source code from here.
Add an Image Source as the Input
The class CDirectoryFetcher
is capable of converting a local directory to an image source. We will use it to connect multiple images to the image-processing engine.
Include additional
module which containsCDirectoryFetcher
.using namespace dynamsoft::utility; // The following code only applies to Windows. #if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32) #ifdef _WIN64 #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Dynamsoft/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x64/DynamsoftUtilityx64.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Dynamsoft/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x86/DynamsoftUtilityx86.lib") #endif #endif
Setting up a directory fetcher to retrieve image data sources from a directory.
CDirectoryFetcher *dirFetcher = new CDirectoryFetcher; dirFetcher->SetDirectory("[Your Image Path]"); router->SetInput(dirFetcher);
Create a class
to implement theCImageSourceStateListenter
interface, and callStopCapturing
in the callback function.class MyImageSourceStateListener : public CImageSourceStateListener { private: CCaptureVisionRouter* m_router; public: MyImageSourceStateListener(CCaptureVisionRouter* router) { m_router = router; } virtual void OnImageSourceStateReceived(ImageSourceState state) { if(state == ISS_EXHAUSTED) m_router->StopCapturing(); } };
Register the
object to monitor the status of the image source.CImageSourceStateListener *listener = new MyImageSourceStateListener(router); router->AddImageSourceStateListener(listener);
Add Captured Result Receiver
Create a class
to implement theCCapturedResultReceiver
interface, and get the recognition results inOnRecognizedTextLinesReceived
callback function.class MyResultReceiver : public CCapturedResultReceiver { public: virtual void OnRecognizedTextLinesReceived(CRecognizedTextLinesResult* pResult) { if(pResult->GetErrorCode() != EC_OK) cout << "Error: " << pResult->GetErrorString() << endl; int lCount = pResult->GetItemsCount(); cout << "Recognized " << lCount << " text lines" << endl; for (int li = 0; li < lCount; ++li) { const CTextLineResultItem* textLine = pResult->GetItem(li); cout << ">>Text line result " << li << ": " << textLine->GetText() << endl; } } };
For the error handling mechanism, the SDK returns Error Code in the
object. You can add error handling code as needed. See Error Code for a full list of supported error codes. -
Register the
object to monitor the captured results of the router.CCapturedResultReceiver* recv = new MyResultReceiver(); router->AddResultReceiver(recv);
Start Recognition
Start recognition with the default Label Recognizer Template.
router->StartCapturing(CPresetTemplate::PT_RECOGNIZE_TEXT_LINES, true);
- During the process, the callback function
is triggered each time an image finishes processing. After all images are processed, the listener functionOnImageSourceStateReceived()
will return the image source state asISS_EXHAUSTED
and the process is stopped with the methodStopCapturing()
- During the process, the callback function
Release Allocated Memory
delete router, router = NULL;
delete dirFetcher, dirFetcher = NULL;
delete listener, listener = NULL;
delete recv, recv = NULL;
Build and Run the Project Again
Please refer to Build and Run the Project.