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The CRecognizedTextLinesUnit class represents an intermediate result unit containing recognized text lines. It inherits from the CIntermediateResultUnit class.


Namespace: dynamsoft::dlr::intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftLabelRecognizer

class CRecognizedTextLinesUnit : public CIntermediateResultUnit

Inheritance: CIntermediateResultUnit -> CRecognizedTextLinesUnit

Methods Summary

Method Description
GetCount Gets the number of recognized text lines in the unit.
GetRecognizedTextLine Gets a pointer to the CRecognizedTextLineElement object at the specified index.
operator[] Gets a pointer to the CRecognizedTextLineElement object at the specified index.
RemoveAllRecognizedTextLines Removes all recognized text lines.
RemoveRecognizedTextLine Removes the recognized text line at the specified index.
AddRecognizedTextLine Adds a recognized text line.
SetRecognizedTextLine Sets the recognized text line at the specified index.


Gets the number of recognized text lines in the unit.

virtual int GetCount() const = 0;

Return value

Returns the number of recognized text lines in the unit.


Gets a pointer to the CRecognizedTextLineElement object at the specified index.

virtual const CRecognizedTextLineElement* GetRecognizedTextLine(int index) const = 0;


[in] index The index of the desired CRecognizedTextLineElement object.

Return value

Returns a pointer to the CRecognizedTextLineElement object at the specified index.


Gets a pointer to the CRecognizedTextLineElement object at the specified index.

virtual const CRecognizedTextLineElement* operator[](int index) const = 0;


[in] index The index of the desired CRecognizedTextLineElement object.

Return value

Returns a pointer to the CRecognizedTextLineElement object at the specified index.


Removes all recognized text lines.

virtual void RemoveAllRecognizedTextLines() = 0;


Removes the recognized text line at the specified index.

virtual int RemoveRecognizedTextLine(int index) = 0;


[in] index The index of the recognized text line to remove.

Return value

Returns 0 if successful, otherwise returns a negative value.


Adds a recognized text line.

virtual int AddRecognizedTextLine(const CRecognizedTextLineElement* element, const double matrixToOriginalImage[9] =  IDENTITY_MATRIX) = 0;


[in] element The recognized text line to add.

[in] matrixToOriginalImage The matrix to original image.

Return value

Returns 0 if successful, otherwise returns a negative value.


Sets the recognized text line at the specified index.

virtual int SetRecognizedTextLine(int index, const CRecognizedTextLineElement* element, const double matrixToOriginalImage[9] =  IDENTITY_MATRIX) = 0;


[in] index The index of the recognized text line to set.

[in] element The recognized text line to set.

[in] matrixToOriginalImage The matrix to original image.

Return value

Returns 0 if successful, otherwise returns a negative value.

Version 3.4.10

  • version 3.4.10
  • Version 3.x
    • Version 3.2.30
    • Version 3.2.20
    • Version 3.2.10
    • Version 3.2.0
    • Version 3.0.30
    • Version 3.0.20
    • Version 3.0.10
    • Version 3.0.0
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.2.20
    • Version 2.2.11
    • Version 2.2.10
    • Version 2.2.0
    • Version 2.0.0
  • Version 1.x
    • Version 1.2.1
    • Version 1.2
    • Version 1.0
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