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The CBufferedItemsManager class is used to manage the buffered items. It provides methods to get and set the maximum number of buffer items and to get buffer items.


Namespace: dynamsoft::cvr

Assembly: DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter

class CBufferedItemsManager 

Methods Summary

Method Description
SetMaxBufferedItems Sets the maximum number of buffered items.
GetMaxBufferedItems Gets the maximum number of buffered items.
GetBufferedCharacterItemSet Gets the buffered recognized character items.


Sets the maximum number of buffered items.

virtual void SetMaxBufferedItems(int count)


[in] count The maximum number of buffered items.


Gets the maximum number of buffered items.

virtual int GetMaxBufferedItems() const

Return value

Returns the maximum number of buffered items.


Gets the buffered recognized character items.

virtual CBufferedCharacterItemSet* GetBufferedCharacterItemSet() const

Return value

Returns the buffered recognized character items.

See Also


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