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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Dynamsoft Label Recognition - C++ User Guide

System Requirements

  • Operating systems:
    • Windows: 7, 8, 10, 2003, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012.
    • Linux x64: Ubuntu 14.04.4+ LTS, Debian 8+, etc;


Download the Dynamsoft Label Recognition SDK from the Dynamsoft website and unzip the package. The package includes a free trial license valid for 30 days.

Getting Started: Hello World

  1. Start Visual Studio and create a new Win32 Console Application in C++.

  2. Add Dynamsoft Label Recognition headers and libs in DLRHelloWorld.cpp.

     #include <stdio.h>
     #include "<relative path>/Include/DynamsoftLabelRecognition.h"
     #include "<relative path>/Include/DynamsoftCommon.h"
     using namespace std;
     using namespace dynamsoft::dlr;
     #ifdef _WIN64
     #pragma comment(lib, "<relative path>/Lib/Windows/x64/DynamsoftLabelRecognitionx64.lib")
     #pragma comment(lib, "<relative path>/Lib/Windows/x86/DynamsoftLabelRecognitionx86.lib")

    The DynamsoftLabelRecognition.h and DynamsoftCommon.h file can be found in [INSTALLATION FOLDER]\Include\ folder. The other necessary folder and files, including DLL/LIB files, can be found in [INSTALLATION FOLDER]\Lib\. Please replace <relative path> in the above code with the relative path to the DLRHelloWorld.cpp file.

  3. Update the main function in DLRHelloWorld.cpp.
     int main()
         CLabelRecognition dlr;
         dlr.InitLicense("<insert DLR license key here>");
         int errorcode = dlr.RecognizeByFile("<full image path>", "");
         if (errorcode != DLR_OK)
             printf("\r\nFailed to recognize label\r\n");
             DLRResultArray* pDLRResults = nullptr;
             if (pDLRResults != nullptr)
                 int rCount = pDLRResults->resultsCount;
                 printf("\r\nRecognized %d results\r\n", rCount);
                 for (int ri = 0; ri < rCount; ++ri)
                     DLRResult* result = pDLRResults->results[ri];
                     int lCount = result->lineResultsCount;
                     for (int li = 0; li < lCount; ++li)
                         printf("Line result %d: %s\r\n", li, result->lineResults[li]->text);
                 printf("\r\nNo data detected.\r\n");
         return 0;

    Please replace <insert DLR license key here> with your DLR license key. You can request a 30-day trial license via the Request a Trial License link.

    In line 6 of the snippet above, <full image path> should also be replaced with the full path to the image you’d like to recognize.

  4. Run the project.
    Build the application and copy the related DLL files to the same folder as the EXE file. The DLLs can be found in [INSTALLATION FOLDER]\Lib\[OPERATING SYSTEM]\.

    To deploy your application, ensure the DLL/Lib files are in the same folder as the EXE file.


Specify a reference region and text area

There are two ways to set a single reference region - 1) through runtime settings and 2) JSON template. The following example demonstrates how to specify a single reference region using the first option - runtime settings. The second option is outlined in the next section Specify multiple reference regions for how to reference regions using a JSON template.

    char error[512];

    DLRRuntimeSettings settings;
    settings.referenceRegion= { { {0, 0}, { 50,0 }, { 50,100 }, { 0, 100 }}, 1 };
    settings.textArea = { { {0,0}, {50,0},{50,100},{0,100} } };
    dlr.UpdateRuntimeSettings(&settings, error, 512);

Specify multiple reference regions

To reference multiple regions, we cannot follow the runtime settings example above. Below is an example of how to define multiple reference regions of interest, R1 and R2, using a template string. Learn more about ReferenceRegionArray.

    string ReferenceRegionArray = 
        \"Localization\": \
                \"SourceType\": \"DLR_LST_PREDETECTED_REGION\",\
                \"RegionPredetectionModesIndex\": 1\
        \"Localization\": \
                \"SourceType\": \"DLR_LST_PREDETECTED_REGION\",\
                \"RegionPredetectionModesIndex\": 0\
    string DLRParameterArray = 
        \"Name\": \"l1\",\
        \"ReferenceRegionNameArray\": [\"R1\",\"R2\"]\
    dlr.AppendSettingsFromString(("{" + DLRParameterArray + ", " + ReferenceRegionArray + "}").c_str(), errorMessage, 256);

Specify one region with multiple text areas

    string TextAreaArray = 
        \"FirstPoint\" : [ -500, -500 ],\
        \"SecondPoint\" : [500, -500],\
        \"ThirdPoint\" : [500, 0],\
        \"FourthPoint\" : [-500, 0],\
        \"Name\" : \"t2\"\
        \"FirstPoint\" : [ -500, 0 ],\
        \"SecondPoint\" : [500, 0],\
        \"ThirdPoint\" : [500, 500],\
        \"FourthPoint\" : [-500, 500],\
        \"Name\" : \"t1\"\
    string ReferenceRegionArray = 
        \"Localization\": \
                \"SourceType\": \"DLR_LST_PREDETECTED_REGION\",\
                \"RegionPredetectionModesIndex\": 1\
        \"TextAreaNameArray\" : [ \"t1\", \"t2\" ]\
    string DLRParameterArray = "\"LabelRecognitionParameterArray\":[{\
        \"Name\": \"l1\",\
        \"ReferenceRegionNameArray\": [\"R1\"]\
    dlr.AppendSettingsFromString(("{" + DLRParameterArray + ", " + ReferenceRegionArray +","+ TextAreaArray+ "}").c_str(), errorMessage, 256);

Enable region autodetection

Dynamsoft Label Recognition SDK supports automatic region detection to extract text.

    char szErrorMsg[512];

    DLRRuntimeSettings settings;
    settings.regionPredetectionModes[0] = DLRRegionPredetectionMode::DLR_RPM_AUTO;
    dlr.UpdateRuntimeSettings(&settings, szErrorMsg, 512);

Setting the predetection mode option to DLR_RPM_AUTO will allow the library to automatically detect a region. Learn more about other predetection mode options available in DLRRegionPredetectionMode.

Use a template to change settings

Easily manage recognition settings and reduce redundant lines of code by using templates. Templates can be used to customize and manage all runtime settings. Templates can be used in either string or JSON file format.

Change template settings using a string

Use AppendSettingsFromString when changing template settings with a string. The following demonstrates how to use a string template to modify recognition settings.

    string characterModelArray = "\"CharacterModelArray\":[\
            \"DirectoryPath\" : \"CharacterModel\"\
            \"DirectoryPath\" : \"CharacterModel\"\
    string TextAreaArray = "\"TextAreaArray\":[{\"CharacterModelName\" : \"NumberLetter\",\"Name\" : \"numberLetterArea\"}]";

    string ReferenceRegionArray = "\"ReferenceRegionArray\":[{\"TextAreaNameArray\" : [ \"numberLetterArea\" ],\"Name\":\"numberletterregion\"}]";

    string DLRParameterArray = "\"LabelRecognitionParameterArray\":[{\"Name\": \"l1\",\"LetterHeightRange\" : [ 8, 30, 1 ],\"ReferenceRegionNameArray\": [\"numberletterregion\"]}]";
    dlr.AppendSettingsFromString(("{" + characterModelArray + "," + DLRParameterArray + "," + ReferenceRegionArray  +", "+ TextAreaArray+ "}").c_str(), errorMessage, 256);

Change template settings using a JSON file

As with using a string, we will use the same method AppendSettingsFromString to modify the template setting. When using a JSON file, we’ll need to do a little more work to get the JSON file into an acceptable string.

Let’s take a look at the following JSON settings file, DLRTemplate.json.

        "LabelRecognitionParameterArray" : [
                "ForeAndBackgroundColours" : "[20,-1,20]",
                "Mode" : "DLR_RPM_GENERAL_HSV_CONTRAST",
                "SpatialIndexBlockSize" : 3

                    "SourceType": "DLR_LST_PREDETECTED_REGION",
                    "RegionPredetectionModesIndex": 0

In the following cpp file, we’ll demonstrate how to read the DLRTemplate.json file and use it in AppendSettingsFromString before recognizing the image. The ReadJsonFile function will convert the JSON object of the file parameter to an acceptable string.

    string ReadJsonFile(const string& pJsonFile) {
        fstream _file;, ios::in);

        if (!_file) {
            return "";

        string tempJsonFile = pJsonFile;
        string tempSettingPath;
        int index1 = tempJsonFile.find_last_of("\\");
        int index2 = tempJsonFile.find_last_of("/");

        if (index2 > index1)
            tempSettingPath = string(pJsonFile, 0, index2) + "/";
            tempSettingPath = string(pJsonFile, 0, index1) + "\\";

        std::string strJsonFile((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(_file)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
        return strJsonFile;

    int main() {
        char error[512];
        string ocrTemplate;
        string templateName;

        ocrTemplate = "<relative_path>/DLRTemplate.json";
        templateName = "dlrtemplate"

        dlr.AppendSettingsFromString(ReadJsonFile(ocrTemplate).c_str(), error, 512);

        ret = ocr.RecognizeByFile("<full image path>", templateName.c_str());


version 1.2.1

  • version 3.4.10
  • Version 3.x
    • Version 3.2.30
    • Version 3.2.20
    • Version 3.2.10
    • Version 3.2.0
    • Version 3.0.30
    • Version 3.0.20
    • Version 3.0.10
    • Version 3.0.0
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.2.20
    • Version 2.2.11
    • Version 2.2.10
    • Version 2.2.0
    • Version 2.0.0
  • Version 1.x
    • Version 1.2.1
    • Version 1.2
    • Version 1.0
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