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Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere is a SQL-based source control solution designed to be a replacement for Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.

For the details of the features, please refer to features list.


Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere is a client/server application which consists of a Server, a Cache Server (optional) and several types of Client. They can communicate over any standard TCP/IP connections. The architecture of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere is illustrated as below:


Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Client includes the following types: Windows GUI Client, Windows Command Line Client, Java GUI Client, Java Command Line Client and IDE Client. IDE client includes Eclipse Plug-in, Macromedia Dreamweaver Plug-in, Visual Studio 6, Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010 integration.

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Windows GUI Client is a GUI application that resembles the SourceSafe Explorer user interface very much. Users can perform most SourceSafe operations in a similar fashion. Furthermore, Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere has many enhancements compared with VSS operations. For details about other types of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Client, please refer to Using Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere section.

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Client can connect to any Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server by simply specifying the location of that server (a host name or IP address and a port number). It supports HTTP and SOCKS proxy protocol.


Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere stores all repository data in Microsoft SQL Server. You can create any number of repositories in one database.

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server is installed as a system service, hence the server can be installed on any windows platforms which support service, such as Windows 2000, XP, 2003 or Vista. It runs in the background with no user interface of any kind.

Configuration of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server can be done through a set of server management tools, including Server Manager, Service Configurator.

Cache Server

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Cache Server is specifically designed for geographically distributed teams and large teams. It caches the files when they are transferred through it. When a client needs to, say, get or check out a file from remote server, Cache Server transfers the file to client directly without relaying the file transfer request on to remote Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere server, if the file is cached in Cache Server. This way, the number of files to be transferred over internet is significantly reduced, and the remote access performance is greatly improved.

Configuration of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Cache Server can be done through Cache Server Manager. For more information about Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Cache Server, please refer to the Cache Server page.