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Machine Readable Travel Documents
The Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTD) standard specified by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) defines how to encode information for optical character recognition on official travel documents.
Dynamsoft Code Parser supports all versions of MRTD and specifies five code types:
In addition, Dynamsoft Code Parser also supports the following non-ICAO standard:
The exposed fields for each code type is defined as below:
MRTD_TD1_ID Fields
Field Name | Description |
CodeType | Code type, always has value “MRTD_TD1_ID” |
line1 | The first line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
documentCode | Document code |
issuingState | Issuing state or organization |
checkDigitForDocumentNumber | Check digit to verify the data of field documentNumber |
documentNumber | The document number given by the issuing State or organization, to uniquely identify the document from all other MROTDs issued by the State or organization |
checkDigitForLongDocumentNumber | Check digit to verify the data of field longDocumentNumber |
longDocumentNumber | if the document number has more than 9 character |
optionalData1 | Optional data elements in line 1 |
line2 | The second line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
dateOfBirth | Date of birth |
birthYear | Year of birth |
birthMonth | Month of birth |
birthDay | Day of birth |
checkDigitForBirthDate | Check digit to verify the data of field dateOfBirth |
sex | Sex |
dateOfExpiry | Date of expiry |
expiryYear | Year of expiry |
expiryMonth | Month of expiry |
expiryDay | Day of expiry |
checkDigitForExpiryDate | Check digit to verify the data of field dateOfExpiry |
nationality | Nationality |
optionalData2 | Optional data elements in line 2 |
compositeCheckDigit | Composite check digit |
line3 | The third line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
name | Name |
primaryIdentifier | Primary identifier(s) |
secondaryIdentifier | Secondary identifier(s) |
fieldForCompositeCheck | Data used to calculate the composite check digit |
MRTD_TD2_ID Fields
Field Name | Description |
CodeType | Code type, always has value “MRTD_TD2_ID” |
line1 | The first line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
documentCode | Document code |
issuingState | Issuing state or organization |
name | Name |
primaryIdentifier | Primary identifier(s) |
secondaryIdentifier | Secondary identifier(s) |
line2 | The second line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
documentNumber | The document number given by the issuing State or organization, to uniquely identify the document from all other MROTDs issued by the State or organization |
checkDigitForDocumentNumber | Check digit to verify the data of field documentNumber |
nationality | Nationality |
dateOfBirth | Date of birth |
birthYear | Year of birth |
birthMonth | Month of birth |
birthDay | Day of birth |
checkDigitForBirthDate | Check digit to verify the data of field dateOfBirth |
sex | Sex |
dateOfExpiry | Date of expiry |
expiryYear | Year of expiry |
expiryMonth | Month of expiry |
expiryDay | Day of expiry |
checkDigitForExpiryDate | Check digit to verify the data of field dateOfExpiry |
optionalData | Optional data elements for use of the issuing State or organization |
compositeCheckDigit | Composite check digit |
Field Name | Description |
CodeType | Code type, always has value “MRTD_TD2_VISA” |
line1 | The first line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
documentCode | Document code |
issuingState | Issuing state or organization |
name | Name |
primaryIdentifier | Primary identifier(s) |
secondaryIdentifier | Secondary identifier(s) |
line2 | The second line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
documentNumber | The document number given by the issuing State or organization, to uniquely identify the document from all other MROTDs issued by the State or organization |
checkDigitForDocumentNumber | Check digit to verify the data of field documentNumber |
nationality | Nationality |
dateOfBirth | Date of birth |
birthYear | Year of birth |
birthMonth | Month of birth |
birthDay | Day of birth |
checkDigitForBirthDate | Check digit to verify the data of field dateOfBirth |
sex | Sex |
dateOfExpiry | Date of expiry |
expiryYear | Year of expiry |
expiryMonth | Month of expiry |
expiryDay | Day of expiry |
checkDigitForExpiryDate | Check digit to verify the data of field dateOfExpiry |
optionalData | Optional data elements for use of the issuing State or organization |
Field Name | Description |
CodeType | Code type, always has value “MRTD_TD3_PASSPORT” |
line1 | The first line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
documentCode | Document code |
issuingState | Issuing state or organization |
name | Name |
primaryIdentifier | Primary identifier(s) |
secondaryIdentifier | Secondary identifier(s) |
line2 | The second line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
passportNumber | Passport number |
checkDigitForPassportNumber | Check digit to verify the data of field passportNumber |
nationality | Nationality |
dateOfBirth | Date of birth |
birthYear | Year of birth |
birthMonth | Month of birth |
birthDay | Day of birth |
checkDigitForBirthDate | Check digit to verify the data of field dateOfBirth |
sex | Sex |
dateOfExpiry | Date of expiry |
expiryYear | Year of expiry |
expiryMonth | Month of expiry |
expiryDay | Day of expiry |
checkDigitForExpiryDate | Check digit to verify the data of field dateOfExpiry |
personalNumber | Personal number or other optional data elements |
checkDigitForPersonalNumber | Check digit to verify the data of field personalNumber |
compositeCheckDigit | Composite check digit |
Field Name | Description |
CodeType | Code type, always has value “MRTD_TD3_VISA” |
line1 | The first line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
documentCode | Document code |
issuingState | Issuing state or organization |
name | Name |
primaryIdentifier | Primary identifier(s) |
secondaryIdentifier | Secondary identifier(s) |
line2 | The second line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
documentNumber | The document number given by the issuing State or organization, to uniquely identify the document from all other MROTDs issued by the State or organization |
checkDigitForDocumentNumber | Check digit to verify the data of field documentNumber |
nationality | Nationality |
dateOfBirth | Date of birth |
birthYear | Year of birth |
birthMonth | Month of birth |
birthDay | Day of birth |
checkDigitForBirthDate | Check digit to verify the data of field dateOfBirth |
sex | Sex |
dateOfExpiry | Date of expiry |
expiryYear | Year of expiry |
expiryMonth | Month of expiry |
expiryDay | Day of expiry |
checkDigitForExpiryDate | Check digit to verify the data of field dateOfExpiry |
optionalData | Optional data elements for use of the issuing State |
Field Name | Description |
CodeType | Code type, always has value “MRTD_TD2_FRENCH_ID” |
line1 | The first line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
documentCode | Document code |
issuingState | Issuing state or organization |
lastName | Card holder’s last name |
departmentOfIssuance | Department of issuance |
officeOfIssuance | Office of issuance |
line2 | The second line of the Machine Readable Zone data |
idNumber | The document number given by the issuing State or organization |
yearOfIssuance | Year of issuance |
monthOfIssuance | Month of issuance |
managementCenterSign | Assigned by the Management Center in chronological order in relation to the place of issue and the date of application |
checkDigitForIdNumber | Check digit to verify the data of field idNumber |
givenNames | First name followed by given names |
dateOfBirth | Date of birth |
birthYear | Year of birth |
birthMonth | Month of birth |
birthDay | Day of birth |
checkDigitForBirthDate | Check digit to verify the data of field dateOfBirth |
sex | Sex |
compositeCheckDigit | Composite check digit |