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North America Driver License and Identification
The AAMVA DL/ID Card Design Standard specified by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) defines how to encode machine-readable information in PDF417 and magnetic stripe.
Dynamsoft Code Parser supports all versions of the AAMVA DL/ID specification (2000, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016) and specifies two code types:
The exposed fields for each code type is defined as below:
Field Name | Description |
CodeType | Code type, always has value “AAMVA_DL_ID” |
AAMVAVersionNumber | AAMVA Version Number |
issuerIdentificationNumber | Issuer Identification Number (IIN) |
jurisdictionVersionNumber | Jurisdiction Version Number |
fullName | Full name of cardholder Present in version 1 (2000) |
lastName | Last name of cardholder |
givenName | Given name of cardholder |
firstName | First name of cardholder |
middleName | Middle name of cardholder |
suffix | Name suffix |
prefix | Name prefix |
street_1 | Street portion of the cardholder address |
street_2 | Second line of street portion of the cardholder address |
city | City portion of the cardholder address |
jurisdictionCode | State portion of the cardholder address |
postalCode | Postal code portion of the cardholder address |
residenceStreet_1 | Driver Residence Street Address 1 Present in version 1 (2000) |
residenceStreet_2 | Driver Residence Street Address 2 Present in version 1 (2000) |
residenceCity | Driver Residence City Present in version 1 (2000) |
residenceJurisdictionCode | Driver Residence Jurisdiction Code Present in version 1 (2000) |
residencePostalCode | Driver Residence Postal Code Present in version 1 (2000) |
licenseNumber | License/ID Number |
vehicleClass | Jurisdiction-specific vehicle class / Driver License Classification Code |
restrictionCode | Jurisdiction-specific codes that represent restrictions to driving privileges |
endorsementsCode | Jurisdiction-specific codes that represent additional privileges granted to the cardholder beyond the vehicle class |
heightInCentimeters | Height in centimeters Present in version 1 (2000) |
height | Height of cardholder |
weightInKilograms | weight in kilograms |
weightInPounds | weight in pounds |
eyeColor | Eye Color |
hairColor | Hair color |
expirationDate | Expiration Date |
birthDate | Date of Birth |
sex | Sex |
issuedDate | Date on which the document was issued |
issueTimestamp | Issue Timestamp used by some jurisdictions to validate the document against their data base |
numberOfDuplicates | Number of duplicate cards issued for a license or ID if any |
medicalIndicator | Medical Indicator/Codes |
organDonorIndicator | Indicator that the cardholder is an organ donor |
nonResidentIndicator | Non-Resident Indicator |
customerIdentifier | Unique Customer Identifier |
socialSecurityNumber | Social Security Number |
alternativeBirthDate | Driver ‘AKA’ Date Of Birth |
alternativeSocialSecurityNumber | Driver ‘AKA’ Social Security Number |
nameAlias | Driver ‘AKA’ Name |
lastNameAlias | Alias/’AKA’ Last Name |
givenNameAlias | Alias/’AKA’ Given Name |
firstNameAlias | Alias/’AKA’ First Name |
middleNameAlias | Alias/’AKA’ Middle Name |
suffixAlias | Alias/’AKA’ Suffix |
prefixAlias | Alias/’AKA’ Prefix |
permitClassificationCode | Driver Permit Classification Code |
permitExpirationDate | Driver Permit Expiration Date |
permitIdentifier | Permit Identifier |
permitIssuedDate | Driver Permit Issue Date |
permitRestrictionCode | Driver Permit Restriction Code |
permitEndorsementCode | Driver Permit Endorsement Code |
weightRange | Indicates the approximate weight range of the cardholder |
documentDiscriminator | Document Discriminator Number |
issuingCountry | Country in which DL/ID is issued |
federalCommercialVehicleCodes | Federal Commercial Vehicle Codes |
birthPlace | Place of birth |
auditInfomation | Audit information |
inventoryControlNumber | Inventory control number |
race | Codes for race or ethnicity of the cardholder |
standardVehicleClassification | Standard vehicle classification code(s) |
standardEndorsementsCode | Standard endorsement code(s) |
standardRestrictionCode | Standard restriction code(s) |
vehicleCodeDescription | Jurisdiction-specific vehicle classification description |
endorsementsCodeDescription | Jurisdiction-specific endorsement code description |
restrictionCodeDescription | Jurisdiction-specific restriction code description |
complianceType | Compliance Type, ‘F’ = fully compliant and ‘N’ = non-compliant. |
cardRevisionDate | Card Revision Date |
hazmatEndorsementExpirationDate | Date on which the hazardous material endorsement granted by the document is no longer valid |
limitedDurationDocumentIndicator | Limited Duration Document Indicator |
familyNameTruncation | Family name truncation. A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (T), has not been truncated (N), or –unknown whether truncated (U) |
firstNameTruncation | First name truncation. A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (T), has not been truncated (N), or –unknown whether truncated (U) |
middleNameTruncation | Middle name truncation. A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (T), has not been truncated (N), or –unknown whether truncated (U) |
under18Until | Date on which the cardholder turns 18 years old |
under19Until | Date on which the cardholder turns 19 years old |
under21Until | Date on which the cardholder turns 21 years old |
veteranIndicator | Indicator that the cardholder is a veteran |
jurisdictionSubfiles | Jurisdiction-Specific Fields |
Field Name | Description |
CodeType | Code type, always has value “AAMVA_DL_ID_WITH_MAG_STRIPE” |
track1 | Information in track 1 |
stateOrProvince | Mailing or residential code |
city | City portion of the cardholder address |
name | Full name of cardholder |
address | Mailing address |
LRCforTrack1 | Longitudinal redundancy check used to verify the data of field track1 |
track2 | Information in track 2 |
ISOIIN | The assigned identification number from ISO |
DLorID_Number | The DL/ID number assigned by each jurisdiction |
expirationDate | Date of expiry |
expirationYear | Year of expiry |
expirationMonth | Month of expiry |
birthDate | Date of birth |
birthYear | Year of birth |
birthMonth | Month of birth |
birthDay | Day of birth |
DLorID_NumberOverflow | Overflow for DL/ID number longer than 13 characters |
LRCforTrack2 | Longitudinal redundancy check used to verify the data of field track2 |
track3 | Information in track 3 |
magStripeVersion | The version level of the mag stripe format |
jurisdictionVersion | The jurisdiction version level of the mag stripe format |
postalCode | Postal code |
class | Represents the type of DL (ANSI codes modified for CDLIS) |
restrictions | Restrictions |
endorsements | Endorsements |
sex | Sex |
height | Height |
weight | Weight |
hairColor | Hair Color |
eyeColor | Eye Color |
discretionaryData1 | Discretionary data for use by each jurisdiction |
discretionaryData2 | Discretionary data for use by each jurisdiction |
securityFunction | Discretionary data for use by each jurisdiction |
LRCforTrack3 | Longitudinal redundancy check used to verify the data of field track3 |