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Release Notes - DynamsoftLabelRecognizer Module

3.2.30 (05/15/2024)


  • Updated the DLR algorithm to v3.2.30, seeDLR C++ v3.2.30 for more details.
  • Added new APIs for users to obtain the cached character items and the character clusters:
    • A new interface BufferedCharacterItemSet to represent a collection of buffered character items and cluster information.
    • A new interface BufferedCharacterItem to represent a basic item of the buffered characters with its image and features information.
    • A new interface CharacterCluster to represent a character cluster generated from the collected buffered character items.

3.0.30 (02/02/2024)

The first version of DynamsoftLabelRecognizer (DLR) JavaScript edition that integrate with DynamsoftCaptureVision (DCV) architecture.

DLR algorithm based on v3.0.30, seeDLR C++ v2.0.30 for more details.

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In this article:

Version 2.2.10

    • version 2.2.10
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.2.10
      • Version 2.0.30
      • Version 2.0.20
      • Version 2.0.10
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