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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

CaptureVisionRouter Settings

Name Description
initSettings() Configures runtime settings using a provided JSON string, an object, or a URL pointing to an object, which contains settings for one or more CaptureVisionTemplates.
outputSettings() Outputs a CaptureVisionTemplate specified by its name.
getSimplifiedSettings() Returns a SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object for manipulating a specified CaptureVisionTemplate.
updateSettings() Updates the specified CaptureVisionTemplate with an updated SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object.
resetSettings() Restores all runtime settings to their original default values.


Initializes the Runtime Settings with the settings in the given JSON string.


initSettings(settings: string): Promise<void>;


settings: A JSON string containing the configuration settings for the CaptureVisionRouter.

Return value

Returns a promise that resolves when the settings have been successfully initialized.

Code snippet

let router = await Dynamsoft.CVR.CaptureVisionRouter.createInstance();
const settings = {
  "CaptureVisionTemplates": [
      "Name": "ReadBarcodes_my_setting",
await router.initSettings(settings);


Returns the settings of the CaptureVisionRouter as a JSON string.


outputSettings(templateName?: string): Promise<string>;


templateName(optional): The name of the template for which to output the settings. If not specified, the settings currently in effect will be returned.

Return value

Returns a promise that resolves with the JSON string representing the settings.

Code snippet

let router = await Dynamsoft.CVR.CaptureVisionRouter.createInstance();
const settings = await router.outputSettings();


Retrieves the simplified settings for a specific template from the CaptureVisionRouter.


getSimplifiedSettings(templateName: string): Promise<SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings | null>;


templateName: The name of the template for which to retrieve the simplified settings.

Return Value

Returns a promise that resolves with a SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object representing the simplified settings for the specified template.

Remarks: If the underlying CaptureSettings is too complicated, we cannot construct a Simplified CaptureSettings in which case it returns null.

Code snippet

let router = await Dynamsoft.CVR.CaptureVisionRouter.createInstance();
settings = await router.getSimplifiedSettings();


Updates a few key settings of a template with new values.


updateSettings(templateName: string, settings: SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings): Promise<void>;


templateName: The name of the template to be updated with the provided settings.

settings: The SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings object containing the new values for the template.

Return Value

Returns a promise that resolves when the template settings have been successfully updated.

Code snippet

let router = await Dynamsoft.CVR.CaptureVisionRouter.createInstance();
let newSettings = await router.getSimplifiedSettings("normalize-document");
await router.updateSettings("normalize-document", newSettings);

Note: The updateSettings method allows you to update a template’s settings with new values. It is specifically designed for fast configuration of the image processing process, with certain limitations:

  1. There can only be one target region of interest (ROI), typically the input image itself.
  2. For the ROI, the SDK processes it only once.
  3. The processes within the template are independent and do not rely on each other.


Resets all settings of the CaptureVisionRouter to their default values.


resetSettings(): Promise<void>;



Return Value

Returns a promise that resolves when the settings have been successfully reset to their default values.

Code snippet

let router = await Dynamsoft.CVR.CaptureVisionRouter.createInstance();
await router.resetSettings();

Note: The resetSettings method allows you to reset all settings of the CaptureVisionRouter instance to their default values. This can be useful when you want to start with a clean slate and remove any custom configurations. It is important to note that the default values may vary depending on the specific edition, such as the JavaScript edition, which may have slightly different defaults compared to other editions like C++.

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