Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.
Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation for C++ Edition
Getting Started with DCV C++ Edition
The best way to start with the Dynamsoft Capture Vision C++ Edition, is following the User Guide to build your first capture vision application. Please note that the system requirements is as below:
System Requirements
- Windows:
- Supported Versions: Windows 7 and higher, or Windows Server 2003 and higher
- Architecture: x64 and x86
- Development Environment: Visual Studio 2012 or higher.
- Linux:
- Supported Distributions: Ubuntu 14.04.4+ LTS, Debian 8+, CentOS 6+
- Architectures: x64 (arm 32-bit and arm 64-bit coming soon)
- Minimum GLIBC Version: GLIBC_2.18 or higher
- Compiler: G++ 5.4 or higher
License Subscription
To develop and run your application with Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK, you need an active license key: