Release Notes
2.0.0 (03/13/2025)
The MRZ Scanner JavaScript Edition has been redesigned and redeveloped to now include a ready-to-use, fully developed UI to ease the development process while providing even better functionality.
Highlighted Features
- Automatic detection and parsing of MRZs in passports and IDs
- Support for the following MRTD formats: TD3 (Passport), TD2 (ID), and TD1 (ID)
- Ready-to-use UI to simplify the development process
- Supports an interactive video scenario (capturing via video) as well as static images (jpg/png)
- Modular, view-based design for easy maintenance and customization
MRZ Scanner JavaScript Edition is organized into configurable UI views. Below is a quick overview of the two main views:
Learn more about these views and how to configure them in the User Guide and the Customization Guide.
MRZ Scanner View
- Fully configurable camera view
- Resolution/camera select dropdown to allow for quick improvements
- Newly developed scan guide frame to enable easy capture of the MRZ document
- Green highlight overlay over the MRZ area once recognized
- Flash/Torch support
- Allows the user to load in an image from the photo library
MRZ Result View
- Scrollable field view to display the parsed MRZ info
- Displays the original image of the MRZ document
- Allows the user to edit almost all of the parsed fields
- Two buttons to allow the user to re-scan or move on