Customizing the MRZ Scanner JavaScript Edition
Before going into the ways that you can customize the MRZ Scanner, please read the MRZ Scanner JavaScript Edition User Guide.
This guide expands on the User Guide that explored the MRZ Scanner Hello World sample project. Here we explore ways to customize the UI as well as the performance of the MRZ Scanner. We will walk through the three main configuration interfaces - MRZScannerConfig
, MRZScannerViewConfig
, and MRZResultViewConfig
. These configuration interfaces make customizing the MRZ Scanner as easy as adding or changing a few properties in the instance constructor.
The MRZScannerConfig
interface is capable of configuring almost all customization options applicable to MRZ scanning use cases with the MRZ Scanner. The MRZ Scanner uses passes an MRZScannerConfig
object to the constructor when creating an MRZ Scanner instance. MRZScannerConfig
contains the following properties:
- the license key is the only property whose value must be specified when instantiating the MRZ Scanner instance. If the license is undefined, invalid, or expired, the MRZ Scanner cannot proceed with scanning, and instead displays a pop-up error message instructing the user to contact the site administrator to resolve this license issue. -
- pass a DOM element to this property to contain the entire MRZ Scanner UI within that DOM element. This property is optional. When not specified, (e.g. in our Hello World sample) the MRZ Scanner automatically creates its own container upon instantiation and uses that container instead. -
- A template file is a JSON file that contains a series of algorithm parameter settings (called Capture Vision templates) that is usually used for very specific and customized scanning and parsing scenarios. ThetemplateFilePath
points to the location of the JSON file. The MRZ Scanner comes with a default template file, but you may choose to use a custom template to target specialized use cases. We recommend contacting the Dynamsoft Technical Support Team for assistance with template customization. Simply host the custom template file on the hosting server of the web application and use thetemplateFilePath
to define its location to the MRZ Scanner. -
- this property defines the names of Capture Vision template(s) defined in the non-default template file pointed to bytemplateFilePath
. These names must be declared in this property when using a custom template withtemplateFilePath
. -
- The engine files of the library make up the core of the library and define the operation as well as the UI.engineResourcePaths
defines the location of the engine files in case they are being referenced from another different location. This property is typically used with frameworks such as React, Angular, or any other framework that makes use of a package manager like npm or yarn. -
- This is the configuration interface for theMRZScannerView
, which is responsible for the main scanning functionality as well as the camera UI. We explain the configuration properties nested in this object in theMRZScannerViewConfig
overview. -
- This is the configuration interface for theMRZResultView
, which is responsible for displaying the scanned MRZ document and its parsed data after a successful scan. You can find the breakdown of theMRZResultView
settings in the MRZResultView overview. -
- This configures the available MRTD formats that the MRZ Scanner can read. The formats set inmrzFormatType
are the formats that appear in the format selector box within theMRZScannerView
. By default, the library will include all of the supported MRTD formats.To learn more about the different MRTD formats the library supports, visit the introduction page for more details. -
- This toggles the visibility of theMRZResultView
. Iffalse
, the MRZ Scanner immediately closes upon a successful scan rather than going into theMRZResultView
, then proceeds to the next step of the web application’s workflow (outside the purview of the MRZ Scanner SDK). In the case of the Hello World sample, the next step just takes the user back to the landing page.
Next, we go over the different ways that these properties can be used to customize the scanner with a few samples.
Setting the MRTD formats
Before getting into this, if you haven’t already, we recommend reading through the MRZ Formats section of the Introduction to get familiar with the different MRTD types. Now, let’s say that you want to limit the supported MRZ document types to just passports (TD3) and IDs that are of type TD1. Here is a quick snippet based on the Hello World code (from the User Guide) that shows how to initialize the MRZ Scanner instance and change the supported MRZ format types:
const mrzScanner = new Dynamsoft.MRZScanner({
mrzFormatType: ["passport", "td1"], // setting it to just TD3 (passport) and TD1
Important Note: After changing the mrzFormatType, you will notice that the format selector box of the MRZScannerView reflects the two formats selected above instead of the three formats by default. If a single format is assigned to mrzFormatType, then the format selector box of the MRZScannerView will not show up even if showFormatSelector is set to true.
Hiding the Result View
There could be some cases where you do not require to use the default result view, like if you already have built your own viewer to displa the result info, or if it’s a completely automated process where a user is not directly involved in scanning the MRZ, then that would also not necessarily need a result view. Here is how you can configure the MRZScanner to hide the result view:
const mrzScanner = new Dynamsoft.MRZScanner({
showResultView: false,
MRZScannerViewConfig Overview
MRZScannerViewConfig is used to control the UI elements of the MRZScannerView, which is the main view of the scanning operation. Let’s break down the different properties that make up the MRZScannerView:
cameraEnhancerUIPath - If you have worked with the Dynamsoft Support Team on a custom HTML for the Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer based on the default HTML for this library, then please assign the path of that custom HTML file to this property so that it takes effect for any MRZScanner instance that is created in your application.
container - In order to contain the MRZScannerView within a specific DOM element, then that DOM element must be assigned to this property. If it is not specified (like in the Hello World sample) then a container is automatically created.
showScanGuide - Other than the actual camera view, one of the main elements in the MRZScannerView is a scan guide frame. Placing the MRZ document within the boundaries of the scan guide frame allows the library to quickly and accurately recognize the MRZ and decipher it. Please note that if the scan guide frame is shown, anything outside of the frame will not be read, therefore also saving extra resources that would be needed to read the entire camera region (which would help in saving battery life as well!). showScanGuide controls the visibility of these scan guide frames. There are three frames, one for each MRTD format that the library supports. Going from left to right, the first scan guide corresponds to the TD3 (Passport) format, the second is the TD2 (ID) format, and the third is the TD1 (ID) format.

showUploadImage - In addition to scanning via a camera, the MRZScanner also has the ability to read MRZs off static images from the device’s local library. However, if you would like to disable that feature in your own implementation, then all you need to do is set this property to false as the icon to load an image will be displayed by default at the top of the MRZScannerView.
showFormatSelector - The MRZScannerView comes with a selector box towards the bottom of the view that allows the user to disable or enable certain MRTD formats. The formats that show up in this selector box are defined by the mrzFormatType property of the MRZScannerConfig. Please note that a single format must be selected at any time. The scan guide frame (if shown) will also change based on which format(s) are selected - which is explained more in this section. By default, the format selector box is set to appear, so setting this to false will make it go away.

showSoundToggle - The MRZ Scanner also has the ability to provide the user a beep sound once a MRZ is recognized depending on the browser being used as not all browsers support this feature. By default, the sound toggle icon will be displayed at the top of the MRZScannerView and it will be disabled (grey). To hide this feature altogether, set this property to false.
enableMultiFrameCrossFilter - The multi-frame result cross filter is a feature that ensures the library relays the most accurate results. It is disabled by default, so if you choose to enable it, please note that there could be a slight time cost.
Important Note
Not every UI element of the MRZScannerView can be controlled by the MRZScannerViewConfig, namely the torch/flash button. The torch button will always show up in the MRZScannerView.
Using the MRZScannerViewConfig
Now that we have gone through all the properties that make up the MRZScannerViewConfig, let’s see them in action:
const mrzScanner = new Dynamsoft.MRZScanner({
scannerViewConfig: {
showScanGuide: false, // hides the scan guide frame; true by default
showUploadImage: false, // hides the load image icon that shows up in the toolbar at the top of the view; true by default
showFormatSelector: false, // hides the format selector box if more than two MRZ types are assigned; true by default
showSoundToggle: false, // hides the sound icon that allows the user to control whether a beep is played once an MRZ is recognized; true by default
enableMultiFrameCrossFilter: false, // turning the filter off could improve the speed but at the cost of result accuracy; true by default
Changing the Scan Guide Frame
As we have shown above, the library comes with different frames depending on the type of MRZ document that is being scanned. However, in this section we will discuss which frames are displayed when multiple MRTD formats are selected. Here are the current rules for the guide frames that are implemented in the library:
If passport is selected at any time (or if it is the only selection), then the guide frame for passport (TD3) will be displayed.
If both ID (TD1) and ID (TD2) are selected or only ID (TD1), but not passport, then the frame for ID (TD1) will be displayed.
If ID (TD2) is the only format selected, then the guide frame for ID(TD2) is displayed.
If you have any questions about this or would like to implement your own customization, please contact the Dynamsoft Support Team.
MRZResultViewConfig Overview
MRZResultViewConfig is used to display the parsed MRZ results into readable fields, saving time and resources needed to build your own viewer. In this section, we will explore the different UI elements of the result view and how they can be configured.
container - In order to contain the MRZResultView within a specific DOM element, then that DOM element must be assigned to this property. If it is not specified (like in the Hello World sample) then a container is automatically created.
toolbarButtonsConfig - The result view comes with a toolbar at the bottom (in portrait mode) or at the right side (in landscape mode) that has two buttons by default. The first button is a Re-take button that allows the user to go back to the MRZScannerView and scan another MRZ document. The other button is a Done button that closes the scanner and destroys the instance. In the next section, we will explain how these buttons can be customized via toolbarButtonsConfig.
showOriginalImage - By default, the MRZResultView displays a cropped image of the MRZ document at the top. If you would like to hide this image so that it is only the parsed result info that appears, then all you need to do is set this property to false.
allowResultEditing - In certain cases, the MRZ result info that is parsed by the library might come out incorrect or not exactly match the info that is present on the MRZ document. In order to deal with those cases, the library offers the capability for the user to edit the result fields after cross-checking them with the info present on the document itself.
onDone - In order to change the action(s) that are taken once the user clicks the Done button in the, you must use the onDone callback function of the MRZResultViewConfig. The function comes with the MRZResult object that represents the full MRZ result in case the developer would like to do something with the result after the scanner closes (once Done is clicked). Please read the section on changing the Done actions to learn how to implement this callback.
Using the MRZResultViewConfig
Now that we have learned about the properties of the MRZResultViewConfig interface, let’s now demonstrate how to use it in a simple code snippet:
const mrzScanner = new Dynamsoft.MRZScanner({
scannerViewConfig: {
/* see the MRZScannerViewConfig section to learn how to set this */
resultViewConfig: {
showOriginalImage: false, // hides the cropped image of the MRZ document in the result view; true by default
allowResultEditing: false, // disables the ability to edit the result fields should the parsed information not match the MRZ document; true by default
toolbarButtonsConfig: {
retake: {
icon: "path to a png/svg file" // Changes the icon image of the retake button
label: "Re-scan", // Change the text label of the retake button to the provided string; string is "Re-take" by default
isHidden: true, // Hides the retake button; false by default
className: "custom class name" // to implement a custom css to the done button, you can assign a custom css class to the button here
done: {
icon: "path to a png/svg file" // Changes the icon image of the retake button
label: "Return Home", // Change the text label of the done button to the provided string; string is "Done" by default
isHidden: true, // Hides the done button; false by default
className: "custom class name" // to implement a custom css to the done button, you can assign a custom css class to the button here
Changing the Done actions
The default action once the user clicks the Done is that the scanner closes and the user is taken back to the landing page. However, this action can be changed via the onDone callback function of the MRZResultViewConfig. Let’s demonstrate that:
const mrzScanner = new Dynamsoft.MRZScanner({
scannerViewConfig: {
/* see the MRZScannerViewConfig section to learn how to set this */
resultViewConfig: {
onDone: (result) => {
console.log(result.status.message); // print the result status message to the console
console.log(result.status.code); // print the result status code
console.log(; // print the first name from the MRZ info
In the above code, we simply just print the result status code, status message, and the first name to the console once the user clicks Done and the scanner closes. Of course, the action doesn’t have to be this simple as this is just a code snippet. You can choose to navigate to a new page as a next step in your workflow, or really whatever the situation calls for.