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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

UI Control

API Name Description
defaultUIElementURL Returns or sets the URL of the .html file that defines the default UI Element.
highlightFillStyle Specifies the color used inside the shape which highlights a found line of text.
highlightStrokeStyle Specifies the color used to paint the outline of the shape which highlights a found line of text.
highlightLineWidth Specifies the line width of the outline of the shape which highlights a found line of text.
regionMaskFillStyle Specifies the color used in the square-loop shape between the actual scanning area and the boundary of the video input.
regionMaskStrokeStyle Specifies the color used to paint the outline of the scanning region.
regionMaskLineWidth Specifies the width of the outline of the scanning region.


Returns or sets the URL of the .html file that defines the default UI Element. The URL can only be set before the API createInstance is called.

static defaultUIElementURL: string

Code Snippet

// Dynamsoft.DLR.LabelRecognizer.defaultUIElementURL = "";
let cameraEnhancer = await Dynamsoft.DCE.CameraEnhancer.createInstance();
await cameraEnhancer.setUIElement(Dynamsoft.DLR.LabelRecognizer.defaultUIElementURL);
let recognizer = await Dynamsoft.DLR.LabelRecognizer.createInstance({
    runtimeSettings: "video-passportMRZ"
await recognizer.startScanning();


Specifies the color used inside the shape which highlights a found line of text. The default value is rgba(254, 180, 32, 0.3) .

highlightFillStyle: string


Specifies the color used to paint the outline of the shape which highlights a found line of text. The default value is rgba(254, 180, 32, 0.9) .

highlightStrokeStyle: string


Specifies the line width of the outline of the shape which highlights a found line of text. The default value is 1 .

highlightLineWidth: number


Specifies the color used in the square-loop shape between the actual scanning area and the boundary of the video input. This shape only appears when the text scanning is limited to a specified region. The default value is rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) .

regionMaskFillStyle: string


Specifies the color used to paint the outline of the scanning region. This outline only appears when the text scanning is limited to a specified region. The default value is rgb(254, 142, 20) .

regionMaskStrokeStyle: string


Specifies the width of the outline of the scanning region. This outline only appears when the text scanning is limited to a specified region. The default value is 2 .

regionMaskLineWidth: number

version 2.2.2

  • version 3.0.30
  • Version 3.x
    • Version 3.0.30
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.2.31
    • Version 2.2.30
    • Version 2.2.11
    • Version 2.2.10
    • Version 2.2.4
    • Version 2.2.2
    • Version 2.2.1
    • Version 2.2.0
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