Table of contents
Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Initialization Control

The following methods and properties help with the initialization of the library.

License Control

API Name Description
license Use an alphanumeric string to specify the license.

Create and Destroy Instances

API Name Description
defaultUIElementURL [Deprecated] Returns or sets the URL of the .html file that defines the default UI Element.
createInstance() Creates a LabelRecognizer instance.
destroyContext() Destroies the LabelRecognizer instance.
isContextDestroyed() Returns whether the instance has been destroyed.

Set Up the Environment

API Name Description
engineResourcePath Specifies the path from where the recognition engine and models, etc. can be loaded.
loadWasm() Loads the recognition engine and models.
isWasmLoaded() Returns whether the recognition engine and models have been loaded.
getVersion() Returns the version of the library.
detectEnvironment() Assess the running environment regarding the features the library requires to run.



Returns or sets the URL of the .html file that defines the default UI Element. The URL can only be set before the API createInstance is called.

static defaultUIElementURL: string

Code Snippet

// The following line is actually not useful anymore if Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer v3.0.0+ is used.
Dynamsoft.DLR.LabelRecognizer.defaultUIElementURL = "";
let cameraEnhancer = await Dynamsoft.DCE.CameraEnhancer.createInstance();
let options = {
    resultsHighlightBaseShapes: Dynamsoft.DCE.DrawingItem
await recognizer.setImageSource(enhancer, options);
let recognizer = await Dynamsoft.DLR.LabelRecognizer.createInstance({
    runtimeSettings: "video-passportMRZ"
await recognizer.startScanning();


An online license or an offline license can be set here. Most license formats are supported. Dynamsoft usually provides an online license.

license needs to be set before createInstance() or loadWasm().

static license: string


Handshake Code and Organization ID

When you are using the online licenses, the license items can’t be used directly. You need to use either a “Handshake Code” or an “Organization ID” instead.

The “Handshake Code” refers to an array of license items. When an “Handshake Code” is set, these license items will be consumed in a preset order.

When an “Organization ID” is set, the default “Handshake Code” of the “Organization ID” will be used.

Generally, the first “Handshake Code” ever created for an organization is the default one. However, you can always configure another “Handshake Code” as the default.

“Handshake Codes” can be configured in the customer portal.

Code Snippet

Dynamsoft.DLR.LabelRecognizer.license =
let scanner = await Dynamsoft.DLR.LabelRecognizer.createInstance();

For convenience, you can even set license in the script tag.

<script src="/dist/dlr.js" data-license=


Creates a LabelRecognizer instance.

static createInstance(config?: any): Promise<LabelRecognizer>


config : Configures how to create the instance. At present, it only specifies one of the built-in runtimeSettings templates which include

Name Description
number For pure number recognition.
numberLetter For number and English letter recognition.
numberUpperCase For number and uppercase English letter recognition.
letter For pure English letter recognition.
MRZ For MRZ (machine-readable zone) recognition.
passportMRZ For recognition of the machine-readable zones on passports.
visaMRZ For recognition of the machine-readable zones on visas.
MRZ For recognition of the machine-readable zones on passports, visas and IDCards.
VIN For VIN (vehicle identification number) recognition.
VIN_NA For North American VIN (vehicle identification number) recognition.

When recognizing from video input, add the prefix “video-“ for a slightly different template optimized for continuous frame recognition. For example, use video-passportMRZ to read the MRZ on passports with a camera.

Return value

A promise resolving to the created LabelRecognizer object.

Code Snippet

let recognizer = await Dynamsoft.DLR.LabelRecognizer.createInstance({
    runtimeSettings: "video-MRZ"
await recognizer.startScanning();


Destroys the LabelRecognizer instance. If your page needs to create a new instance from time to time, don’t forget to destroy unused old instances.

destroyContext(): void

Return value

A promise that resolves when the operation succeeds.

Code Snippet

let recognizer = await Dynamsoft.DLR.LabelRecognizer.createInstance();
// ... decode ...


Returns whether the instance has been destroyed.

isContextDestroyed(): boolean


Specifies the path to find the engine(s). The property needs to be set before loadWasm. If not specified, the library will try to find the engine in the same location as the main JavaScript file (dlr.js).

static engineResourcePath: string

Code Snippet

Dynamsoft.DLR.LabelRecognizer.engineResourcePath = "";
await Dynamsoft.DLR.LabelRecognizer.loadWasm();


Downloads and compiles the engine to get it loaded/ready for a LabelRecognizer instance to be created. You can call this API to silently set the operating environment of the library as soon as the page is loaded, avoiding unnecessary waiting time when using the library later.

If this API is not called beforehand, it will be called automatically when creating a LabelRecognizer instance.

static loadWasm(): Promise<void>

Code Snippet

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {


Returns whether the engine is loaded/ready.

static isWasmLoaded(): boolean


Returns the version of the library including the detailed version numbers of the engine and the main JavaScript code.

The engine version only valid after loadWasm has been called.

static getVersion(): string

Code Snippet

// loading...(JS
await Dynamsoft.DLR.LabelRecognizer.loadWasm();


Returns a report on the current running environments.

static detectEnvironment(): Promise<any>

Code Snippet

// {"wasm":true, "worker":true, "getUserMedia":true, "camera":true, 
// "browser":"Chrome", "version":90, "OS":"Windows"}

Version 3.0.30

  • version 3.0.30
  • Version 3.x
    • Version 3.0.30
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.2.31
    • Version 2.2.30
    • Version 2.2.11
    • Version 2.2.10
    • Version 2.2.4
    • Version 2.2.2
    • Version 2.2.1
    • Version 2.2.0
Change +