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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.


The CTextLineResultItem class represents a text line result item recognized by the library. It is derived from CCapturedResultItem.


Namespace: dynamsoft::dlr

Assembly: DynamsoftLabelRecognizer

class CTextLineResultItem : public CCapturedResultItem

Inheritance: CCapturedResultItem -> CTextLineResultItem

Methods Summary

Method Description
GetText Gets the text content of the text line.
GetLocation Gets the location of the text line in the form of a quadrilateral.
GetConfidence Gets the confidence of the text line recognition result.
GetCharacterResultsCount Gets the count of character results in the text line.
GetCharacterResult Gets the character result at the specified index.


It is used to get the text content of the text line.

virtual const char* GetText() const = 0;

Return value

Returns the text content of the text line.


It is used to get the location of the text line in the form of a quadrilateral.

virtual CQuadrilateral GetLocation() const = 0;

Return value

Returns the location of the text line in the form of a quadrilateral.


It is used to get the confidence of the text line recognition result.

virtual int GetConfidence() const = 0;

Return value

Returns the confidence of the text line recognition result.


It is used to get the count of character results in the text line.

virtual int GetCharacterResultsCount() const = 0;

Return value

Returns the count of character results in the text line.


It is used to get the character result at the specified index.

virtual const CCharacterResult* GetCharacterResult(int index) const = 0;


[in] index The index of the character result to get.

Return value

Returns the character result at the specified index.

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