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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Dynamsoft Label Recognition - iOS Methods

You are viewing a history document page of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer iOS v1.x.


Method Description
getVersion Returns the version number string for the SDK.



Method Description
init Create an instance of Dynamsoft Label Recognition.
initWithLicense Sets the license and activates the SDK.
initLicenseFromLTS Initializes the label recognition license and connects to the specified server for online verification.



Method Description
getRuntimeSettings Gets the current settings and saves it into a class.
updateRuntimeSettings Updates runtime settings with a given class.
resetRuntimeSettings Resets the runtime settings.
appendSettingsFromString Appends LabelRecognitionParameter settings in a string to the SDK object.
appendSettingsFromFile Appends LabelRecognitionParameter settings from a file to the SDK object.
outputSettingsToFile Outputs LabelRecognitionParameter settings into a file (JSON file).
clearAppendedSettings Clear all appended LabelRecognitionParameter settings in the SDK object.
updateReferenceRegionFromBarcodeResults Updates reference region which is defined with source type DLR_LST_BARCODE.
getModeArgument Get argument value for the specified mode parameter.
setModeArgument Set argument value for the specified mode parameter.
appendCharacterModel Appends CharacterModel to the SDK object.
eraseAllCharacterModels Erases all CharacterModels the SDK object currently loaded.
eraseCharacterModelByName Erases a name specified CharacterModel from the SDK object.



Method Description
recognizeByBuffer Recognizes text from memory buffer containing image pixels in defined format.
recognizeByFile Recognizes text from a specified image file.


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Version 3.2.30

  • version 3.2.30
  • Version 3.x
    • Version 3.0.20
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.2.20
    • Version 2.0.0
  • Version 1.x
    • Version 1.2.1
    • Version 1.2.0
    • Version 1.0.0
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