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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

iOS API Reference - Initialization

You are viewing a history document page of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer iOS v1.x.

Method Description
init Create an instance of Dynamsoft Label Recognition.
initWithLicense Sets the license and activates the SDK.
initLicenseFromLTS Initializes the label recognition license and connects to the specified server for online verification.


Initializes DynamsoftLabelRecognition.

- (instancetype _Nonnull)init;

Return Value The instance of DynamsoftLabelRecognition.

Code Snippet

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer;
    recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] init];


let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.init()



Sets the license and activates the SDK.

- (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithLicense:(NSString* _Nonnull)license;

Parameters [in] license: The product keys.

Code Snippet

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer;
    recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"];
  2. let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************")



Initializes the label recognition license and connects to the specified server for online verification.

- (instancetype _Nonnull)initLicenseFromLTS:(iDMLTSConnectionParameters* _Nullable)ltsConnectionParameters verificationDelegate:(id _Nullable)connectionDelegate;

Parameters [in] ltsConnectionParameters The struct iDMLTSConnectionParameters with customized settings.
[in,out] connectionDelegate The delegate to handle callback when license server returns.

Code Snippet

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer;
    iDMLTSConnectionParameters* lts = [[iDMLTSConnectionParameters alloc] init];
    lts.handshakeCode = @"*****-hs-****";
    lts.sessionPassword = @"******";
    recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initLicenseFromLTS:lts verificationDelegate:self];
    - (void)LTSLicenseVerificationCallback:(bool)isSuccess error:(NSError * )error
    //TODO add your code for license verification
  2. let lts = iDMLTSConnectionParameters()
    lts.handshakeCode = "200***001-1000*****"
    lts.sessionPassword = "******"
    let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition(licenseFromLTS: lts, verificationDelegate: self)
    func ltsLicenseVerificationCallback(_ isSuccess: Bool, error: Error?)
    print("isSuccess : \(isSuccess) error : \(String(describing: error))")


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Version 3.2.30

    • version 3.2.30
    • Version 3.x
      • Version 3.0.20
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.2.20
      • Version 2.0.0
    • Version 1.x
      • Version 1.2.1
      • Version 1.2.0
      • Version 1.0.0
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