Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.
Dynamsoft Label Recognition Enumeration - Parameter Mode Enumeration
Enumeration | Description |
DLRBinarizationMode |
Describes the binarization mode. |
DLRGrayscaleTransformationMode |
Describes the grayscale transformation mode. |
DLRRegionPredetectionMode |
Describes the region predetection mode. |
Describes the binarization mode.
Language | Declaration |
C / C++ | enum DLRBinarizationMode |
.Net | enum Dynamsoft.DLR.EnumDLRBinarizationMode |
Android | class EnumDLRBinarizationMode |
ObjC / Swift | enum EnumDLRBinarizationMode |
Java | class EnumDLRBinarizationMode |
Member (except ObjC/Swift) | Member (ObjC/Swift) | Value | Description | Valid Argument(s) |
DLR_BM_SKIP | EnumDLRBinarizationModeSkip | 0x00 | Skips the binarization. | N/A |
DLR_BM_AUTO | EnumDLRBinarizationModeAuto | 0x01 | Not supported yet. | N/A |
DLR_BM_LOCAL_BLOCK | EnumDLRBinarizationModeLocalBlock | 0x02 | Binarizes the image based on the local block. | BlockSizeX BlockSizeY EnableFillBinaryVacancy ThreshValueCoefficient |
DLR_BM_THRESHOLD | EnumDLRBinarizationModeThreshold | 0x04 | Binarizes the image based on given threshold. | BinarizationThreshold |
Describes the grayscale transformation mode.
Language | Declaration |
C / C++ | enum DLRGrayscaleTransformationMode |
.Net | enum Dynamsoft.DLR.EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationMode |
Android | class EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationMode |
ObjC / Swift | enum EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationMode |
Java | class EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationMode |
Member (except ObjC/Swift) | Member (ObjC/Swift) | Value | Description |
DLR_GTM_SKIP | EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationModeSkip | 0x00 | Skips grayscale transformation. |
DLR_GTM_INVERTED | EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationModeInverted | 0x01 | Transforms to inverted grayscale. Recommended for light on dark images. |
DLR_GTM_ORIGINAL | EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationModeOriginal | 0x02 | Keeps the original grayscale. Recommended for dark on light images. |
DLR_GTM_AUTO | EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationModeAuto | 0x04 | Lets the library choose an algorithm automatically for grayscale transformation. |
Describes the region predetection mode.
Language | Declaration |
C / C++ | enum DLRRegionPredetectionMode |
.Net | enum Dynamsoft.DLR.EnumDLRRegionPredetectionMode |
Android | class EnumDLRRegionPredetectionMode |
ObjC / Swift | enum EnumDLRRegionPredetectionMode |
Java | class EnumDLRRegionPredetectionMode |
Member (except ObjC/Swift) | Member (ObjC/Swift) | Value | Description | Valid Argument(s) |
DLR_RPM_SKIP | EnumDLRRegionPredetectionModeSkip | 0x00 | Skips region detection. | N/A |
DLR_RPM_AUTO | EnumDLRRegionPredetectionModeAuto | 0x01 | Lets the library choose an algorithm automatically to detect region. | N/A |
DLR_RPM_GENERAL | EnumDLRRegionPredetectionModeGeneral | 0x02 | Takes the whole image as a region. | N/A |
DLR_RPM_GENERAL_RGB_CONTRAST | EnumDLRRegionPredetectionModeGeneralRGBContrast | 0x04 | Detects region using the general algorithm based on RGB colour contrast. | MinImageDimension Sensitivity SpatialIndexBlockSize |
DLR_RPM_GENERAL_GRAY_CONTRAST | EnumDLRRegionPredetectionModeGeneralGrayContrast | 0x08 | Detects region using the general algorithm based on gray contrast. | MinImageDimension Sensitivity SpatialIndexBlockSize |
DLR_RPM_GENERAL_HSV_CONTRAST | EnumDLRRegionPredetectionModeGeneralHSVContrast | 0x10 | Detects region using the general algorithm based on HSV colour contrast. | AspectRatioRange FindAccurateBoundary ForeAndBackgroundColours HeightRange MinImageDimension Sensitivity SpatialIndexBlockSize WidthRange |
Describes the scale up mode.
Language | Declaration |
C / C++ | enum DLRScaleUpMode |
.Net | enum Dynamsoft.DLR.EnumDLRScaleUpMode |
Android | class EnumDLRScaleUpMode |
ObjC / Swift | enum EnumDLRScaleUpMode |
Java | class EnumDLRScaleUpMode |
Member (except ObjC/Swift) | Member (ObjC/Swift) | Value | Description | Valid Argument(s) |
DLR_SUM_SKIP | EnumDLRScaleUpModeSkip | 0x00 | Skip the scale-up process. | N/A |
DLR_SUM_AUTO | EnumDLRScaleUpModeAuto | 0x01 | The library chooses an interpolation method automatically to scale up. | N/A |
DLR_SUM_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION | EnumDLRScaleUpModeLinearInterpolation | 0x02 | Scales up using the linear interpolation method. | LetterHeightThreshold TargetLetterHeight |
DLR_SUM_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR_INTERPOLATION | EnumDLRScaleUpModeNearestNeighbourInterpolation | 0x04 | Scales up using the nearest-neighbour interpolation method. | LetterHeightThreshold TargetLetterHeight |