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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Dynamsoft Label Recognition Enumeration - Parameter Mode Enumeration

Enumeration Description
DLRBinarizationMode Describes the binarization mode.
DLRGrayscaleTransformationMode Describes the grayscale transformation mode.
DLRRegionPredetectionMode Describes the region predetection mode.


Describes the binarization mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum DLRBinarizationMode
.Net enum Dynamsoft.DLR.EnumDLRBinarizationMode
Android class EnumDLRBinarizationMode
ObjC / Swift enum EnumDLRBinarizationMode


Member (except ObjC/Swift) Member (ObjC/Swift) Value Description
DLR_BM_SKIP EnumDLRBinarizationModeSkip 0x00 Skips the binarization.
DLR_BM_AUTO EnumDLRBinarizationModeAuto 0x01 Not supported yet.
DLR_BM_LOCAL_BLOCK EnumDLRBinarizationModeLocalBlock 0x02 Binarizes the image based on the local block.
DLR_BM_THRESHOLD EnumDLRBinarizationModeThreshold 0x04 Binarizes the image based on given threshold.

Remarks Check arguments of DLRBinarizationModes for available argument settings.



Describes the grayscale transformation mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum DLRGrayscaleTransformationMode
.Net enum Dynamsoft.DLR.EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationMode
Android class EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationMode
ObjC / Swift enum EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationMode


Member (except ObjC/Swift) Member (ObjC/Swift) Value Description
DLR_GTM_SKIP EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationModeSkip 0x00 Skips grayscale transformation.
DLR_GTM_INVERTED EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationModeInverted 0x01 Transforms to inverted grayscale. Recommended for light on dark images.
DLR_GTM_ORIGINAL EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationModeOriginal 0x02 Keeps the original grayscale. Recommended for dark on light images.
DLR_GTM_AUTO EnumDLRGrayscaleTransformationModeAuto 0x04 Lets the library choose an algorithm automatically for grayscale transformation.



Describes the region predetection mode.


Language Declaration
C / C++ enum DLRRegionPredetectionMode
.Net enum Dynamsoft.DLR.EnumDLRRegionPredetectionMode
Android class EnumDLRRegionPredetectionMode
ObjC / Swift enum EnumDLRRegionPredetectionMode


Member (except ObjC/Swift) Member (ObjC/Swift) Value Description
DLR_RPM_SKIP EnumDLRRegionPredetectionModeSkip 0x00 Skips region detection.
DLR_RPM_AUTO EnumDLRRegionPredetectionModeAuto 0x01 Lets the library choose an algorithm automatically to detect region.
DLR_RPM_GENERAL EnumDLRRegionPredetectionModeGeneral 0x02 Takes the whole image as a region.
DLR_RPM_GENERAL_RGB_CONTRAST EnumDLRRegionPredetectionModeGeneralRGBContrast 0x04 Detects region using the general algorithm based on RGB colour contrast.
DLR_RPM_GENERAL_GRAY_CONTRAST EnumDLRRegionPredetectionModeGeneralGrayContrast 0x08 Detects region using the general algorithm based on gray contrast.
DLR_RPM_GENERAL_HSV_CONTRAST EnumDLRRegionPredetectionModeGeneralHSVContrast 0x10 Detects region using the general algorithm based on HSV colour contrast.

Remarks Check arguments of DLRRegionPredetectionModes for available argument settings.


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