- Select the checked-out file you want to check in from the file list. Multiple files can be selected by holding the CTRL or SHIFT key down as you select.
- Click Check In button on the toolbar or select Check In from the Source menu or by right-clicking the selected file.
- Enter a comment in the Comment box of the Check In dialog box, if you'd like to add a comment for the change.
- Click OK to check in the file.
How to check in a project
- Select the project you want to check in from the project tree.
- Click Check In button on the toolbar or select Check In from the Source menu or by right-clicking the selected project.
- Enter a comment in the Comment box of the Check In dialog box, if you'd like to add a comment for the change.
- Click OK to check in the project.
1. Check In on a project is applied on all checked-out files within the project.
2. If you try to check in or undo checkout a shared file which was checked out to another location, you will get the following prompt message:
3. If you try to check in or undo checkout a file which was checked out on another machine by yourself, you will get the following prompt message:
4. If you try checking out or undoing check out a file which was checked out by others, you will get the following prompt message: