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Client Window

The main window of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Client includes the following parts:

Window Items

Title bar

The title bar displays your organization ID and the type of hosting plan.

Menu bar

The menu bar has the following menus: File, Edit, View, Source, Tools, Help. See also Main Menu.

Source Location

With a valid project path in the bar, you can navigate to the project location directly by pressing Enter.

Working Folder Location

Display the local working directory path of currently selected project. Since SourceAnywehere Hosted 3.0.1, the path is designed as a hyperlink which enables users to explore the working folder easily. See also Set Working Folder.


The toolbar provides quick access to the basic Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted commands, including Create Project, Add Files, Label, Delete, Get Latest Version, Check Out, Check In, Undo Check Out, Share, Branch, View, Edit, Show Differences, Show Properties, Show History, Set Working Folder, Refresh, Delta Transfer, and Help. 

Project tree pane

The project tree pane displays as a hierarchical tree on the left side of the Client window. It lists all available projects in the current repository.

File list pane

The file list pane is on the right side of the Client window. It displays a list of files in the current project. The columns displayed in the file list pane is customizable in Tools->Options->File List Columns Tab.

Status window

The status window is located in the lower portion of the Client window. The successes or failures of recently performed operations are dynamically logged to this window.

The number of lines displayed in the Status Window is configurable from Tools > Options > View Tab. The default is 500 lines. To clear the Status Window, select Clear Status Window from the Edit menu.

Pending Checkins window

The Pending Changes Window allows you to view and manage all the pending check-ins. The window is divided into three parts: Toolbar, Comment, and Pending File List.

Status bar

Displays current command information, currently logged-in username, encryption status, sort and number of items at the bottom of the Client window.