for the method AcquireImage
that allows setting up how the library queries extended image info items. In version 8.1, the default level would result in scanning failure or serious performance issues with some scanners.Fixed the handle leak issue of OCR.
Fixed the bug that the extended image info messages are not returned when setting IfGetExtendedImageInfo
to true.
Fixed the bug that mouse scroll moving up only.
Fixed the bug that cameraManager.Dispose
will throw an exception when there is no camera connected.
Fixed the bug that some HD cameras failed to initialize.
Added SetDPI
method to change the DPI (dots per inch) of an image specified by index.
Added SetOpenSourceTimeout
method to set the time-out used to open a specified Data Source.
Improved the method AcquireImage
by adding two more options IfGetImageInfo
& IfGetExtImageInfo
to its callback IAcquireCallback
which are true by default and means extra image info will be returned with each transferred image. The info could be returned by the event OnPostTransfer
Improved the method SetFileXFERInfo
so that you can specify a naming pattern for the transferred images when the transfer mode is Disk
Fixed the memory leak issue of the Webcam Capture Sample.
Fixed a bug where the captured images in the container do not rotate when the video stream has been rotated.
Fixed a bug where loading PDF file throws an exception when Convert Mode
is set to Auto.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
Added CreateBarcode
method to create a barcode image in the Barcode Generator Module.
Added ScanInNewProcess
property for acquiring image in an independent 32-bit process in the TWAIN Scan Module.
Updated the scanning process.
Improved OCR accuracy & speed by using a newer library.
Improved the rendering performance of the PDF Library.
Improved the compatibility with higher resolution of Webcam in the Webcam Module.
Improved the performance of the samples.
Fixed the bug that the exception cannot be thrown if there is a scanning error.
Fixed an issue where you can’t save multiple images in disk mode.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
Removed Encrypt
& Merge
Very high resolutions are hidden in the Webcam Module to stop the application from crashing.
method to save images as multi-page TIFF in bytes.Deleted unused namespaces and classes.
Decreased the memory consumption of the video stream in the Webcam module.
Improved the interface of the demo guide program and the samples.
Fixed a bug where setting the Value of Zoom throws an error in the Webcam module.
Fixed an issue where the resolution of the output PDF is fixed to 72 dpi in the PDF Library for images whose width/height is less than 2000.
Fixed a bug where the mouse flashes when an area is selected in the Viewer module.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
method: merge multiple PDF files into a single PDF file.EncryptPDFFile
method: encrypt a PDF file with password and permissions on disk and save the results as a new PDF file.PDFConvertMode
property: set the convert mode for PDF files.SetPDFResolution
method: set the resolution for converting PDF to image.Added BestQuality
to DWTInterpolationMethod
Added OnFrameCapture
event which is triggered when a frame is captured by WebCam.
Added OnPrePageLoad
event which is triggered before every page of a local image is loaded.
event which is triggered after every page of a local image is loaded.Improved the compatibility of the annotation generated by PDF Annotation add-on with other PDF tools.
Improved the JPEG Compression type of TiffCompressionType
Improved the logic of load and download related functions to work better with the PDF Rasterizer.
Improved sample applications to support Visual Studio 2015.
Fixed an issue where PDF files will be loaded multiple times when executing ConvertPDFToImage.
Fixed an issue where the process can’t be killed when ScanInNewProcess fails.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
Added GetBitmap
method to convert an image to a Bitmap so that you can read a barcode from a Bitmap image in WPF applications.
Added Rotate
and FocusOnArea
functionalities in the Dynamic .NET TWAIN built-in webcam User Interface.
Changed the name of the barcode generator add-on dll from DynamicBarcode(x64).dll to DynamicBarcodeGenerator(x64).dll and separated the Barcode Generator add-on and Barcode Reader add-on. In other words, the barcode reader and generator add-ons are now built into individual dll assemblies.
Changed RotateVideo
method so that it rotates the video by a certain degree from its original orientation instead of the current orientation.
Removed Dynamsoft related information from the Dynamic .NET TWAIN built-in Image Editor.
Fixed a bug where IsBlankImage
crashes in certain cases.
Fixed an issue where the core product is not compatible with the old barcode reader add-on.
Fixed an issue where FocusOnArea
method doesn’t work when running the executable outside of Visual Studio.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
Added WPF version of Dynamic .NET TWAIN Webcam Module.
Added a new method LoadImage(Image)
to load an image from an Image object.
Added a new method FocusOnArea(Rectangle)
to focus on a specified area.
Added a new method RotateVideo(RotationType)
to rotate your video.
which can be triggered when an image from a local directory is loaded into the control.Added a new property IfPrintAnnotations
to print annotations.
to set the version info for saving PDF files (PDF Rasterizer add-on does not support it yet).Replaced old Barcode Reader add-on with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader for better performance.
Replaced old PDF Rasterizer add-on with a brand new rasterizer for better performance. All relative APIs remain the same.
Improved license verification mechanism to ease the upgrade of trial version to full version.
Fixed a bug where some special PDF files are rotated by 90 degree automatically when being loaded into the control.
Fixed an issue where the control would crash or stop working when loop loading some PDF files if one of them is corrupted.
Fixed an issue where image transfer failed when GetImageInfo
and GetBarcodeInfo
throw an error.
Fixed a bug where the property CapIfSupported
returns wrong value.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
Improved 2D barcode reader add-on performance, especially for PDF417 and QRCode.
Improved barcode decoding accuracy for PDF417.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
Improved 1D barcode reader add-on in both barcode decoding accuracy and performance, especially for Code 39 and Code 128.
Improved WPF control of Dynamic .NET TWAIN in the performance of image displaying.
Improved speed for multi-page PDF loading and viewing.
Added new method ConvertPDFToImage(byte[], resolution)
for converting PDF byte array to images.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
Added ScanInNewProcess
property for acquiring images in an independent 32-bit process. With the new process, you can now access 32-bit TWAIN scanners from 64-bit applications.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
PDF Rasterizer, which performs high-quality conversion from a PDF file (image-based or text-based) to an image. In this way, the output image can be successfully loaded into Dynamic .NET TWAIN.
Added OCR methods
, GetOCRResultPageCount
, GetOCRResultLineCount
, GetOCRResultWordsCount
, GetOCRResultWordsRect
, GetOCRResultWordsFontSize
, GetOCRResultWordsFontName
Added support for loading encrypted PDF files.
Optimized memory usage of both Dynamic .NET TWAIN WinForm and WPF controls.
method is added to the WPF control.
A user-friendly demo guide program - “Dynamic .NET TWAIN SDK” - is now available. You can run it from the shortcut icon on the desktop and have an overall view of all demos & sample code.
A developer’s guide (PDF) is added to installation path\Dynamsoft\Dynamic .NET TWAIN 5.1 Trial\Documentation. It helps developers learn how to use the Dynamic .NET TWAIN component step by step.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
Added WPF version of Dynamic .NET TWAIN, which makes it easier to integrate document scanning feature into your WPF applications.
Added an IfShowCancelDialogWhenBarcodeOrOCR
property to display a progress bar while doing barcode or OCR.
Added an OnWaitForEnd
event to detect the beginning and ending of Barcode/OCR progress.
Changed the way trial notification is displayed to make it more friendly.
Added GIF format support for load and download methods.
Added JPEG Compression type to TiffCompressionType
Upgraded Tesseract OCR engine for OCR add-on. It now supports saving OCR result into PDF/A 1-b.
Improved the Print
method so that users are able to print the desired number of pages instead of just all of them.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
Greatly improved speed and robustness of the barcode recognition.
Added property BarcodeDllPath
to return or set the barcode dll path.
Added property LicenseKeys
for flexible licensing.
Added property SelectionRectAspectRatio
to return or set the selection rectangle aspect ratio.
Added methods SetSelectionRectPosition
, GetSelectionRect
and ClearSelectionRect
to manipulate the selection rectangle.
Improved the OCR method to enable recognition for a certain area.
Added method EnableSourceUI
to change and save scanner profiles.
Added property MaxBarcodesToRead
to get or set the maximum number of barcodes to be detected.
Improved method Print
for flexible print settings.
Added methods GetImageIndexByGuid
, GetImageGuidByIndex
and SetImageGuidByIndex
to manage scanned images by its GUID (Globally Unique Identifier).
Added an advanced sample. Improved the barcode and OCR demos.
Changed the way trial notification is displayed to make it more friendly.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
Added GetSourceType
method to detect source type, i.e. scanner or webcam.
Added GetSkewAngle
and GetSkewAngleEx
methods to calculate skew angle of scanned image. It can be used with Rotate
(or RotateEx
) method for deskew purpose.
Improved performance of Barcode Reader add-on.
Improved PDF decoder for better compatibility.
Improved the performance and compatibility of webcam model.
Improved image display quality in the image viewer by using Windows GDI+ Draw Mode.
Fixed bug where accessing scanner via Events leads to scanner hang with ScanInNewThread
Fixed bug where image DPI changed (in rare cases) after calling LoadImage
Fixed a few minor bugs of webcam model and OCR add-on.
Added new add-on: OCR (Optical Character Recognition) - OCR documents in different languages and convert them to searchable PDF/text.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
Added new add-on: Annotation - markup and draw objects onto a PDF document.
Added new add-on: Barcode (1D) - support 1D barcode recognition.
Added new add-on: Barcode (2D) - support 2D barcode recognition.
Added new add-on: Webcam - acquire an image from a webcam, edit and then upload to a database or web server.
Supports TWAIN Specification 2.1.
Added ScanInNewThread
property to allow Dynamic .NET TWAIN to communicate with the scanner in a separate thread.
Added OnSourceUIClose
event which is triggered after the user closes the scanner UI.
Added CapValueType
Other new methods, events and properties for the add-ons.
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
Image Annotation supported.
Print supported.
Added support for fitting image width or height to viewer window by setting the property FitWindowType
Added property IfShowPrintUI
to show the UI of the printer.
Added more image processing methods including Invert
and GrayScale
New properties:
, FitWindowType
, AnnotationTextFont
, AnnotationTextColor
, AnnotationPen
, AnnotationFillColor
, AnnotationType
, IfSaveAnnotations
New methods:
, Invert
, GrayScale
, GetAllAnnotationDataList
, LoadAnnotationDataList
, GetSelectedAnnotationList
, CreateAnnotation
, DeleteAnnotations
, ChangeAnnotationPosition
New events:
, OnAnnotationDeselected
, OnAnnotationCreated
, OnAnnotationMoved
, OnAnnotationResized
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and above supported.
Added support for running under any CPU (x86-32bit; x64-64bit). Under x86, all 32-bit drivers can be found. Under x64, 64-bit drivers can be found and used.
Added PDFPageSize
property to set the page size of PDF files. All page size values listed in DWTPDFPageSize
are supported.
Added properties to set the PDF margins: PDFMarginBottom
, PDFMarginLeft
, PDFMarginRight
, PDFMarginTop
Optimized the zoom feature: smoother transformation when zooming in/out an image.
Added methods to save the settings of the user interface of the source: SaveCustomDSData
, SaveCustomDSDataEx
Added methods to restore the saved settings of the user interface: LoadCustomDSData
, LoadCustomDSDataEx
Other minor fixes and tweaks.
latest version