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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer for Your Website

Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer allows your website to easily control the camera in the browser on desktop or mobile devices.

With the SDK integrated, your users can open your website in a browser, access their cameras to stream live video and acquire real-time frames for further processing. The SDK also supports simple shape drawing, allowing information to be presented directly on the video stream or over a static image for integrated user interaction.

In this guide, you will learn step by step on how to integrate the Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer SDK into your website.

Adding the SDK

To use the SDK, we first add the following packages:

  1. dynamsoft-camera-enhancer: Required, it provides the camera related functionalities used in this guide.
  2. dynamsoft-core: Required, it includes basic classes, interfaces, and enumerations that are shared between all Dynamsoft SDKs.
  3. dynamsoft-license: Optional, if you wish to utilize advanced features such as auto-zoom, enhanced focus, and tap-to-focus, you will need it.

Use a CDN

The simplest way to add the SDK is to use a CDN such as jsDelivr or UNPKG.

  • jsDelivr

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

In some rare cases, you might not be able to access the CDN. If this happens, you can use

Host the SDK yourself

Besides using the CDN, you can also download the SDK and host it locally.

The following shows a few ways to download the SDK.

  • yarn

    yarn add dynamsoft-camera-enhancer
  • npm

    npm install dynamsoft-camera-enhancer --save

Note: Upon installation of dynamsoft-camera-enhancer, a compatible versions of dynamsoft-core will be automatically installed if not installed already.

Depending on how you downloaded the SDK and where you put it. You can typically add it like this:

<script src="./node_modules/dynamsoft-core/dist/core.js"></script>
<script src="./node_modules/dynamsoft-camera-enhancer/dist/dce.js"></script>

Read more on how to host the SDK.

Using the SDK

Stream live video

We can create a CameraEnhancer instance to open and show the video stream on the page. The following code snippet demonstrates the complete process:

  1. Create a CameraView instance. In our case, it’s named cameraView;
  2. Pass cameraView to the method createInstance() to create a CameraEnhancer instance. This way, cameraView is bound to the created object cameraEnhancer;
  3. Show the UI element of cameraView by appending it to an existing element in the DOM;
  4. Open the video stream which will show up in the UI Element.
<!-- Define an element to hold the UI element -->
<div id="enhancerUIContainer" style="width:1280px;height:720px;"></div>
  (async () => {
      // Initializes the license for using the SDK in the application.
      // A default UI will be used if no parameter is passed to 'CameraView.createInstance()'.
      let cameraView = await Dynamsoft.DCE.CameraView.createInstance();
       // Create 'CameraEnhancer' instance and pass 'cameraView' to it.
      let cameraEnhancer = await Dynamsoft.DCE.CameraEnhancer.createInstance(cameraView);
      // Get 'CameraView' instance's UI and append it to DOM.
      // Open the camera and start streaming the video on the page.

Capture image frames

There are two ways to capture image frames with Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer.

  • Capture a single latest frame

    This is done with the method fetchImage() as shown in the following code snippet:

    let img = cameraEnhancer.fetchImage();
  • Start a capture loop that captures multiple frames at a steady interval into a buffer and then read frames from the buffer. The following code snippet shows how it works:

    // Capture an image frame every 2 seconds and subsequently append it to the buffer.
    // The event "frameAddedToBuffer" is triggered whenever a new frame is added to the buffer.
    cameraEnhancer.on("frameAddedToBuffer", () => {
      let img = cameraEnhancer.getImage();
    // Start the built-in fetching loop.

Use ImageEditorView

The other view class ImageEditorView is designed to show a single image. The following code snippet shows a single frame in an ImageEditorView instance and draws a rectangle on the image:

<div id="imageEditorContainer" style="width:1280px;height:720px;"></div>
// The default UI will be used if no parameter is provided to 'ImageEditorView.createInstance()'.
let editorView = await Dynamsoft.DCE.ImageEditorView.createInstance();
// Retrieve the UI of the 'editorView' instance and append it to the DOM.
// When the video is already playing, capture an image and draw it on the ImageEditorView.
let img = cameraEnhancer.fetchImage();
// Draw a rectangle on the image.
let drawingLayer = editorView.createDrawingLayer();
let rect = new Dynamsoft.DCE.RectDrawingItem(
    x: 100,
    y: 100,
    width: 1070,
    height: 520

Once the rectangle appears on the image, you can click to select it and adjust its position, size, etc.

Read more about How to draw shapes.

Customize the UI

The built-in UI of the CameraView instance is defined in the file dist/dce.ui.html. You can copy the file dist/dce.ui.html to your project, modify it and pass its path in the API createInstance to set it as the default UI.

// The following line needs to be executed before the API `open()` is called to take effect.
  • Build the UI element into your own web page and specify it when calling createInstance.

    • Embed only the video
    <div id="enhancerUIContainer" style="width:1280px;height:720px;background:#ddd;" >
      <div class="dce-video-container" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></div>
        (async () => {
          // Initializes the license for using the SDK in the application.
          // Create 'CameraView' instance and pass the element "enhancerUIContainer" as its UI.
          let cameraView = await Dynamsoft.DCE.CameraView.createInstance(document.getElementById("enhancerUIContainer"));
          let cameraEnhancer = await Dynamsoft.DCE.CameraEnhancer.createInstance(cameraView);

    The video element will be created and appended to the DIV element with the class dce-video-container, make sure the class name is the same.

    • Add the camera list and resolution list. If the class names for these lists match the default ones, dce-sel-camera and dce-sel-resolution , the SDK will automatically populate the lists and handle the camera/resolution switching.
    <div id="enhancerUIContainer" style="position:relative;width:1280px;height:720px;background:#ddd;" >
      <div class="dce-video-container" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></div>
      <div style="position: absolute;left: 0;top: 0;">
        <select class="dce-sel-camera" style="display: block;"></select>
    <div id="enhancerUIContainer" style="position:relative;width:1280px;height:720px;background:#ddd;" >
      <div class="dce-video-container" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></div>
      <div style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;">
        <select class="dce-sel-camera" style="display:block;"></select>
        <select class="dce-sel-resolution" style="display:block;margin-top:5px;"></select>

    By default, only 3 hard-coded resolutions (1920 x 1080, 1280 x 720, 640 x 480), are populated as options. You can show a customized set of options by hardcoding them.

    <select class="dce-sel-resolution">
        <option class="dce-opt-gotResolution" value="got"></option>
        <option data-width="1920" data-height="1080">1920x1080</option>
        <option data-width="1280" data-height="720">1280x720</option>
        <option data-width="640" data-height="480">640x480</option>

    Generally, you need to provide a resolution that the camera supports. However, in case a camera does not support the specified resolution, it usually uses the closest supported resolution. As a result, the selected resolution may not be the actual resolution. In this case, add an option with the class name dce-opt-gotResolution (as shown above) and the SDK will then use it to show the actual resolution.

Hosting the SDK

Step One: Deploy the dist folder

Once you have downloaded the SDK, you can locate the “dist” directory and copy it to your project (usually as part of your website / web application). The following shows some of the files in this directory:

  • dce.js // The main SDK file
  • dce.mjs // For using the SDK as a module (<script type="module">)
  • dce.ui.html // Defines the default cameraEnhancer UI

Step Two: Configure the Server

  • Enable HTTPS

    To use the SDK, you must access your website / web application via a secure HTTPS connection. This is due to browser security restrictions which only grant camera video streaming access to a secure context.

    For convenience, self-signed certificates can be used during development and testing. You can also use “http://localhost” which allows camera access without an SSL certificate.

Step Three: Add the SDK from the server

Now that the SDK is hosted on your server, you can add it accordingly.

<script src=""></script>


Can I open the web page directly from the hard drive?

Yes, for simple testing purposes, it’s ok to open the file directly from the hard drive (file://). However, you might encounter some issues in doing so (cannot access camera, etc.). The recommendation is to deploy this page to your web server and run it over HTTPS or use “http://localhost” during development.

If you don’t have a ready-to-use web server but have a package manager like npm or yarn, you can set up a simple HTTP server in minutes. Check out http-server on npm or http-server on yarn.

Why can’t I use my camera?

If you open the web page as http:// , the camera may not work and you see a warnings or an error in the browser console. This is usually because the API getUserMedia requires HTTPS to access the camera.

To make sure your web application can access the camera, please configure your web server to support HTTPS. The following links may help.

API Documentation

You can check out the detailed documentation about the APIs of the SDK at

System Requirements

DCE requires the following features to work:

  • Secure context (HTTPS deployment)

    When deploying your application / website for production, make sure to serve it via a secure HTTPS connection. This is required for two reasons

    • Access to the camera video stream is only granted in a security context. Most browsers impose this restriction.

      Some browsers like Chrome may grant the access for and http://localhost or even for pages opened directly from the local disk (file:///...). This can be helpful for temporary development and test.

    • Dynamsoft License requires a secure context to work.
  • MediaDevices/getUserMedia

    This API is only required for in-browser video streaming.

  • getSettings

    This API inspects the video input which is a MediaStreamTrack object about its constrainable properties.

The following table is a list of supported browsers based on the above requirements:

Browser Name Version
Chrome v59+
Firefox v63+
Edge v79+
Safari v11+

Apart from the browsers, the operating systems may impose some limitations of their own that could restrict the use of the SDK. Browser compatibility ultimately depends on whether the browser on that particular operating system supports the features listed above.

Release Notes

Learn about what are included in each release at

Next Steps

Now that you have got the SDK integrated, you can choose to move forward in the following directions

  1. Check out the official samples on Github.
  2. Learn about the available APIs.
  3. Learn more about the Shape Drawing Feature.

Version 4.0.2

  • version 4.0.2
  • Version 4.x
    • Version 4.0.2
    • Version 4.0.1
    • Version 4.0.0
  • Version 3.x
    • Version 3.3.10
    • Version 3.3.9
    • Version 3.3.8
    • Version 3.3.7
    • Version 3.3.6
    • Version 3.3.5
    • Version 3.3.4
    • Version 3.3.3
    • Version 3.3.2
    • Version 3.3.1
    • Version 3.3.0
    • Version 3.2.0
    • Version 3.1.0
    • Version 3.0.1
    • Version 3.0.0
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.3.5
    • Version 2.3.2
    • Version 2.3.1
    • Version 2.3.0
    • Version 2.1.4
    • Version 2.1.3
    • Version 2.1.0
    • Version 2.0.0
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